二十笔实用成语 111

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二十笔实用成语 111

帖子 royl » 周一 6月 06, 2011 5:03 am

二十笔实用成语 111

01. bit player, a
定义: 小角色, 跑龙套者.
例句: Early is not a bit player among prosecutors in the USA. While he no longer is a district attorney, for many years he has been a major player in Democratic politics. (厄尔利在美国检察官里不是一个小角色. 虽然他不再做检察官, 多年来他在民主党政治圈内一直是个重量级人物)

02. bit thick, a
定义: 不合道理的, 过份的.
例句: She went on and on about how she admired his work – laid it on a bit thick, if you ask me. (她滔滔不绝地讲她多么仰慕他的作品– 在我看来这是个过份恭维)

03. bitch goddess, the
定义: 世俗上或物质上的成功及富裕.
例句: He believed that a poet must be a whole man and didn't conceive that it was the duty of the whole man to worship the bitch-goddess success. (他认为作为一位诗人应该是一个人格健全的人, 他不认为作为一个人格健全的人有必要爱慕世俗上或物质上的成功及富裕)

04. bitch someone out, to
定义: [不雅语]教训, 责骂, 怒吼某人.
例句: Laura bitched me out for telling her best friend, Eve, our dirty secret. (劳拉责骂我, 因为我把我们见不得人的秘密告诉了她的密友夏娃)

05. bitch, a
定义: [骂人语](骂女人为)母狗, 淫荡轻佻的女子, 恶毒, 令人讨厌, 控制欲强的女子; 困难或令人讨厌的事情.
例句: Williamsburg is a bitch to drive around if you don't live there. (如果你不住在那儿, 在威廉斯堡市区内开车真痛苦)

06. bitch, to
定义: [粗俗语]抱怨, 背叛, 破坏.
例句: Stop bitching at me. (别再跟我抱怨)

07. bitch-slap, to
定义: 反手抽耳光; 令人羞辱的失败或惩罚.
例句: If karma's a bitch, then Jason was bitch-slapped when he got involved with Erica. (假如因果报应是件令人痛苦的事情的话, 当杰森卷入跟爱丽卡的恋情让他遭到羞辱的惩罚)

08. bitchy
定义: 粗鲁的, 恶毒的, 傲慢的.
例句: Sadly, I have encountered women in their 30s who have a bitchy attitude and it is not attractive at all. (可悲的是, 我所碰到的三十多岁女人们都带着粗鲁的态度, 一点都不让人喜爱)

09. bite back, to
定义: 反击, 反驳; 强忍不说, 隐忍不反驳.
例句: I attempted to smile sweetly while biting back angry comments. (我试图露出笑容, 强忍着把愤怒的话藏在肚子里)

10. Bite me!
定义: [不尊重语]来咬我啊!(愤怒反击的话) 闭嘴! 走开! 别烦我!
例句: I have no respect for you. Bite me! Take your list of whores and live with them! (我瞧不起你. 走开! 带着你的一批贱人去跟他们一起生活吧!)

11. bite off more than one can chew, to
定义: 不自量力, 好高骛远, 接受超乎个人能力承担的任务.
例句: I thought I could finish this report within one month, but it looks like I have bitten off more than I can chew. (我原以为可以在一个月内写好这篇报告, 但看起来我一直是不自量力)

12. bite off one's nose to spite one's face, to
定义: 拿自己出气, 跟自己过不去.
例句: The clerk expects to be an employer some day, and he does not want to bite off his nose to spite his face. (这个办事员希望有一天成为老板, 他才不愿意跟自己过不去)

13. bite one's lip, to
定义: 压抑着怒气或不悦, 压抑自己不说出心里话或不回应(以免得罪别人).
例句: I thought she was acting foolishly, but I bit my lip and didn't say anything. (当时我认为她表现得愚蠢, 但我强忍着不发一语)

14. bite one's nails, to
定义: 表现出焦虑, 不安, 紧张的态度.
例句: I found the easiest way to stop biting my nails was to substitute it for something like squeezing a stress ball. (我发现停止咬指甲最容易的办法是以另一方式像捏压力球来取代)

15. bite one's tongue off, would rather to
定义: 后悔说错话. (注: 真想把自己舌头咬掉)
例句: Papa's face creased with pain, and I could have bitten my tongue off at my hasty words. His distress turned quickly to anger, however. (爸爸的脸因痛苦而扭曲成一团, 我真后悔我口不择言. 然而他的悲伤突然转变成愤怒)

16. bite one's tongue, to
定义: 别说了, 闭嘴; 压抑情绪; 压抑自己不说出心里话或不回应(以免得罪别人).
例句: When I mention dad's business failure, mom says, "Bite your tongue!" (当我提到父亲的生意失败时, 母亲说, "别说了!")

17. bite someone's head off, to
定义: 怒不可遏地或不耐烦地回应某人.
例句: I asked him one simple question and he bit my head off. (我只是问了他一个简单问题, 他却怒不可遏地回应我)

18. bite someone's nose off, to
定义: 怒不可遏地或不耐烦地回应某人.
例句: I only asked if I could borrow your bike. There's no need to bite my nose off! (我只是问你我可不可以借用你的脚踏车. 你不需要这么不耐烦地回应我!)

19. bite something back, to
定义: 隐忍不说. 抑制自己不说出心里话.
例句: I bit back a scathing comment and said, "Actually, many Russians and Ukrainians enjoy eating meat, but I'm a vegetarian." (我忍住尖刻的回应而说, "其实, 许多俄罗斯人和乌克兰人喜欢吃肉食, 但我是个素食者.")

20. bite the bullet, to
定义: 打脱牙, 和血吞; 毅然接受逆境.
例句: You are just going to have to bite the bullet and make the best of it. (你只有毅然接受逆境, 随遇而安)



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