二十笔实用成语 82

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二十笔实用成语 82

帖子 royl » 周六 4月 02, 2011 3:10 pm

二十笔实用成语 82

01. bar none
定义: 无例外, 最好的, 无人能比, 无双.
例句: They have lost every match, bar one. (他们每场比赛都输, 没有例外)

02. bar star, a
定义: 酒吧之星, 常上酒吧饮酒交友的女人.
例句: Lola also moonlights as a bar star at an Irish pub on weekends. (萝拉也在周末到一个爱尔兰酒吧兼差酒吧之星)

03. barbecue sauce, the
定义: 烤肉酱.
例句: This tangy treat is the perfect barbecue sauce, which also works wonders on fries, sandwiches, and anything else that needs a little zip. (这个香浓的美食就是这个完美的烤肉酱, 把它放在薯条, 三明治, 甚至其他食物上可以增加一些风味)

04. barber's cat, a
定义: 孱弱, 瘦骨嶙峋之人; 光说不练, 耍嘴皮之人.
例句: This declaration looks like a barber's cat job to me – all wind and piss. (这个声明看起来像个耍嘴皮的话–整一个光说不练的假把式)

05. bare bones, the
定义: 最基本组件, 事实或需求.
例句: The company reduced the staff to the bare bones. (这家公司把职员裁到最基本需求)

06. bare necessities, the
定义: 最低需求, 正好足够的, 没有多余的资源.
例句: If you ever want to know what it's like to survive on bare necessities and will power, then you should watch and learn some lessons from this man. (如果你想要体验活在最低需求和意志力的日子是什么样子的话, 你应该观察这个人并跟他学习些教训)

07. bare one's teeth, to
定义: 龇牙露齿, 露出敌意及准备要打斗.
例句: He'll bare his teeth, growl and snarl, and wish upon you death. (他会龇牙露齿, 狺狺低吼与咆哮, 甚至想要置你于死地)

08. bare possibility, a
定义: 仅仅可能性, 万一.
例句: Corcoran is still alive and there is just a bare possibility of his recovery, but the chance is almost too slight to be considered. (科科伦现在仍然活着, 他的康复仅仅是个可能性, 但这个可能性低得可以不必考虑)

09. bare your heart, to
定义: 倾诉心声.
例句: If you bare your heart or soul to someone, you rev​​eal your innermost thoughts and feelings to them. (如果你对某人倾诉心声的话, 你把你最隐私的想法与情感透露给他. 注: them在此是一个不定的第三人称单数代名词)

10. bare your soul to someone, to
定义: 跟某人倾吐心声.
例句: You don't have to bare your soul to me. Just tell me why you are crying. (你没必要跟我倾吐你的心声. 只要告诉我你为什么哭就好)

11. bare-bones
定义: 最基本的, 阳春的. (注: 一台bare-bones阳春型的电脑只包括机壳, 主机板和电源)
例句: Prices are great for the location – depending on weekend or weekday stays, the price for a bare-bones room runs about $87 to $94. (以这个地点来说, 这些价格很公道– 取决于周末或周日的暂住, 阳春房间的价格大约在87元到94元之间)

12. barefaced liar, a
定义: 厚颜无耻的骗子. (注: 这种人就是谎话被揭穿后也不会羞愧)
例句: They're going to hammer crucial services and they're going to hit the poorest and the most vulnerable hardest. Anyone who tells you different is a barefaced liar. (他们准备要打击紧要的公共服务以及伤害最穷和最脆弱的人们. 任何人给你别的说词肯定是个厚颜无耻的骗子)

13. barefaced lie, a
定义: 无耻的谎言, 睁着眼睛说瞎话.
例句: It's amazing how this government can tell a barefaced lie with a straight face. (这个政府如此敢于板着脸还睁眼说瞎话真是令人啧啧称奇)

14. bare-handed
定义: 赤手空拳, 徒手.
例句: I work bare-handed exclusively and with only minimal tools, such as a needle, razor-knife, and hand roller. (我工作时纯粹以徒手和使用最低限度的工具, 例如针, 刮胡刀, 和手压辊)

15. bare-knuckle fighting, a
定义: 赤手格斗.
例句: Kevin was not a slugger but he was a good wrestler, which was useful in bare-knuckle fighting, where a fall could be almost as punishing as a knockdown blow. (凯文并不是个拳击手但他是个摔跤能​​手,所以习惯于赤手格斗, 他一个下压动作跟一个把人击倒的一拳一样地凌厉)

16. bare-knuckle/bare-knuckled, be
定义: 无情的, 激烈的; 赤手空拳的. (注: 意指没有戴手套或手指武器的)
例句: "Starting From Scrap" is the story of how a young American became a leading businessman in Asia in the bare-knuckle world of scrap metal recycling. ("从头做起"是一个美国年青人如何成为亚洲无情又激烈的废金属回收产业界龙头企业家的传奇故事)

17. barely escape with our lives, to
定义: 仅以身免, 濒临死亡, 与死神擦身而过.
例句: In Bend, Oregon, we barely escaped with our lives. We experienced near death by tumbling over waterfalls, clinging to shear rock faces with fatal potential. (在奥立岗州班得市, 我们差一点死亡. 我们历经了跌落瀑布, 危急存亡之时紧抓着突出岩石表面的濒临死亡险境)

18. barf alert, a
定义: [网路术语]恶心警告. (注: 事先警告读者所要读的内容可能令人起反感)
例句: Man, you need to issue a barf alert when you post such garbage. (老兄啊, 你应该在上贴这些垃圾帖子时发出恶心警告)

19. barf, to
定义: 呕吐.
例句: Frankly, the way she's politicized herself makes me want to barf. (老实说, 她把她自己政治化的作风令我作呕)

20. barfly, a
定义: 沉迷酒吧的人.
例句: I am not a barfly. It doesn't make me a snob or antisocial. It's just not my scene. (我不是个沉迷酒吧的人. 这不意味着我是个自命不凡或不爱社交的人. 我只是不喜欢这种场合)



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