二十笔实用成语 63

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二十笔实用成语 63

帖子 royl » 周三 3月 09, 2011 2:15 am

二十笔实用成语 63

01. at ten minutes after the hour
定义: 整点后十分钟. (注: 假如整点是一点钟, 则时间是一点十分)
例句: Trains leave every hour at ten minutes after the hour. (火车在每个整点后十分钟离开)

02. at ten minutes before the hour
定义: 整点前十分钟. (注: 假如整点是一点钟, 则时间是十二点五十分)
例句: When two people came in for lunch at ten minutes before the hour, the newly-hired waitress told them to come back later. (当两个人在整点前十分钟进来吃午餐的时候, 这个新雇用的女服务员告诉他们等一会再来)

03. at that
定义: 另外, 除了...之外; 虽然, 尽管...仍然, 尽管如此, 可是, 然而; 到此为止, 不做进一步改变.
例句: Let's just say that I got in a little trouble with the police, and leave it at that. (这样说好了, 我跟警察惹了一点麻烦, 我就说到这里为止. 注: 显然说话者不愿意多谈这件不愉快的往事)

04. at that moment
定义: 在那一刻, 当时.
例句: When our eyes met at that moment, I know we will walk hand in hand till the end of time together. (当我们目光接触的那一刹时, 我知道我们将牵着手一起步入永恒. 注: 一见钟情)

05. at that point
定义: 在/到那个时刻.
例句: At that point, you can charge these people money, because not only will they buy what you're selling, they'll tell their friends who will tell their friends. (到那个时刻, 你可以跟这些人收费, 因为他们不只买你要卖的东西, 他们还会告知他们的朋友而他们的朋友再告知他们的朋友)

06. at that point in time
定义: 在/到那个时刻.
例句: Seemed like everything was really clicking our way, and John was really riding good at that point in time. (好像我们真得是事事如意, 无往不利, 而约翰在那个时刻真是一路风发)

07. at that rate
定义: 照那个情形, 依那个速度, 依这个费率. (注: 依那个速度意指太慢, 可能做不完)
例句: Most companies charge a three percent balance transfer fee. At that rate, it may not be worth changing credit cards at all. (大部分的信用卡公司收取卡债三个百分点的转卡费用. 依这个费率, 转换信用卡根本不值得)

08. at that stage
定义: 在那个步骤或阶段.
例句: You will be informed at that stage whether or not you have been shortlisted for an award. (你将会被通知是否你被列入奖金的决选名单)

09. at that stage of the game
定义: 在某个竞争活动的那个步骤或阶段.
例句: When the nation and the world seemed coming apart at the seams, and Harry Truman, at that stage of the game, gave no more hope than a bump on a log. (当这个国家跟世界好像要崩溃掉的时候,杜鲁门总统, 在这个战争阶段对前途不抱希望)

10. at that time
定义: 在那时.
例句: Gallup polling at that time found a substantial segment of Americans blaming the auto unions for the industry's problems, although more blamed auto executives. (尽管更加归咎汽车公司的主管们, 盖洛普民调在那时发现大部分的美国人归咎汽车工业的问题于汽车工人工会)

11. at that very moment
定义: 恰在那个的时刻.
例句: Despite my cheeks, fingers and toes being frozen, I felt warmth in my heart at that very moment, when the figure of 2009 appeared flashing in my eyes and the cheering came into my ears. (当闪亮的2009数字出现在眼中跟欢呼听在耳里, 尽管我的两颊, 手指和脚趾都冻僵, 我在那个时刻心中感到温暖)

12. at the appointed time
定义: 在约定好的时间.
例句: Punctuality – being there at the appointed time is one of the most important projections of an individual's character. (准时– 在约定好的时间出席是一个人的人格最重要的展示之一)

13. at the back of
定义: 在...之后; 支持.
例句: After I put down the chalk, a voice at the back of the room said, "Well, if you're so smart, why don't you come to La Paz to help us?" I laughed. (当我放下粉笔, 在教室后面一个声音说到, "如果你这么聪明, 你为什么不来拉巴斯帮助我们?" 我笑了一笑)

14. at the back of beyond
定义: 遥远偏僻; 遥不可及.
例句: Why, one might well ask, is this long, thin country at the back of beyond endowed with so much natural beauty? (有人可能会问, 为什么这个遥远偏僻, 狭长, 细窄的国家被上天赋予这么多的自然美景?)

15. at the beginning/start
定义: 从一开始, 起初, 首先.
例句: The only thing that further discourages debate is having such petty comments right at the beginning of it. (唯一更加阻碍辩论的是在会议一开始就有人发表一些鸡毛蒜皮, 言不及义的意见)

16. at the behest of ...
定义: 在...敦促或要求下.
例句: Average people come together not at the behest of a charismatic leader or a corporation, but at the behest of an idea. (普通群众聚集在一起不是在有魅力的领袖或大公司的要求下, 而是在一个理念的敦促的下做出的行动)

17. at the best of times
定义: 在最佳情况下, 即使在最有利情况下.
例句: Restaurants have tight budgets at the best of times. When they're opening, cash is flying out the door. (餐馆即使在最佳情况下预算仍然很紧. 当它们一开门, 现金开支就迅速消耗)

18. at the bidding of someone
定义: 听命于某人, 遵照某人的要求, 遵照某人意思办事, 充作某人马前卒.
例句: Iraqis had already suffered untold misery and pain and death under the sanctions imposed by the United Nations at the bidding of the United States. (在充作美国马前卒的联合国对伊拉克施加的制裁之下, 伊拉克人民已经遭受到数不清的悲伤, 痛苦跟死亡)

19. at the bottom of the heap
定义: 跌到谷底, 处于最糟糕情况; 敬陪末座, 居于(社会)底层的人.
例句: Those at the bottom of the heap feel that society has failed them. (那些居于社会底层的人感觉到社会忽视他们的需要)

20. at the bottom of the pile
定义: 跌到谷底, 处于最糟糕情况; 敬陪末座, 居于(社会)底层的人.
例句: The homeless are at the bottom of the pile with little hope of improving their situation. (那些跌到谷底, 无家可归的人对于改善他们困境不抱什么希望)



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