二十笔实用成语 115

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二十笔实用成语 115

帖子 royl » 周一 6月 13, 2011 2:06 pm

二十笔实用成语 115

01. bleed someone dry, to
定义: 敲骨吸髓, 把某人财物榨光耗尽.
例句: The country has been bled dry by a group of greedy bankers. (这个国家已经被一群贪婪的银行业者榨光一切)

02. bleed someone white, to
定义: 敲骨吸髓, 把某人财物榨光耗尽.
例句: Many businesses complain that the new taxes are bleeding them dry. (许多业者抱怨这个新税赋把他们的财产榨光殆尽)

03. bleed to death, to
定义: 大量出血致死, 把某人财物榨光耗尽.
例句: When the government decides it can "pick winners" and spare them from the realities of the market, everyone else gets bled to death. (当政府决定它可以选择赢家以及免除这些赢家受到市场现实之损害, 则其他人的财产就被榨个精光)

04. bleeding like a stuck pig, be
定义: 大量的流血.
例句: Be it cancer or not, constantly bleeding like a stuck pig for 6 months at the age of 39 or any age is not normal and most likely dangerous. (不管这是不是癌症, 在三十九岁这个年龄或任何年龄, 不断地大量出血持续六个月是不正常的而且极可能是危险的)

05. bleeding-edge technology, a
定义: 尚未臻于完善的前卫技术, 如果使用它将可能带来危险.
例句: Businesses that adopt bleeding-edge technology that later becomes widely adopted may see an advantage from being a first-mover. (采用未臻完善前卫技术的商家也许会看到当这个技术后来被广泛使用的时候, 成为首先采用者是占有优势的)

06. bleeding-heart, be
定义: [有点不尊重语]老好人的, 滥好人的, 过份同情所谓受害者的. (注: 例如有人同情死刑犯认为死刑太残忍却忘掉死刑犯乃多凶残之人)
例句: You may call me a bleeding-heart liberal, but at least I have a heart. (你也许会视我为一个过份同情所谓受害者的自由主义者, 但起码我还有个怜悯心. 注:这里的have a heart并不是还有颗心, 而是有个慈悲怜悯心的意思)

07. blend in very well, to
定义: 顺利的融入(社会, 团体), 与...交往融洽无间, 和谐的互相搭配.
例句: I was surprised at the amount of English-speaking tourists, most of them blend in very well due to the clothing, also the lack of obnoxious colors or speech. (我惊讶地看到说英语游客的数量, 由于他们的服装他们大部分都能融入无间, 而且他们也很少展现恶形恶状的色彩或言语)

08. blend in, to
定义: (动物发出保护色)与周遭环境颜色协调; 融入某一团体, 相处融洽, 有归属感; 调和, 掺入.
例句: I've always found it difficult to blend in with my peers. (我总是感觉到跟我同辈人很难融洽相处)

09. blend into, to
定义: 慢慢融入, 成为某事或物的一部分; (动物发出保护色)与周遭环境颜色协调; 融入某一团体, 相处融洽, 有归属感.
例句: It blends into the suburbs nicely, shedding the quirky looks of last year's model. (它巧妙地跟郊区色彩保持协调, 摆脱了去年型号的古怪外观)

10. Bless his/he​​r heart.
定义: [祝福语]祝福他/她. (注: 意指表达善意, 感激, 谅解)
例句: My aunt Clare, bless her, watched the kids while we went out. (我的克莱尔姨妈, 祝福她, 在我们外出时帮我们带小孩)

11. Bless my soul!
定义: [惊叹语]天啊! (注: 表达惊讶或愤怒之情绪)
例句: You decided to come see us after all. Well, bless my soul! (你终于决定来看我们啦. 噢, 我的天啊!)

12. Bless you.
定义: [祝福语](当别人打喷嚏时)你会说一声"上帝保佑你." (注: 美国人的习惯)
例句: "I'll be happy to help in any way I can." "Oh, bless you! That's very kind of you." ("我很愿意尽量帮助你." "噢, 上帝保佑你! 你真好.")

13. Bless your heart!
定义: [祝福语]神保佑你, 你是个好人! (注: 意指表达善意, 感激, 谅解)
例句: Maybe I'm one of the only people who give a damn an​​d if you've read this far, bless your heart. (也许我是唯一关心的人, 如果你已经读到这里, 神保佑你, 你是个好人. 注: 这里的if you've read this far也可以翻译为, 如果你已经读了这么多了)

14. Bless your soul!
定义: [祝福语]神保佑你, 你是个好人! (注: 意指表达善意, 感激, 谅解)
例句: Bless your soul for doing this for everyone. You are a wonderful person! (神保佑你, 你为大家做了这件事. 你真是个好人!)

15. blessed event, a
定义: 婴儿顺利出生之喜.
例句: It's a blessed event, indeed. There is nothing like dressing a newborn with garments made by a grandmother. (这确实是个婴儿出生之喜. 没有什么比给初生婴儿穿上祖母亲手做的衣服还更令人欣慰)

16. blessed nuisance, a
定义: 讨厌的家伙, 东西. (注: 在此是加强语气并非是受祝福的意思)
例句: Squirrels were a blessed nuisance here, they would devour every bit of bird food, I haven't seen one this year though. (松鼠是一群讨厌的家伙, 它们会把所有的鸟食吃个精光, 但今年我还没见过一只松鼠)

17. blessing in disguise, a
定义: 因祸得福.
例句: The rainstorm was a blessing in disguise. It stopped the fire. (这场暴风雨是个因祸得福. 它把大火给灭了)

18. blessing or curse, a
定义: 祝福或是咒诅. (注: 现在看不出来,​​ 以后才会明白)
例句: Is cell phones a blessing or curse? Recent happenings in the technology world have provided a lot of food for thought. (手机是个祝福还是咒诅? 最近科技世界所发生的事件供给了我们许多思考的议题)

19. blimp, a
定义: [不尊重语]非常肥胖的人; 飞艇, 飞船.
例句: I'm tired of being a blimp; I really want to lose weight. I'm planning to walk 30 minutes a day on the treadmill. (我厌恶成为一个肥胖的人; 我实在想要减肥. 我正计划要每天在跑步机上走三十分钟)

20. blind as a bat, be (as)
定义: 像蝙蝠一样地盲目, 什么都看不见.
例句: I'm as blind as a bat if I don't wear my glasses. (如果我不戴眼镜的话我什么都看不见)



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