二十笔实用成语 78

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二十笔实用成语 78

帖子 royl » 周一 3月 28, 2011 7:54 pm

二十笔实用成语 78

01. bag it, to
定义: 把物品放入袋里; 打包不干了, 放弃; 闭嘴, 安静别闹, 停止捣蛋, 离开.
例句: Finally in disgust I told my debating opponent to bag it. (最后我被弄得不痛快, 我叫我的辩论对手闭嘴)

02. bag lady, a
定义: [俚语]把自己财物收藏在购物袋地流浪街头的女人.
例句: Behind the restaurant, a bag lady was digging in the garbage bin. (在餐馆的后面, 一个流浪街头的女人在垃圾桶里寻找食物)

03. bag of bones, a
定义: 皮包骨, 瘦骨嶙峋的人或动物.
例句: I've lost so much weight that I'm just turning into a bag of bones. (我瘦了许多我简直变成了皮包骨)

04. bag of nerves, a
定义: 担心紧张, 惶惶不可终日的人.
例句: I was a bag of nerves initially at the driving school and my instructor transformed me into a newly licensed driver. (刚进驾驶训练班时我过份紧张, 而我的教练却把我转变成一个刚拿到驾照的驾驶人)

05. bag of tricks, a
定义: [俚语]一套锦囊妙计, 可以达成任务的计谋或窍门.
例句: You don't need a big bag of tricks to make your cheating husband love you again because sex and love don't go hand in hand with the male of the species. (你不需要一大套锦囊妙计使你在外劈腿的先生再爱你因为性与爱对男性来说并非完全有关联. 注: 意指男人在外偷腥是找性刺激, 不见得跟爱有关)

06. bag of wind, a
定义: 喋喋不休的人, 夸夸其谈之人.
例句: We are students of words; we are shut up in schools, for ten or fifteen years, and come out at last with a bag of wind. (我们是一群爱说话的学生, 十到十五年来学校不让我们说话, 最终我们变成了喋喋不休的人)

07. bag some rays, to
定义: 晒点太阳, 晒日光浴.
例句: A luau-themed pool party made for a fun and relaxing time for friends to bag some rays and catch up on each other's lives. (一个夏威夷式的池边派对给予朋友们欢乐和轻松的时光让大家晒点太阳, 倾听上次别后双方的生活故事)

08. baggage claim area, the
定义: (机场)行李提取处/区.
例句: Last week, Sky Harbor began a new policy of conducting random luggage checks and increased video surveillance and patrols in the baggage claim area. (上星期, 空港开始一个新政策, 实施随机行李检查, 增加视讯监控以及增加对行李提取区的巡逻)

09. baggy pants, a pair of
定义: 松垮垮裤子.
例句: The city council is considering an amendment to ban baggy pants, but critics argue the legislation is a crackdown on culture, not clothes. (市议会现在正考虑一个修正案禁止松垮裤子, 但批评者争论这条立法乃是个针对文化的打压而不是针对衣着)

10. bags all packed and ready to go, with
定义: 打好包准备离开.
例句: With bags all packed and ready to go I found out all my money is gone and I'm left with just 24 dollars which were in my rucksack. (当我打好包准备要离开时, 我发现我的钱都不见了, 我只剩下24块钱在我背包里)

11. Bags I!
定义: [英国儿童常用惊叹语]那是我的! 我要做这个的! 不是你!
例句: Bags I go first. (这次轮到我先走!)

12. bags of ...
定义: 很多的...
例句: This workshop is a chance to get creative with everyday materials. I guarantee you'll have bags of fun. (这个研习班给予我们机会使用家常材料来创新. 我保证你们会得到很多的乐趣)

13. bags of mystery, the
定义: 香肠, 干香肠, 神秘肉品. (注: 幽默地指出香肠内所放的肉类或其内容令人怀疑)
例句: If you wake up with a hangover tomorrow, you might not want to order sausages with breakfast—they're also referred to as bags of mystery. (如果你明天从宿醉中醒来, 你最好别点香肠在你的早餐里—它们也被人称为神秘肉品)

14. bags under the eyes
定义: 眼袋. 显示出尤其是因为缺乏睡眠.
例句: The problem of bags under the eyes is quite common among people worldwide, especially those who are leading a stressful life. (眼袋的问题在全世界人们中相当普遍, 尤其是那些过着压力繁重生活的人们)

15. Bah!
定义: [惊叹语]呸! (注: 意指轻蔑, 厌恶的表示)
例句: Bah! There is no tooth fairy! (呸! 这世界上根本没有牙齿仙女. 注: 在美国, "相信牙齿仙女存在"经常被人拿来讥讽为迷信与无知的指控; 但可笑的是,许多父母却对天真无邪的小朋友讲述牙齿仙女的故事, 这到底要怪谁呢?)

16. bail out, to
定义: 跳伞逃生, 解脱困境, 离开.
例句: Luckily, the pilot bailed out before his plane hit the side of the mountain. (幸运的是, 这个飞行员在飞机撞上山壁之前就已经跳伞逃生)

17. bail someone out, to
定义: 救某人脱困, 保释某人出狱.
例句: He got thrown in jail for drunk driving, but his father bailed him out. (他因为酒驾被关进看守所, 但他的父亲把他保释出来)

18. bail water with a sieve, to
定义: 用筛网子排水, 竹篮子排水. (注: bail water就是排除积水, 但拿个筛网去排除积水根本无济于事)
例句: These companies are like a sinking ship and the government is telling these all-important executives to bail water with a sieve. (这些公司像一艘将沉之船, 而这个政府却告诉这些”首要的”主管们拿竹篮子排水. 注: all-important在此是个幽默的讽刺语)

19. bait and switch tactic, a
定义: 偷天换日, 偷梁换柱. (注: 意指一种不诚实售货的技俩: 先以低钱商品吸引顾客进门, 再诱导顾客买昂贵商品)
例句: The bait and switch tactic has gained notoriety in the mortgage market as an unscrupulous marketing tactic meant to drive more business. (使用一个无道德原则的策略来催动更多的生意, 偷天换日这种技俩已经在抵押信贷市场里臭名昭著)

20. baked, be
定义: 吸毒或醉酒后进入茫茫然的状态.
例句: I think Mary Jane was pretty baked last night—her eyes were bright red, and she sat in front of the television for six hours straight without moving. (我估计玛莉珍昨晚喝得相当醉茫茫—她两眼红通通, 一口气坐在电视前面六个钟头动都不动)



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