二十笔实用成语 38

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二十笔实用成语 38

帖子 royl » 周二 2月 01, 2011 5:30 pm

二十笔实用成语 38

01. another matter altogether, be
定义: 完全是另外一回事; 完全是两码事.
例句: Some of these descriptions mix privacy with solitude, which strikes me as another matter altogether. (这些描述有一部分把隐私跟独处混淆在一起, 在我看来完全是两码事)

02. another nail in the coffin, be
定义: 又一个致命的一击, 挫败.
例句: And now they want to drive another nail in the coffin — a massive tax hike on the very people who will dig us out of this recession by expanding their businesses and creating jobs. (现在他们又想发出另一个致命的一击– 对每一个将要扩大生意与创造就业机会来帮助我们脱离经济衰退的人们大幅度地增加赋税)

03. another rainless day
定义: 又一个没下雨的天.
例句: Well another rainless day and I now hear on the news that the Los Angeles may be declared a drought zone. (唉, 又一个没下雨的天, 我最近听到一些消息, 洛杉矶可能会被宣布成为旱灾地区)

04. another turn of the screw
定义: 加紧施加压力, 施加更大压力.
例句: After direct, indirect, and deferred wages have all suffered from long-term erosion, the reforms amount to another turn of the screw further lowering workers' living conditions. (经由直接或间接方式, 拖欠薪资让大家都遭到长期的伤害, 这些改革等同于对更加降低工人生活条件施加更大压力)

05. answer back, to
定义: (小孩跟大人)顶嘴, 回嘴.
例句: The teacher, Mr. Jones, told Julie off; she answered him back and she was really rude. (这位老师, 琼斯先生, 斥责茱莉; 她跟他回嘴, 她的态度真是粗鲁无礼)

06. answer for ..., to
定义: 为...负责; 为...接受惩罚; 做为...的使用.
例句: Now he and members of Congress may have to answer for the millions in campaign contributions they've taken from the oil and gas giant over the years. (此刻他跟国会议员将必须要对他们多年来从巨型油气公司收受数百万元的竞选捐献负起责任)

07. answer is ..., the
定义: 答案是...
例句: If the answer is no, the consular officer will certify that it was not the person's intent to relinquish US citizenship and, consequently, find that the person has retained US citizenship. (如果答案是否定的话, 这位领事官员会证实此人无意要放弃美国公民, 核实此人仍具美国公民身份)

08. answer the call of ..., to
定义: 响应...的呼唤; 回应...的呼求.
例句: We always answer the call of a friend in need and always punish those that stand against us to the furthest degree. (我们毫无例外地呼应落难友人的呼求, 永远痛惩那些跟我们作对的人)

09. answer the phone, to
定义: 接电话.
例句: The first thing to do when you answer the phone is to understand who is calling and what they want. (当你接电话时首先要做的事情是知道谁打来的, 他/她想要什么)

10. answer to ..., to
定义: 跟...符合; 向...报告或解释; 向...负责.
例句: Politicians here seem to think that they answer to no one, not even the people. (这里的政客好像自以为不须要跟任何人负起责任, 甚至于不须要跟人民负责)

11. answer to a maiden's prayer, the
定义: 达到了某人的心愿; 梦想成真; 找到了理想的对象.
例句: Her only viable beau is a government bacteriologist, Walter, a shy, awkward stick and not an answer to a maiden's prayer. (她唯一有希望的追求者是一位在政府工作的细菌学家, 华特,一位腼腆的, 不善交际的高瘦男子, 他并不算是个理想对象)

12. answer to a name, to
定义: 对名字的回应.
例句: My uncle's real name is "Edwin," but he doesn't answer to that name. He prefers to be called "Ed." (我舅舅真名是"埃得温." 但他并不回应这个名字. 他宁愿别人称呼他为"埃得.")

13. answers on a postcard, the
定义: 明显易见的答案; 某人很想知道别人的想法.
例句: Well they are foreign, they're no longer human beings, so what else can you call them? Answers on a postcard please! (他们是异类, 他们已经不是人类, 我们还能称呼他们什么吗? 请告诉你的想法!)

14. ante up, to
定义: (赌博)下注; 付清.
例句: The dealer waited until everyone had anted up before he dealt the cards. (发牌者等到所有人都下了注才发牌)

15. ante- vs. anti-
[易混淆字或片语]ante-是在...之前的复合字的字首; anti-是相反, 反对, 敌对的复合字的字首. (例如: anteroom是前房或接待室; antibody是抗体或抗生素)

16. anti-ballistic missile defense countermeasures
定义: [武器术语]导弹防卫反制措施.
例句: Anti-ballistic missile defense countermeasures are tactical or strategic actions taken by an attacker to overwhelm, destroy, or evade anti-ballistic missile defenses. (导弹防卫反制措施是攻击的一方所采取的战术或战略行动用来压制, 摧毁, 或规避对方的反导防卫系统)

17. antifreeze
定义: 汽车防冻液; [俚语]烈酒.
例句: On cold days like this it sometimes makes people feel better to pour down some antifreeze to chase away the chills. (像这么冷的天, 有时喝下一些烈酒会让人们驱寒后感觉舒服些)

18. Antitrust Law, the
定义: 反托拉斯法, 反不公平或垄断性商业活动的法案.
例句: Support for both an antitrust law and tariff hikes would maintain high prices while avoiding the more obvious bilking of consumers. (对反托拉斯法跟提高关税的支持会保持高物价水平, 同时避免对消费者的显然剥削)

19. anti-war protester, an
定义: 反战示威者, 抗议战争者.
例句: Actress Fonda, an anti-war protester in her youth, angered much of America when she publicly met with American POWs as a guest of the enemy. (女演员方达小姐, 在年青时是位反战示威者, 当她在敌国作客时会见了美国战俘, 引起了许多美国人的愤怒)

20. antsy at, be
定义: 坐立不安的, 焦急的, 烦燥的.
例句: I've trained myself to sit through long movies, but I usually get antsy at some point during anything longer than two hours. (我一直训练我自己耐着性子看完冗长的电影, 但是我经常会在任何超过两小时的时刻中表现出坐立不安)



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