二十笔实用成语 98

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二十笔实用成语 98

帖子 royl » 周二 4月 26, 2011 3:52 pm

二十笔实用成语 98

01. Believe me.
[成语句型]是真的, 相信我.

02. Believe you me.
[成语句型]是真的, 相信我.

03. bell the cat, to
定义: 挺身而出, 为了大众利益, 自告奋勇去做危险的工作. (注: 意指为了保护鼠群, 要某只老鼠自告奋勇去给猫戴上铃铛作为预警的一个危险工作)
例句: Now who is going to bell the cat? This question was greeted by an absolute silence and nobody was there to volunteer. (好了, 谁要自告奋勇? 这个问题一出全场一片沉默, 在场没有一个人挺身而出)

04. bell, book and candle
定义: 被天主教派驱逐出去或被剥夺教徒权利; 施行巫术或魔法.
例句: Bell, book, and candle shall not drive me back, when gold and silver becks me to come on. (要是金银财宝召唤我过去, 任何巫术或魔法都不能让我退却. 注: 此话跟俗语"人为财死, 鸟为食亡"意思很相似)

05. belle of the ball, the
定义: 受欢迎, 吸引人的美女或淑媛.
例句: You need to be the head-turner, the belle of the ball – the girl who makes other girls jealous, simply because she's finding stares from their dates. (你一定要成为"吸睛"的美女或淑媛 – 一个让其他女孩妒嫉的女孩只因她把她们的男友给迷住)

06. bells and whistles, the
定义: 功能特性俱全的装备. (注: 请注意其含意, 例如你的汽车装备一套高级音响设备, 它可以供给你优美音乐, 是有用的, 但它不是一个必需品)
例句: The car was equipped with all the bells and whistles you could ask for. (这部车装备了所有你可以想要的功能俱全设备)

07. belly burglar, a
定义: [俚语]烹饪技术糟糕或小气的炊事员.
例句: Even though Joe is a belly burglar, he can make some good omelets. (虽然乔是个烹饪技术不佳的炊事员, 他却会做一些可口的煎蛋卷)

08. belly button, the
定义: 肚脐眼.
例句: Infected belly button piercing is surely matter of great concern because if not treated at right time, it can lead to dangerous consequences. (受到感染的肚脐眼穿孔确实是件严重的事情, 因为如果不及时治疗的话, 它可以造成危险后果)

09. belly laugh, a
定义: 开怀大笑.
例句: My goal is to get at least one good belly laugh in each day. ​​This is usually provided by something my 8 year old daughter does or says. (我的目标是每天起码开怀大笑一次. 我通常从我八岁女儿所做的或所说的可爱动作或语言得到乐趣)

10. belly robber, a
定义: [俚语]烹饪技术糟糕或小气的炊事员.
例句: The reason they called my father the belly robber was during the Depression, he'd hold back on the rations for the troops and bring it home, and we'd feed all winter off of it. (他们叫我父亲小气炊事员是因为在经济大恐慌时期, 他扣减部队配给粮食并带回家, 我们整个冬天就靠它维生)

11. belly up to the bar, to
定义: 走到/走近吧台.
例句: Belly up to the bar, young men. I'd like to buy you a drink. (年青人, 过来这个吧台. 我想请你喝杯酒)

12. belly up to, to
定义: 来, 走到, 走近.
例句: Bring your brown bag or grab a slice of our pizza and belly up to the table for a thought-provoking talk led by the freshest minds of our field. (带你自备午餐或买一片比萨饼, 来这个桌子跟我们领域最清新思想的人做启人深思的谈话)

13. bellyache, to
定义: 腹痛, 发牢骚.
例句: Don't bellyache about the referee. Just play your best. (别对裁判发牢骚. 你只要尽力而为就好了)

14. belly-landing, the
定义: [飞航术语](飞机以)机腹着陆.
例句: Airport officials said no one was injured Tuesday afternoon when an airplane made a belly-landing at the Wheeler Downtown Airport. (机场官员说, 星期二下午一架飞机以机腹着陆在惠乐城中机场, 没有人伤亡)

15. below average/normal
定义: 失常, 低于平常/正常.
例句: Texas students scored just below average on a national reading test last year. (德州学生去年全国阅读测验的成绩低于全国平均)

16. below par
定义: 低于票面价值, 低于正常标准, 轻微地不舒服.
例句: I feel a little below par today. ​​I think I am getting a cold. (我今天有点不舒服. 我想我得了感冒)

17. below the breadline
定义: 很穷. (注: breadline是领取救济食物的排队, 意指比领救济的人还穷)
例句: New figures just released show that one in six of our children are currently living below the breadline; unemployment is up again. (刚发布的新数字显示出六个儿童中有一个生活在贫穷环境下; 失业率又上升了)

18. below the poverty line
定义: 很穷. (注: 低于贫穷线)
例句: If husband and wife are earning minimum wage, they're living below the poverty line. (如果夫妻两人都拿最低工资的话, 他们生活在贫穷线之下)

19. below the salt
定义: 普通或低下身份(人们).
例句: At dinner parties, I sit below the salt now. There are a lot of interesting people there. (在晚宴上, 我坐在下首. 有许多有趣人物出席)

20. belt along, to
定义: 冲向前去.
例句: Max was belting along the highway at high speed when he hit a patch of loose gravel, he went over an embankment. (麦克斯高速地冲向公路, 当他踩上一片松滑的石子路面他掉到路堤底下)



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