二十笔实用成语 117

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二十笔实用成语 117

帖子 royl » 周六 6月 18, 2011 2:19 am

二十笔实用成语 117

01. block traffic, to
定义: 阻挡或妨碍交通.
例句: Idiots who cause car accidents and block traffic cost you $18 million a year. (愚蠢的人们所造成的车祸以及交通阻塞每年浪费你一千八百万美元)

02. blockbuster, a
定义: 成功叫座的影片.
例句: The next Star Wars movie is going to be a blockbuster. (下一个星际大战电影肯定会是一部叫座的影片)

03. blockhead, a
定义: [不尊重语]蠢人.
例句: Don't be such a blockhead! (别那么蠢!)

04. blog/weblog, a
定义: 网志(blog)或网路日志(weblog)的缩写. (注: 也有人从英文音译为部落格或博客)
例句: A video blog is a weblog that uses videos. The video may be posted directly to the site for immediate viewing or it may be downloaded for later viewing. (一个视频博客乃是一个使用视频的网志. 这个视频可以被直接贴上网站上, 可以马上观看也可以下载之后再观看)

05. blogger/weblogger, a
定义: 部落格作者或博客作者. (注:博客一词是由方兴东翻译Blogger即网志作者, 在台湾常将Blog称为部落格)
例句: The disclosure that the Bush administration asked the CIA to help discredit a blogger who was critical of the Iraq war should be treated as the relapse of a bad disease. (这件被批露的事情是布什政府要求中情局协助破坏一位批判伊拉克战争的网志作者的信誉, 它应被视为政府恶疾复发)

06. bloke, a
定义: [英国俚语]一个家伙或男人.
例句: I'm just an ordinary bloke. (我只是一个寻常男人)

07. blonde bombshel​​l, a
定义: 金发美人.
例句: Innocent, vulnerable and alluring, Marilyn Monroe, a blonde bombshel​​l, defined the very essence of screen sexuality. (纯真的, 脆弱的和迷人的玛丽莲梦露, 一位金发美人, 明确地界定了银幕上性感的精髓)

08. blood and guts
定义: 激烈的, 暴力的冲突, 争斗, 行为或影像.
例句: There is a lot of blood and guts around here, but we get our work done anyway. (在这里有太多的暴力冲突, 但我们仍然达成了我们的工作)

09. blood and thunder, be full of
定义: 演讲或表演充满夸张的激情, 暴力与愤怒.
例句: We sat through two hours of blood and thunder and came out feeling exhausted. (我们耐着性子看完了两个钟头的紧张激情表演, 我们离开时感到精疲力尽)

10. blood bank, a
定义: 血库.
例句: In 1930, Russian surgeon Sergei Yudin performed the transfusion of cadaveric blood successfully for the first time; also, he organized the world's first blood bank. (于一九三零年, 俄罗斯外科医师谢尔盖尤丁首次成功地进行了尸体输血; 并且, 他组建了世界第一座血库)

11. blood brother, a
定义: 亲兄弟, 歃血为盟的结拜兄弟.
例句: He would never betray me—he's my blood brother. (他永远不会背叛我—他是我的结拜兄弟)

12. blood count
定义: 血球计数. (注: 测量某容积血液内红血球和白血球数量的诊断方法)
例句: If fever with shivering persists for more than three days, patients must refer to a qualified general practitioner who may advise blood tests to assess blood count. (如果带着寒栗颤抖的发烧持续超过三天的话, 病人必须要送诊给合格的全科医生, 他也许会建议做验血来核定血球计数)

13. blood is up, one's
定义: 怒气上升, 发脾气.
例句: Kerry is friendly, but when his blood is up, he's dangerous. (凯瑞平常是友善的, 但当他发脾气的时候, 他是危险的)

14. blood is worth bottling, one's
定义: [澳洲俚语]你是个令人佩服的人; 称赞你做了件特别事情或是一个特别的人.
例句: Make sure you don't lose him as his blood is worth bottling in the IT field, and he was very polite as well. (你要设法保留住他因为他在资讯科技领域上极为优秀, 而且他的态度也相当随和)

15. blood money, the
定义: 血钱, 出卖别人生命得来的钱.
例句: The widow refused to take blood money from the men who murdered her husband. (这位寡妇拒绝收取谋杀她丈夫的人们所给的血钱)

16. blood, sweat and tears
定义: 费出一片心血及牺牲.
例句: It took a lot of blood, sweat and tears to get to where we are today, but we have just begun. (我们付出大量心血及牺牲才取得今天的成就, 但我们才刚刚开始而已)

17. blood-and-guts
定义: 血肉横飞的, 充满暴力的, 激烈的; 基本的, 基础的.
例句: All skilled workforces with good international reputation earn that distinction through merit-based and blood-and-guts competition. (所有拥有良好国际声誉的全体技术员工经由以绩效为基础的和激烈的竞争才赢得这个殊荣)

18. bloodsucker, a
定义: 吸血虫, 吸血动物, 吸血鬼, 剥削, 敲诈或勒索受害者之人.
例句: The union accused the company executives of being bloodsuckers, since they had given themselves raises at a time when the rank and file were forced to take cuts in their benefits. (由于这家公司高层在员工们被迫接受减少公司福利的时刻给他们自己加薪, 工会指控他们剥削劳工)

19. bloody
定义: [俚语]主要在英国使用的加强语; 非常的, 极端的.
例句: "Can I borrow your car again?" "Not bloody likely!" ("我可以借用你的车吗?" "绝对不行!")

20. Bloody Mary, a
定义: [酒品]血腥玛丽. (注: 一种将酒伏特加酒混合有香料的番茄汁做成的鸡尾酒)
例句: A Bloody Mary is a popular cocktail containing vodka, tomato juice, and usually other spices or flavorings. It has been called "the world's most complex cocktail." (血腥玛丽是一种普遍的鸡尾酒, 它包含伏特加酒, 番茄汁, 通常还有其他香料或调味料. 它被称为"世界上最复杂的鸡尾酒.")



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