二十笔实用成语 97

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二十笔实用成语 97

帖子 royl » 周一 4月 25, 2011 1:21 pm

二十笔实用成语 97

01. behind the eight ball
定义: 处于困境, 不利的状况下.
例句: I'm behind the eight ball with the Tax Department. I deducted college tuition fees from my taxable income, but I didn't pay the fees! (我现在跟税务机关打交道处于不利状况. 我从应课税所得扣除大学学费, 但我根本没付学费呀! 注: 意指此人虚报学费来减少应课税的所得)

02. behind the scenes
定义: 在幕后或暗中, 人们看不到的(工作, 开会, 斡旋, 救援, 等等).
例句: This organization has many people who work behind the scenes helping us to succeed. (这个团体有许多人在暗中助一臂之力帮助我们成功)

03. behind the times
定义: 老古董的, 旧时代的(言行思想作风).
例句: It's amazing how quickly one falls behind the times unless they keep up with the latest developments in computing technology. (真令人不可置信, 除非一个人不停掌握电脑科技最新发展他很快就跟不上时代)

04. behind time
定义: 比预定时间落后, 延迟.
例句: I always believe in being on time and I am annoyed if I am behind time. (我一直坚信准时, 我不喜欢比预定时间落后. 注: 意指我很不愿意迟交或迟到)

05. behind-the-scenes power struggle
定义: [政治术语]幕后的权力斗争.
例句: This has set off a fierce behind-the-scenes power struggle between the pragmatic conservatives and the hard-liners. (这件事引爆了一场介于务实保守派和不妥协强硬派之间的激烈幕后权力斗争)

06. beholden to none/no one, be
定义: 不欠任何人的情, 不循私. (注: beholden是欠人情)
例句: If elected, he said he would advocate for term limits and would be beholden to no one because he has not taken money from corporations or the Democratic Party. (他说如果他被选上的话, 他会推动任期限制并且他不循私因为他没有接受公司行号或民主党任何捐款)

07. beholden to someone, be
定义: 欠某人一个人情.
例句: In fact, it is known in psychology that a person will feel more beholden to you if they do something for you than if you do something for them. (事实上, 如果一个人帮助你会比你帮助他还更感觉欠你一个人情, 这个现象在心理学上是广为人知的)

08. Beijing time, the
定义: 北京当地时间.
例句: Although China spans 5 time zones Beijing Time is only used as the standard time of the whole country. (尽管中国横跨五个时区, 全中国只采用北京时间做为标准时间)

09. Being a writer is just this easy.

10. being forward, one is
定义: 主动的; 太直接; 不含蓄的. (注: 常用于形容女人对异性过于主动)
例句: Pardon me for being forward. How do you tell those you love to stop filling your email with junk day in and day out? (请你别介意我太直接. 你会怎么告诉你心爱的人别再日以继夜地拿垃圾邮件把你的电子邮箱塞满?)

11. being from the bottom of the barrel, one is
定义: 社会底层出身.
例句: I feel like whoever made the comment about all restaurant employees being from the bottom of the barrel is ill-informed. (我认为任何人发出"所有餐厅员工都是社会底层出身"的评论对此情况不甚了解)

12. being held in the border, one is
定义: 在边界被拘留; 在边界被举行.
例句: The agent, who was turned over to the Drug Enforcement Administration, was being held in the Yuma, Arizona, County jail. (这个被移交给毒品管制局的情治人员被拘留在亚历桑那州尤马县监狱内)

13. being paid like a peasant, one is
定义: 薪资微薄, 被人当佃农劳工一般地雇用.
例句: If you want to work like a slave and don't mind being paid like a peasant, by all means this is the company for you. (如果你愿意像奴仆一样地工作和不介意微薄薪资的话, 没问题,这就是你的理想公司)

14. being watched, be
定义: 被监视.
例句: The unsettling thing about living in a surveillance society isn't just that you're being watched, it's that you have no idea who's doing it to you. (关于生活在一个被人监视的社会里, 这件令人不安的事不只因为你被人监视, 而是因为你不知道谁在监视你)

15. belabor the point, to
定义: 一再重申此论点.
例句: I don't want to belabor the point, but the sooner we get this matter settled, the better. (我不想一再重申这个论点, 但这个问题越早解决越好)

16. believe in nothing, to
定义: 什么信仰都没有; 什么都不相信.
例句: A true nihilist would believe in nothing, have no loyalties, and no purpose other than, perhaps, an impulse to destroy. (一个虚无主义者什么都不相信, 也没有任何忠诚, 也许除了破坏的冲动之外没有任何使命感)

17. believe in oneself, to
定义: 对自己有信心.
例句: If you plan on getting anywhere in life, you are going to need to learn how to believe in yourself. (如果你计划要在你有生之年有所作为的话, 你必须要学习如何对自己有信心)

18. believe in the hereafter, to
定义: 相信来世, 相信人死后会投胎转世.
例句: Do I h​​ave respect for people who believe in the hereafter? Of course I do. I might add, perhaps even a touch of envy too, because of the solace. (我对于相信来世的人们尊重吗? 我当然尊重.另外, 我什至还对这些人有点羡慕因为这个信仰对他们今生所受之苦还有安慰作用)

19. believe it or not
定义: 是真的, 信不信由你.
例句: Believe it or not, there are scientists who study "sidewalk rage," and one has even come up with a 15-question questionnaire to quantify the problem. (信不信由你, 居然还有科学家研究"人行道躁怒症," 甚至还有人提出一个十​​五道问题问卷来数量化这个问题)

20. Believe it!



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