二十笔实用成语 48

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二十笔实用成语 48

帖子 royl » 周六 2月 12, 2011 10:10 pm

二十笔实用成语 48

01. as far as something goes
定义: 某事或物而言.
例句: As far as BP goes, I have been waiting for someone to make that argument that the oil doesn't belong to BP, it just passed through a BP well. (就英国石油公司而言, 我一直等某人把原油不属于英国石油公司, 原油只是经过英国石油公司油井等做为他们的论据. 注: 意指等待某人的狡辩)

02 as far as something is concerned
定义: 至于某事, 就某事而言.
例句: As far as the Buddhism's ultimate liberation is concerned, the Bodhisattva path is recognized with a high esteem as the supreme practice both in Theravada and Mahayana. (就佛教的最终升华而言, 不论小乘佛家或大乘佛家, 成为菩萨的途径被众生怀着敬意视为崇高的修行)

03. as far as that goes/so far as that goes
定义: 至于, 其实, 而且, 此外.
例句: I am very laid-back as far as that goes. I like to poke fun at people, there's no harm with that, and it's all in good fun. (我其实很懒散. 我喜欢拿别人开玩笑, 但我并无恶意, 都只是善意的逗趣)

04. as far as that is concerned
定义: 至于, 其实, 而且, 此外.
例句: I think that most of the youth market would rather have an Element. Price is always the factor in the youth market, and the Scion kills the Element as far as that is concerned. (我认为大多数的年青市场宁愿购买本田元素. 价格一直是年青市场的因素, 对元素车市场来说, 丰田赛恩已经把它终结了)

05. as far as the eye can see
定义: 一望无际.
例句: Without the CBO's rose-colored glasses, we are looking at something like 1.5 trillion dollar deficits as far as the eye can see, and a Treasury debt of around 21 trillion dollars in just four years. (抛开国会预算局过于乐观看法, 我们所看到的是一望无际的1.5万亿赤字, 以及在四年内达到21万亿的财政债务)

06. as far back as 1995 ...
定义: 远在过去的1995年...
例句: Shell Petroleum Group predicted as far back as 1995 that, by the year 2050, solar power would be our main source of electricity. (远在1995年, 壳牌石油集团已预测, 到了2050年, 太阳能将成为发电的主要能源)

07. as fast as all get out
定义: 极快.
例句: I usually just took advantage of the fact that he was as fast as all get out and ran circles around my enemies while dodging their fire and launching missiles until I ran out of ammo. (我经常利用这个情况, 也就是他速度极快, 躲避炮火跟发射导弹上轻易快过我的敌人直到我用光弹药)

08. as fate would have it
定义: 冥冥中注定, 命中注定.
例句: As fate would have it, I fell in love, got married but the wife who is an American didn't like the UK so I moved to the USA in Oct 2009. (命中注定我坠入爱河结了婚, 但我妻子是美国人她不喜欢英国, 所以我在2009年十月迁居到美国)

09. as few as ...
定义: 像...一样少.
例句: With as few as about 300 remaining, North Atlantic Right Whales are one of the most endangered whales in the world. (由于少到大约三百只存活下来, 北大西洋露脊鲸是世界上濒临灭绝的鲸鱼之一)

10. as fog of battle clears
定义: 当战争的硝烟平静下来.
例句: As fog of battle clears, these companies will be best positioned to utilize their core competencies in service, design, distribution to capture a sizable share of China's market. (当战争的硝烟平静下来, 这些公司将居于最有利的位置利用他们在服务, 设计, 经销上核心竞争力取得中国市场可观的占有率)

11. as follow vs. as follows
[易混淆字或片语]as follows之意是"列举如下", 不论你列举一条或数条都应使用as follows; 至于as follow, 这是不正确用法.

12. as follows
定义: 以下的, 下述的. (用来介绍一些特定的说明, 解释或指示)
例句: Meeting room rules are as follows: 1. no smoking in the room; 2. no alcoholic beverages; 3. use of food and beverages shall be restricted to the meeting room. (以下是会议室的规定: 1. 禁止吸烟; 2. 禁止饮酒; 3. 食物与饮料只限制在会议室内饮用)

12. as for
定义: 有关于, 至于, 就...来说.
例句: As for his clothes – just rags, that was all. He had one ankle resting on the other knee; the boot on that foot was busted, and two of his toes stuck through. (至于他的衣服– 只是一些破布, 就是这些了. 他把一只脚踝安放在另一膝上; 那只脚上的靴子已经撑破了, 两只脚趾头也露出来了)

14. as for me
定义: 就我而言, 对我而言.
例句: As for me, it's a little pricey for my taste, but it's a real brand so I figured it was worth it. (对我而言, 这件物品对我来说有点贵, 但这是真实名牌货,所以我认为值得买)

15. as from ...
定义: 从...时起; 由...引起.
例句: The London Agreement, which will be in force as from 1 May 2008, with its main objective of reducing translation costs in proceedings for the validation of European Patents. (伦敦协议将要从2008年五月一号起生效, 它是以消除认可欧洲专利权申请手续的翻译成本做为主要目标)

16. as good a time as any, be
定义: 很好的时机.
例句: Today is as good a time as any if you want to make this your year. I wish you luck. (如果你要把今年成为你丰富的一年, 今天是个很好的起步时机. 祝你幸运)

17. as good as
定义: 几乎, 几近; 跟...一样好/有效.
例句: Are generic drugs as good as brand name drugs? In theory, yes. (无商标的药品跟名牌药品一样好吗? 理论上, 是的)

18. as good as it gets, be
定义: 好的不得了, 找不到更好的, 没法再改良的.
例句: Nicha's Restaurant is as good as it gets, we no longer live in San Antonio, but we hit it up every time we visit. (尼加餐厅好的不得了, 我们虽然已经不再住在圣安东尼奥, 但是我们每次造访圣安东尼奥时总会去尼加餐厅大快朵颐)

19. as good luck would have it
定义: 幸运的是, 幸好的是.
例句: Well, as good luck would have it, circumstances landed my career position as chemistry instructor at my very own old Alma Mater, Stafford High School. (幸运的是, 由于情况使然我在我自己的老母校, 斯塔福德高中, 找到了化学教师的工作)

20. as he points out
定义: 如他所指出.
例句: If he knew that information about her last job and if it were true and negative as he points out then why would he choose to work with her? (既然他已了解有关她的最后一份工作, 既然照他所指出,她工作态度是恶劣的而且是真实的, 那么他为什么选择跟她一起工作呢?)



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