二十笔实用成语 76

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二十笔实用成语 76

帖子 royl » 周六 3月 26, 2011 4:11 pm

二十笔实用成语 76

01. bad debt, a
定义: 呆帐, 坏帐, 应收帐款无法收回的部分.
例句: Bad debt is the worst kind of debt and is not what you want. Credit cards and other consumer debt should be avoided. (坏帐是最糟糕的一种债务也是你别沾上的负担. 你应该避免卡债和其他消费者债务)

02. bad dream, a
定义: 恶梦, 梦魇.
例句: Almost every dog​​ owner has chuckled at the sight of Fido growling, kicking, and running in his bad dream. (几乎每一个狗主人看到宠物狗在恶梦中低吼又踢又跑曾发出开心微笑)

03. bad egg, a
定义: 坏蛋, 恶棍, 惹事生非者.
例句: Emily is a rea​​l bad egg – she's always starting fights and causing trouble. (艾美莉真是个坏蛋– 她总是惹事生非)

04. bad for us, it's
定义: 对我们不好/有坏处.
例句: Eating too much meat is bad for us; we're not talking about farmer brown's little farm anymore, its large corporate farms. (吃太多肉食对我们不好; 我们指的不再是家庭农场所生产的肉食, 我们指的是大型农场企业所生产的肉食)

05. bad guy, a
定义: 坏蛋, 坏胚子, 唱黑脸, (做得罪别人的)坏人.
例句: I just get the sense that you don't want to be the bad guy here and you also want to be the one who is right. Am I off base with that? (我刚才察觉到你不愿意做坏人, 而且你还想要做好人. 我没说错吧?)

06. bad hand at, a
定义: 对...不擅长, 不熟稔或不在行.
例句: I never cook, and I don't think I'ma bad hand at following recipes, but because of my inexperience I'd rather buy things like frozen foods. (我从来不烧饭, 我不认为我不擅长按照食谱烹饪, 但因为我的没经验我宁可买冷冻食品来吃)

07. bad hat, a
定义: 煽风点火之人, 麻烦制造者, 故意鼓动不必要麻烦, 挑弄是非之人.
例句: I kind of figured that she is mean, rude, snobby, and conceited; well, she's more than just a snob, she's a bad hat. (我有几分认为她粗鲁, 势利, 及自以为是; 其实, 她不止是个势利眼, 她是个麻烦制造者)

08. bad idea, a
定义: 馊主意.
例句: Indeed, there are so many reasons this strikes me as a bad idea to let kids run the global financial system. (确实地, 有许多理由让我突然想到让一些没有经验的年青人经营全球金融体系是个馊主意)

09. bad job, a
定义: 艰巨工作, 徒劳无功的任务.
例句: The old saying that "Winners never quit and quitters never win" is just plain wrong and leaving a bad job is just common sense. (有句老话说"赢者从来不半途而废, 半途而废者绝不会赢"是明显错误的, 放弃一个徒劳无功的任务根本是个常识)

10. bad life, a
定义: 道德颓丧, 为恶的生活; 潦倒, 不顺利的生活.
例句: It could be easier for them to move on with their lives and write the marriage off as a bad life experience, however for some males it is just not an option. (也许他们各奔前程把这段婚姻当作一个不顺利的生活经验对他们更容易接受, 但是对一些男人来说, 他们不会接受这个选择)

11. bad loan, a
定义: 不良贷款, 过期未收回的贷款.
例句: The same borrowers who were encouraged to refinance to remove cash, now can't qualify to refinance to get out of a bad loan and avoid foreclosure. (同一批借款人过去被鼓动在不必付头期款之下重新贷款, 现在他们却没有资格重新贷款来解决坏帐以及避免房屋被抵押公司没收)

12. bad lot, a
定义: 坏蛋, 恶棍, 骗子, 没出息的人.
例句: If, however, she is happy with him, you will have to let her go and find out for herself if he is a bad lot. (然而, 如果她对他满意的话, 你应该放手让她自己去发现他是不是一个骗子)

13. Bad luck!
[成语句型]你真倒霉啊! 真不走运! (注: 意指你同情某人的不幸)

14. bad move, a
定义: 坏着, 错招, 错误的行动.
例句: I think this is a bad move, mainly because it shows that these people are not as concerned about the health of their customers as they try to make us believe. (我认为这是一着错招, 主要是因为它显示出这些人并不像他们想要我们相信的一样如此关心他们客户的健康)

15. bad news, a
定义: [俚语]带麻烦者, 不受欢迎者, 危险的家伙.
例句: Think twice before you hire him since most people I've talked to say he's bad news. (在雇用他之前你要三思而行因为跟我谈到他的人大部分都说他是个带麻烦者)

16. bad off/badly off, be
定义: 穷困, 处于不幸困境中的.
例句: When I heard how bad off they were, I asked if I could do anything to help. (当我听到他们不幸的消息, 我曾问过我能帮些什么忙)

17. bad penny, a
定义: 不受欢迎的人或物.
例句: My little brother is a rea​​l bad penny. Every time he shows up, he wants to borrow money. (我这位老弟真是个不受欢迎的人. 每次他来找我就想要借钱)

18. bad press, a
定义: 恶评, 不利的报导, 口碑不好.
例句: And I'm expecting a flood of bad press surrounding the selection of the American Team to the Olympics. There are many good candidates but only a few can qualify. (我正等着如潮的不利报导环绕着美国奥林匹克队员的选拔. 因为有太多的出色候选人却只有少数几个人得到参选资格)

19. bad quarter of an hour, a
定义: 不愉快, 难过的短暂时刻.
例句: A temporary perch at best is such a sofa, agreeable only for the bad quarter of an hour when guests have assembled and dinner has not been announced. (当客人聚集而晚宴还没被宣布开始的时候, 短暂的休憩处充其量是这个沙发, 只适于难过的短暂时刻)

20. bad rap, a
定义: 背黑锅, 一个负面但不公平的指控.
例句: Much of what passes for evangelism today — unbiblical, sleazy, rightly deserving a bad rap — we have learned is not evangelism at all, but a pale shadow. (今日许多冒牌的传福音—不恪守圣经教导, 格调低下,完全值得外界的指控—我们所得知的根本不是真传福音而是一个苍白无力的表演)



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