二十笔实用成语 116

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二十笔实用成语 116

帖子 royl » 周三 6月 15, 2011 1:05 pm

二十笔实用成语 116

01. blind date, a
定义: 盲目约会, 两陌生者的约会, 第一次相亲. (注: 与从未晤面的男女经第三者安排的约会)
例句: You never know exactly what's going to happen on a blind date, but one thing is usually certain—there will be many awkward moments. (你无法知道两陌生人的约会会发生什么事, 但有一件事通常是肯定的—将有许多尴尬时刻)

02. blind in one eye and can't see out the other, be
定义: 像盲人一样; 怎么看也看不出来; 怎么找也找不到.
例句: It would take someone who's blind in one eye and can't see out the other not to recognize Mark's intentions when he sashayed around. (当马克大摇大摆地四处走动时, 他的意图已经昭然若揭. 注: 这里的"他的意图已经昭然若揭"也可以翻译为, 只有像盲人才看不出他的意图)

03. blind leading the blind, the
定义: 盲人骑瞎马, 盲人带领瞎子.
例句: It is like the blind leading the blind watching him try and explain how to operate the new computer. (看他试图解释如何操作这台新电脑的样子好像盲人在带领瞎子)

04. blind side, the
定义: 不了解或带偏见的事务, 盲点或看不见的一方.
例句: And since you can't see the attacker when he comes up on your blind side, your best bet for preventing the attack is to hear it coming. (既然当攻击者从你的盲点出现而你无法察觉到他的话, 你防止这个攻击最好的选择是用听觉来侦察出它的接近. 注: 这里的it是指攻击动作而非攻击​​者)

05. blind spot, a
定义: 视觉盲点, 用器材或肉眼不能看见或检查得到的地方; 未能判断或分别的某方面.
例句: The blue car's driver sees the green car through his mirrors but cannot see the red car without turning to check his blind spot. (这部蓝车驾驶人可以从后照境看见左边的绿车但是如果不回头查看他的盲点的话, 他无法看到右边的红车. 注: 意指你如果不向后看就换右道你会撞上它)


06. blinding speed, the
定义: 极快(令人炫目)速度.
例句: It hardly takes much convincing to conclude that having blinding speed of punches or bone-cracking power in kicks are the most desirable assets for Martial Artists to possess. (不需要多少说服力就可让人得出结论, 拳击的高速或踢踹的裂骨力道是武术家们最渴望拥有的技艺)

07. blindsided, be
定义: 被人没预防的打击或冲击.
例句: The house of cards was built on, you know, risky loans, and I was blindsided by the extent of the crisis. (你要知道, 这座空中楼阁建筑在高风险贷款, 我被这个危机所涉及的广大层面无预警地冲击到. 注: house of cards本可解释为, 纸牌堆砌的屋子, 也就是一座空中楼阁)

08. bling bling
定义: [俚语]珠光宝气. (注: 意指饶舌歌手们以所穿戴的珠宝碰撞的声音)
例句: Some in France are getting tetchy about Sarkozy's high-profile private life, which has earned him the nickname of "President Bling Bling." (在法国, 有些人被萨科奇引人注目的私生活所激怒, 这也让他赢得一个"珠光宝气总统"的浑号)

09. blink of an eye, in the
定义: 眨眼间, 很快的几乎无法察觉.
例句: It is so amazing how things happen in the blink of an eye, and you and the kids are so lucky that it wasn't worse. (真令人惊讶, 许多事情眨眼间就发生, 你和小朋友算是很幸运因为没有转变为更不利的局面)

10. blinker, the
定义: [汽车术语]方向灯.
例句: Use your blinker when you turn. (当你准备要转弯时, 使用你的方向灯)

11. bliss out, to
定义: [俚语]狂喜若痴.
例句: After a barrage of bad news, it's time to bliss out and escape is needed. (经过一大串不断的倒霉事件之后, 此时正应该去追求极大的喜乐, 短暂的解脱是需要的)

12. blissed-out, be
定义: [俚语]充满喜悦的.
例句: We had a brief hiatus while we got blessed-out and squirted water at unsuspecting baboons. (我们度过了一个短暂的休闲同时我们充满喜悦, 还​​有向不疑有诈的狒狒们喷水)

13. blitzkrieg, the
定义: 闪击战, 闪电战, 奇袭战. (注: 意指动员大量战机与机械化部队强力高速的攻击战; 有时缩写为blitz)
例句: That's why most of the business organizations launch a promotional blitzkrieg just before the launch a product. (这就是为什么大部分的业者在推出一个产品之前发动推销产品的奇袭战)

14. block ... in, to
定义: 将...阻挡住, 使其受困, 无法离开.
例句: Every year we all remove snow from our driveways, and then snow plows come by and block us in again. (每年我们都清除我们停车道上的积雪, 然后铲雪车开过来把我们又困住. 注: 也就是我们的车辆被铲雪车挡在车道口, 开不出去)

依此图上所显示的, 车库前面至道路边之间的水泥铺设的路面就是车道或停车道(因为有许多人只把车辆停在停车道上而不停进车库)

15. block away, a
定义: 隔着一条街外.
例句: Since it's only a block away from where I live, I got into the habit of eating lunch almost every day at Texas Rotisserie. (由于它离我的住处只隔着一条街, 我几乎每天习惯性地到德州旋转烤鸡店吃午餐)

16. block grant, the
定义: [政治术语] 整套补助款, 联邦政府对州及地方政府的不设限补助.
例句: A block grant is a large sum of money granted by the national government to a regional government with only general provisions as to the way it is to be spent. (整套补助款是一个中央政府拨给地方政府的一大笔款项, 对于如何使用它只提出一般性的规定)

17. block in, to
定义: 围堵, 阻挡, 封锁.
例句: My car is blocked in. (有人把我的车子挡住. 注: 意指我车子开不出去)

18. block out, to
定义: 遮掩, 掩盖, 掩藏; 强迫自己不去想某事.
例句: Shutting his eyes he tried to block out the fire that was destroying the city. (闭上他的双眼, 他试图强迫他自己不去回想摧毁这个城市的那场大火)

19. block party, a
定义: 整条街邻居在户外举办的派对.
例句: If you've ever been to a block party, you know it is a great way to gather your neighborhood friends together for some fun. (你如果经历过一个街道户外派对的话, 你就知道这是一个聚集你邻家朋友在一起共同欢乐的好方法)

20. block someone's way, to
定义: 挡住某人的去路.
例句: I was walking along the hallways just about to leave the school and suddenly a staff members jumps right out in front of me blocking my way. (我正在沿着走廊走, 当我正要离开学校之际, 一个教职员猛然走出来挡住我的去路)



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