二十笔实用成语 34

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二十笔实用成语 34

帖子 royl » 周六 1月 29, 2011 6:13 pm

二十笔实用成语 34

01. amenable to, be
定义: 愿意接受的, 容易控制或影响的.
例句: The broad masses of a population are more amenable to the appeal of rhetoric than to any other force. (比起其他的影响力, 广大的民众更容易受到花言巧语的影响)

02. American apologist, an
定义: 为美国辩护者.
例句: That fact is so uncomfortable that even the most ingenious American apologist prefers to say nothing about it. (这个事实造成如此地令人不安, 即使最会狡辩的替美国辩护者都宁愿选择对此话题保持缄默)

03. American as apple pie, be (as)
定义: 就像苹果派一样的具有美国传统及特色.
例句: Immigration is as American as apple pie, yet SB 1070 will create felons of persons who cannot become citizens legally because the US immigration system is broken. (移民本来是美国传统及特色, 但由于美国移民系统残缺不全, 州参议院法案1070把不能合法成为公民者变成重罪犯)

04. American dream, an
定义: 美国梦. (注: 意指来美国享有机会平等, 物质富足的梦)
例句: The American Dream has been credited with helping to build a cohesive American experience, but has also been blamed for inflated expectations. (美国梦一直被归功于帮助建立一个凝聚性的美国经验, 但也被归咎于让许多人对它不切实际的期望)

05. American interest, an
定义: 美国的利益.
例句: Hold the bragging until we see some concrete results that advance the American interest. (在我们确实地看到一些提升美国利益的成果之前先别急着自吹自擂)

06. Americana
定义: 美国文物史料; 体现美国文化文明的事物.
例句: Americana refers to artifacts, or a collection of artifacts, related to the history, geography, folklore and cultural heritage of the United States. (美国文物史料是指与美国历史, 地理, 民俗与文化传统有关的工艺品, 或一系列的工艺品)

07. America's love affair with football, the
定义: 美国对美式足球的热爱.
例句: A lot of comedy has come out of America's love affair with football. Here are two that are entirely different, and yet somehow they do seem to have shades of each other delightful hokiness. (许多喜剧是源自于美国对足球的热爱. 这里有两出完全不同喜剧, 但由于某种原因两者共有一丝讨人喜欢的矫揉造作)

08. amigo, an
定义: [西班牙语]朋友.
例句: Oh, you're in big trouble, amigo. You think tinfoil is an ecological abomination. (哇, 朋友你有大麻烦了. 你认为包食物的锡箔纸是生态保护上令人憎恶的东西. 注: 因为许多美国人使用锡箔纸包吃剩的食物, 你说这句话等于你犯了众怒)

09. ammo
定义: 枪弹, 弹药. (注: ammo是ammunition的缩写)
例句: We stock rifle ammo and handgun ammo from top of the line manufacturers. (我们供应高档制造的步枪跟手枪的弹药)

10. among other things
定义: 除此以外还..., 其中包括.
例句: The scandal which brought Nixon down after it was disclosed that he, among other things: spied on Ted Kennedy, played a dirty trick on Muskie, broke into the Democrat's national headquarters. (造成尼克森下台的丑闻被公开之后揭露他, 其中包括, 派人跟监肯尼迪, 卑鄙欺骗穆斯基, 闯入民主党全国总部)

11. among others
定义: 除此以外还..., 其中包括.
例句: She met with the company's president and vice president, among others. (其中包括她会见此公司总裁与副总裁)

12. among those factors
定义: 那些因素包括.
例句: Among those factors are poor education; discriminatory practices against minorities and women; limited job opportunities; unstable family life; mental illness; and substance abuse. (那些因素包括劣质教育; 对少数族群和女人的歧视; 有限的工作机会; 不稳定家庭生活; 心理疾病; 及毒品滥用)

13. amor fati
定义: 乐于接受命运安排态度, 宿命态度.
例句: Amor fati is used to describe an attitude in which one sees everything that happens in one's life, including suffering and loss, as good. (乐于接受命运安排态度是用来描述一个人把每一件发生在他生命中的事情, 包括痛苦与损失, 视为对他有益的一种态度)

14. amoral vs. immoral
[易混淆字或片语]amoral(形容词)与道德无关的, 在道德之外的; immoral(形容词)不道德的, 与道德原则抵触的.

15. amount to the same thing, to
定义: 结果相同, 与...完全一致.
例句: If you were to make the same decision a few thousand times, and had to pick a given strategy, then they would amount to the same thing. (假如你要做同一决定几千次, 你还必须要选择某一个策略, 则它们的结果仍然是一样的)

16. amount to, to
定义: 总计为, 等于.
例句: If it amounts to bribery to pay for an overseas sightseeing trip, what does it say about our Congress, whose members regularly accept such trips? (如果接受别人付钱的海外观光旅游等同于贿赂的话, 我们国会议员们经常接受这种旅游, 那别人对我们国会的看法是如何呢?)

17. amp, an
定义: 放大器. (注: amp是amplifier缩写)
例句: The guitar would sound like a normal acoustic guitar to anyone who heard your playing if you have headphones plugged into the amp. (如果你把你的耳机插入放大器的话, 别人听到你所弹的电吉他声音跟普通木吉他声音一样)

18. amplify on, to
定义: 扩大解释, 详述.
例句: At the risk of repeating myself, let me amplify on a point I made earlier: Several commentators have noticed the disturbing parallels between the regimes of Bush and Hitler. (冒着别人认为我老话重提之险, 让我扩大解释我早前的观点: 几位评论员已经注意到布什跟希特勒政权两者极为相似之处)

19. amusement park, an
定义: 游乐园, 观光游乐园.
例句: Whether it's a side trip, a vacation close to home, or a destination unto itself, you can't beat the action-packed adventure of an amusement park. (不管这是一个顺便的旅游, 离家不远的假期, 或是专程目的地, 你找不到比观光游乐园更紧张刺激的冒险活动)

20. an authority on, be
定义: 在某领域上是权威的.
例句: Dr. Johnson is an authority on the history of rivers and engineering, and has published more than 30 accounts on the subject. (强森博士是河流与工程历史的权威, 他已经发表了超过三十个跟这主题有关的报告)



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