二十笔实用成语 114

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二十笔实用成语 114

帖子 royl » 周六 6月 11, 2011 2:36 pm

二十笔实用成语 114

01. blacklisted, be
定义: 列入黑名单, 列入不受欢迎或杯葛的名单.
例句: It shouldn't take long for the government to realize that DNS redirects won't work as a means to cut access to blacklisted sites. (不需要多久这个政府会发现使用域名系统跳转来切断通往列入黑名单网站的方法是不会得逞的. 注: 意指切断所有通往政府杯葛网站的技俩)

02. blackmail, to
定义: 敲诈勒索.
例句: A doctor who was blackmailed by a dominatrix who secretly filmed the pair during intimate acts felt under pressure to satisfy her sexual demands. (一个医生被一个女性虐待狂勒索, 她在他被迫满足她的性需要而发生两人性行为的期间秘密拍摄了录像)

03. black-on-black crime, a
定义: 黑人对黑人所犯下的罪.
例句: Despite overall crime numbers falling in recent years, black-on-black violence remains a prevalent issue. (尽管近年来全面的犯罪数字有所下降, 黑人对黑人的暴力犯罪仍然成为一个流行的议题)

04. blackout, a
定义: 灯火管制, 大停电, 新闻封锁.
例句: Blackouts prevented bombers from seeing their targets at night. (灯火管制可以防止轰炸机航空兵在夜间找到他们的目标)

05. blame is squarely placed on someone's shoulder, the
定义: 把失败或过错的责任很清楚地归咎给某人. (注: squarely在此意为清楚地, 毫不含糊地)
例句: Of course, ultimately the blame is squarely placed on the gunman's shoulder because that's where it belongs. (当然, 最终的责任很清楚地归咎给枪手因为这本来就他的过错)

06. blame rests at the feet of someone, the
定义: 将过错归咎于某人.
例句: The blame rests at the feet of those who did the killing. Trying to blame people who had nothing to do with it doesn't make sense. (这个过错应该归咎于杀人者. 试图把责任推给无关之人是没道理的)

07. blank check/cheque, a
定义: 空白支票, 令人随心所欲, 放任自由.
例句: The director had a lot of creative freedom on this project; the film's backers essentially handed him a blank check. (在这个电影工作上, 这位导演拥有许多创造自由; 这个电影的资助者们基本上给他随心所欲的创作空间)

08. blank look, a
定义: 脸上茫然的表情.
例句: When I called her name, she gave me a blank look, as though she didn't know me. (当我叫她的名字时, 她现出一副茫然的表情, 好像她根本不认识我的样子)

09. blast ... to kingdom come, to
定义: 摧毁, 炸毁.
例句: There's enough gas in the well to blast us kingdom come. (这口井里有足够的天然气可以把我们炸得肢离破碎)

10. blast from the past, a
定义: 让人回忆起往事之事.
例句: Hearing that old song again was a rea​​l blast from the past. (再度听到这首老歌真让人回忆起往事)

11. blast off next year, to
定义: 明年将升空, 开始, 起步, 加速.
例句: Yang Liwei, China's first astronaut, said there are two more Shenzhou spacecraft to blast off next year, one of which would be manned. (杨利伟, 中国第一位宇航员, 宣称还有两艘神舟航天器将在明年升空, 其中一艘将是载人的)

12. blast off, to
定义: 升空, 起飞(尤其是火箭或导弹起飞); 喷除, 清除.
例句: They used an air hose to blast dust off the machine. (他们使用气压吹管来清除这台机器上的尘土)

13. blast someone for ..., to
定义: 激烈的攻击, 批评或谴责某人.
例句: The former Marine Corps general resigned amid a push by a bipartisan group of senators who have blasted him for nearly two years for incompetence and mismanagement. (近两年来, 被一群两党参议院抨击为无能与管理失误的施压中, 这位前陆战队将领辞职)

14. blast, a
定义: 痛快或过瘾的玩乐.
例句: The students were having a blast until the teacher walked in. (这群学生正在痛快地玩乐直到老师走进来)

15. blasted, be
定义: 烂醉如泥的.
例句: On her 40th birthday, she went to the bar and got blasted. (在她四十岁生日的当天, 她去酒吧喝得烂醉如泥)

16. blatherskite, a
定义: 爱扯淡的人, 胡说八道, 废话连篇.
例句: That holds true whether we're talking about a Baroque-era musical blatherskite or a 20th-century twit. (不管我们论及有关巴罗克时代音乐爱扯淡的人或者是二十世纪的蠢货, 那个道理都适用)

17. blaze a new trail, to
定义: 开辟或开创一条新道路.
例句: He was determined to blaze a new trail in life, relying solely on his own willpower, courage and accomplishments. (他下定决心要开创一条新的生命道路, 完全仰赖着他自己的意志力, 勇气以及成就)

18. blazing speed, the
定义: 极快速度.
例句: We all want a computer with blazing speed to save time. However, as time goes by, it becomes inevitable for computers to experience problems and to gradually run slower and slower. (我们都希望有个极速电脑来省时间.但由于时间流逝, 电脑不可避免地会碰到问题以及渐渐地越跑越慢)

19. bleat about, to
定义: 抱怨, 哀怨.
例句: And don't even think about bleating about it. Have you any idea just how difficult it is being a working woman? (还有你想都别想要抱怨它. 你知不知道作为一个职业妇女有多困难吗?)

20. bleed into, to
定义: 慢慢融入, 成为某事或物的一部分.
例句: Her professional life had begun to bleed into her personal life. (她的职业生活已经慢慢融入了她的私人生活)



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