Like wearing mini-skirt ... 美国人写作 “三不” 之不写长句

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Like wearing mini-skirt ... 美国人写作 “三不” 之不写长句

帖子 suyu » 周五 4月 02, 2010 3:44 pm

时间:2009-02-18 来源:jxenglish

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由于美国人生活繁忙、紧张,讲求快速,时间就是金钱,所以近年来许多美国大学也在推行日常生活的讲和写,不用难字,不写长句,不含偏见的“三不”。也就是说,尽量使用简短易懂的白话英语 (Plain English),写得愈白愈好,用字愈少愈妙,使别人可以一目了然,充分了解。这不但可节省“思索”时间,也可避免对方的误解。还有,老外为了族群和谐相处,也不使用带有偏见的字眼。

想起一位深受美国人民爱戴,一向主张不写长句、不噜苏的美国已故参议员 Stephen Young,他每次受邀参加会议、演讲、宴会时,他的回信只有三个字「我会到」(I'll be there)……。也有人打趣的说:「讲演或写作的句子,就像穿迷你裙,愈短愈好。」

Like wearing mini-skirt, sentences in speech or writing should be the shorter,the better.


2. 老外也主张不写噜苏或绚丽的字眼(flowery or wordy),句子应该越短越好,一句能用两个字,绝不多加一个。 例如:

At this point in time, we should pull together for our goal. (现在我们应该为我们的目标团结一致)(如果说:Now, we should pull……更简单。因为 at this point in time = now)

Despite the fact that my English is not very good, I am not discouraged. (虽然我的英语不好,但我不灰心。) (如果说:Although my English is not…… 就更简短。因为despite the fact that= although = Though)

I am of the opinion that Mr. Lee should resign from this position. (我想李先生应该辞职) (假如说:I think Mr. Lee should……不是更简单吗?因为I am of the opinion = I think)

He quitted the job due to the fact that he was sick. (他由于生病而辞职)(若说:He quitted the job because he was sick. 更简单。因为 due to the fact that = because)

In the majority of cases,he likes to ride bike to the office.(他通常喜欢骑单车到办公室) (如果说:Usually, he likes to ride…… 更简单。因为 in the majority of cases = usually)

She shows a preference for tea rather than coffee. (她喜欢茶而不是咖啡)(若说:She prefers tea rather……更简短清楚,因为 show a preference for = prefer)

I will bring the matter to the attention of Mr. Wang. (我要通知王先生)

如果只说:I will tell Mr. Wang (about the matter)。 不是更简单吗?因为 bring the matter to the attention of = tell = inform) (句子最后面:「about the matter」可以省去); 同理,也要避免意义的重复或用字的多余 (redundant); 例如:

The consensus(of opinion)is that we have to act right away.(大家认为我们必须立即行动)(of opinion 可以省去,因为 consensus 的意思,就是大家的意见。)

The letter shows that the problem(continues to)remain unsolved.(他的信显示问题尚未解决)(continue to 是多余的字,因为 remain 已经有 continue 的含意。所以句子就成为:The letter shows that the problem remains unsolved.)

He has made his (final) conclusion in his speech.(他在演说里做出结论) (final 是多余的字,因为 conclusion 已经含有 final 的意思。)

He has had many years of (actual) experience in business.(他有多年经商的经验) (actual 也是多余的字,因为 experience 已有 actual 的意味)

We assembled (together) all the parts for our radio.(我们装好收音机的零件)(因为 assemble 本身就有 together 的意思,所以 together 是多余的)

Enclosed (herewith ) please find the report of the meeting.(herewith 是多余的字,因为 enclosed 就有 herewith 的意思)(即:附上会议报告,请查收)

此外还有:in reference to = about;draw to close = end; at an early date = soon等。

帖子: 1775
注册时间: 周一 12月 14, 2009 9:10 pm

Re: Like wearing mini-skirt ... 美国人写作 “三不” 之不写长句

帖子 royl » 周五 4月 02, 2010 7:41 pm

Suyu网友触及到核心问题, 也就是说或写要简洁有力:
1. 尽量使用plain English (英语白话)
2. 把verbosity (繁言赘语) 精简化
3. 简化重复多余的字眼

对于第三项, 我把"实用英语成语三万句"电子书里抽取三句话跟网友详细解释:
unique本来就是独一无二的, 稀罕的, 独特的; very unique非常独一无二的也不会再使它变为更独一无二的, 所以very在这里是多余的修饰副词.
yama是日语的"山", Mount Fujiyama就是"富士山山", 所以正确"富士山"用法是Fujiyama或Mount Fuji.
既然gift赠品就已经是免费; 所以free gift免费赠品就成了多余因为没有要付费的赠品. (注: 意指a gift就足够了)




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