二十笔实用成语 55

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二十笔实用成语 55

帖子 royl » 周四 2月 24, 2011 3:46 pm

二十笔实用成语 55

01. astound onlookers, to
定义: 令旁观者惊讶称奇.
例句: The trick continued to astound onlookers well into the early 1930's. Many of the world's greatest magicians traveled to India in hopes of tracing the origin. (这个戏法持续让旁观者惊讶称奇一直到一九三零年代初期. 许多世界上最优秀的魔术师们远赴印度希望能够追溯其根源)

02. astronomical numbers
定义: 庞大的, 令人无法置信的数字; 天文数字.
例句: We used to call them astronomical numbers. Now we should call them economical numbers. (我们以前称呼它们为天文数字. 现在我们应该称呼它们为经济数字)

03. at $50 a pop
定义: 五十块钱一件, 一张或一个.
例句: In one sense, it's odd for composers to be angry about paying fees, even at $50 a pop, to have their work considered. (在某种意义上, 造成作曲家们愤怒而令人奇怪的是因为他们必须先缴费, 五十块钱一件, 才会让他们的作品被考虑是否能参赛)

04. at a crucial moment
定义: 在一重要的关头或关键时刻.
例句: At a crucial moment in his life, Neil disobeys the dictum taught to him long ago by his criminal mentor: Never have anything that you can't walk out on in thirty seconds flat. (在生命的一个关键时刻, 尼尔没有遵循多年前他犯罪导师所教导的格言: 如果你没法在三十秒内逃逸的话, 别偷任何东西)

05. at a discount
定义: 减价的, 打折的, 低调的, 不受重视的.
例句: Distressed properties were sold at a discount of 27 percent in 2009 and 22 percent the previous year, according to RealtyTrac. (根据RealtyTrac , 2009年法拍屋以百分之27折价售出, 去年以百分之22折价售出)

06. at a distance
定义: 在远处, 一段距离外.
例句: At a distance, American radio audiences got their own version of the Blitz by listening to the radio broadcasts of Edward Murrow. (在远处, 美国听众经由爱德华.默罗的广播收听到他们的德国闪电战描述)

07. at a distance of one mile
定义: 一英哩之外.
例句: We build a circular wall all the way around the lighthouse at a distance of one mile, so the beam from the light house sweeps around the inside of the wall like a search light once every second. (我们沿着灯塔一英哩外建筑一道圆环围墙, 如此每秒钟一次灯塔扫射在墙内的光束如同探照灯一样)

08. at a fell swoop
定义: 一举, 一下子, 迅雷不及掩耳.
例句: Rather, I wish merely to suggest and make plausible the view that some institutional arrangement might be devised to solve the problem at a fell swoop. (相反的, 我只希望提出并证明这个观点是合情合理的, 也就是可以设计一个制度方案把这个问题一举解决)

09. at a gallop
定义: 急速地, 奔腾地.
例句: The act of turning the horse at a gallop teaches the rider to accept the feel of the horse as it adjusts its balance to negotiate circles. (当马绕着圆圈跑时它会调整自己的平衡, 马奔腾时转向的动作可以教导骑士领会马的感受)

10. at a glance
定义: 一瞥, 一览, 概览.
例句: I could see at a glance that the car was unsafe – a wheel was loose. (我可以一瞥就看到这部车子是不安全的– 一个轮子松脱了)

11. at a good clip
定义: 快步调地, 高速地.
例句: When you passed us you were going at a pretty good clip. (当你经过我们时你走的步调很快)

12. at a later/future date
定义: 在未来的某一天, 以后.
例句: The concern is that any software could be activated at a later date to disrupt critical systems. The intrusions were not just limited to the electrical power grid. (所关切的是任何软件都可以在未来的某一天被启动来中断重要系统. 这些入侵并不只限于对电力网的干扰)

13. at a loose end, be
定义: 无事可做的, 闲来无事的.
例句: Too often we are too busy, overscheduled and stressed. Being at a loose end is something we need to strive for more often, slow down and appreciate the world around us. (往往我们太繁忙, 行程过于紧凑和压力过大.我们须要争取闲逸下来, 放缓脚步, 欣赏我们周遭的世界)

14. at a loss
定义: 低于成本地, 亏本地, 不知所措, 困惑不解的.
例句: I am at a loss as to what could be causing the problem. (对于什么原因造成这个问题让我不知所措)

15. at a loss for words, be
定义: 无言以对, 瞠目结舌的.
例句: I am seldom at a loss for words. However, it seems whenever I approach this screen to write a blog, I get key-tied – the words do not flow easily. (我极少碰到不知该说什么的情形.但是, 好像每当我接触到这个屏幕写博文时, 我打不出字– 语言不流畅)

16. at a low ebb
定义: 低潮的, 衰退地, 不景气的.
例句: The divorce comes at a time when Jack's career is at a low ebb. (这个离婚事件发生在杰克生涯的低潮时刻)

17. at a moment's notice
定义: 随时地, 几乎马上地, 一经通知就立即地.
例句: We may call you at a moment's notice – whenever we need help. (当我们需要协助的时候, 我们可能会随时找你)

18. at a pinch
定义: 在紧要关头地.
例句: Will's car can take four people comfortably, five at a pinch. (威尔的车子可以宽裕地容纳四个人, 在紧要关头时可以容纳五个人)

19. at a premium
定义: 以稀为贵地, 高价格地, 高价值地, 被尊重地.
例句: Bonds sell at a value either at a premium, higher than their face value, or at a discount, below their face value. (债券如果以高价格出售, 也就是高于其面值, 或以折价出售, 低于其面值)

20. at a push
定义: 急需地, 紧急地.
例句: I could finish the job by Friday – at a push, Thursday afternoon. (我可以在星期五之前完成工作– 如果紧急的话, 我可以在星期四下午之前做好)



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