二十笔实用成语 94

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二十笔实用成语 94

帖子 royl » 周三 4月 20, 2011 1:56 pm

二十笔实用成语 94

01. bed and board
定义: 食宿, 家, 婚姻.
例句: In this school, students must pay by the week for bed and board. (在这家学校, 学生必须按星期缴付食宿费用)

02. bed down, to
定义: 睡觉, 与某人发生性关系.
例句: After grazing in the valley, the deer will bed down on the hill. (在山谷吃完了青草之后, 鹿群跑到山坡上睡觉)

03. bed of down, a
定义: 舒适无忧的环境或状况. (注: down在此是指鹅腹部柔软的绒毛, 所以bed of down乃是指绒毛所铺的床)
例句: A child who is to be successful is not reared exclusively on a bed of down. (要小孩争气不能只养育他在舒适无忧的环境里)

04. bed of nails, a
定义: 如坐针毡, 痛苦艰难的状况.
例句: My job is close to a bed of nails. I get a good salary, but I have to work long hours. (我的工作有如坐针毡. 我的薪水虽然丰厚, 但我必须长时间工作)

05. bed of ro​​ses, a
定义: 舒适无忧的环境或状况.
例句: My grandfather liked to remind people not to expect things to be easy. "Life's no bed of ro​​ses," he'd say. (我祖父过去喜欢提醒人们别冀望不劳而获. 他说, "人生并非永处顺境. ")

06. bed rest, a
定义: 床上的休养.
例句: You just have to take a bed rest, take it easy on the lifting, and take prescribed medications and you should be as good as new soon enough. (你只要在床上休养, 避免提重物, 还有服用处方药,你很快就会康复如新)

07. bed-and-breakfast (B&B), the
定义: 民宿, 私人住宅供应过夜的床和早餐.
例句: My sister wants to open a small B&B when she quits her job. (我姊姊想要在她辞职之后开一家民宿)

08. bedded on rice, be
定义: 铺放在米饭之上. (注: 西餐的饭食是把海鲜或肉或菜铺在米饭之上以盘子装盛供客人食用​​)
例句: If you like eel, you can try unaju, barbecued freshwater eel bedded on rice with homemade glistening eel sauce spooned on top. (如果你喜欢鳗鱼的话, 你可以试试看鳗鱼饭, 它是把烧烤好的淡水鳗鱼铺放在米饭上再浇上油亮的鳗鱼酱)

09. bedside manner, the
定义: 医生的问诊态度或风格.
例句: I've always thought that good bedside manner, like personality, is something you can't learn. (我一直认为好的问诊态度, 就跟人的个性一样, 是无法靠学习取得到的)

10. bee in one's bonnet, a
定义: 奇怪的主意或想法; 念念叨叨着某事.
例句: Aunt Betsy was kind of cranky, like she had a bee in her bonnet. (贝琪阿姨有点古怪, 她总是念念叨叨的)

11. beef and reef, the
定义: 海陆全餐或海陆套餐例如牛排与龙虾.
例句: My favorite meal would have to be beef and Reef or surf and turf which mean seafood and steak; you can buy it in most pubs or restaurants. (我特别喜爱的餐点是海陆套餐, 也就是海鲜跟牛排; 你可以在大部分的酒馆或餐厅吃得到)

12. beef jerky
定义: 牛肉干.
例句: Beef Jerky is a meal for the trail; something you can eat to get you by without the hassle of a pot, pan, or drive-through line. (牛肉干是到野外远足的食物; 这是一种你可以不必麻烦使用锅盘或开车到餐馆外卖排队就可以用来解饥的食物)

13. beef up, to
定义: 加强, 增强.
例句: There are those that support the view that a natural cure for eczema is to beef up the immune system of the sufferer but this is something that should be talked about with a skin doctor. (有些人支持以增强免疫系统来自然治疗湿疹的看法, 但是你应该要先征询皮肤科医师的意见)

14. beehive of activity, a
定义: 一个繁忙/熙熙攘攘的地方.
例句: As the weather turns warm we all emerge from our cocoons, shed our winter wear, and the city becomes a beehive of activity. (当天气转为温和时我们都从蜗居的屋子走出来, 卸下我们厚实的冬衣, 这个城市变成一个熙熙攘攘的地方)

15. Beemer, a
定义: 德国BMW宝马汽车.
例句: Sarah's parents gave her a new Beemer as a graduation present. (莎拉父母给她一部新宝马汽车作为毕业礼物)

16. Been there, done that.
[成语句型]过来人, 见过世面.

17. Beer anyone?

18. Beer cans strewed all about.

19. beer goggles
定义: 醉眼朦胧, 将丑女当美女看.
例句: Adam, "I think she's pretty." Bill, "You've got beer goggles." (亚当: "我认为她漂亮." 比尔: "我看是你的朦胧醉眼把她看成美女.")

20. bee's knees, the
定义: 最卓越的, 极令人激赏的人或物.
例句: We had strawberry shortcake for breakfast on Saturday and the kids thought it was the bee's knees. (星期六我们早餐吃草莓酥饼, 小朋友说它棒得不得了)



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