二十笔实用成语 122

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二十笔实用成语 122

帖子 royl » 周五 6月 24, 2011 7:47 pm

二十笔实用成语 122

01. blown apart, be
定义: 被炸得支离破碎.
例句: Some of my most favorite doctrines, beliefs, and even some of my most basic cultural preferences were blown apart when I came face to face with a life-threatening illness. (当我面临危及生命的疾病之时, 我所抱持的一些最宝贵的教条, 信念, 甚至连最基本的文化偏好都崩溃掉了)

02. blown away, be
定义: 感到惊奇/喜, 有深刻的印象的.
例句: I was blown away by the standing ovation. I've had tributes before, sure, but I don't retain that feeling, and I wasn't prepared for it on Tuesday. ​​(我对这个起立热烈鼓掌感到惊喜.当然, 我也曾经被人致敬过, 但我从不留恋于那种感觉, 在星期二我却没有准备好面对这个热情场面)

03. blown to smithereens, to get
定义: 被炸成碎片, 幻灭.
例句: My hopes were blown to smithereens. I just couldn't imagine that for a two bedroom apartment I would have to pay this much. (我的希望都幻灭了. 我真的没法想像一间两卧室的公寓要我付这么多钱)

04. blowout, a
定义: 一面倒的胜利; 爆胎(车胎爆裂).
例句: The game was expected to be close but it turned out to be a blowout. (这场比赛本来在预料中是个旗鼓相当局面, 但结果却变成一面倒的胜利)

05. BLT
定义: 培根(熏猪肉), 生菜(莴苣), 番茄三明治. (注: BLT是bacon, lettuce, tomato的缩写)
例句: Recently, when I went to a fast food restaurant and ordered a BLT sandwich, the next person in line asked me, “BLT sandwich! What's that?” (最近, 当我去一家速食店点了一份培根生菜番茄三明治, 排在我后面的人问我, "BLT三明治! 那是什么呀?")


06. blue blood, a
定义: 蓝血, 贵族出身.
例句: The intermarriage is the very cornerstone of the nobility. They took this blue blood thing most seriously. (权贵联姻正是贵族的基石. 他们对维持贵族出身这件事极为慎重)

07. blue book, a
定义: 旧车价格表; 社会名人录; 政府赞助的特别资讯; 写考试的蓝皮册子.
例句: In 1926, Les Kelley published his first Kelley Blue Book, a guide to used car values​​. The service was primarily regional until the 1940s. (于一九二六年, 雷斯凯利发表他第一个凯利蓝皮册子,一本旧车价值的指导手册. 在一九四零年代前, 这个服务原本主要是地区性的)

08. blue chip, a
定义: 蓝筹股; 高价值的筹码; 高价值的股票或资产; 稳定成功或赚钱的公司企业; 卓越并有极好前景的运动员.
例句: Blue Chips and their daily performances are frequently mentioned alongside other economic averages like the Dow Jones Industrial Average. (蓝筹股及它们的每天表现经常跟其他的经济平均值一起被报导, 例如道琼斯工业平均指数)

09. blue dahlia, a
定义: 不可能得到的东西.
例句: Strangely, no blue variety of dahlias has ever been cultivated, hence "blue dahlia" is used figuratively for something impossible or unattainable. (奇怪的是, 从来没有蓝色种类的大丽花被培植, 因此"蓝色大丽花"被用来象征性地比喻为不可能的事或无法取得的物)

10. blue from the cold
定义: 冻得发青.
例句: She was walking in the bitter, bitter cold snow, and her poor little feet were blue from the cold. (她走在酷寒的雪地上, 她可怜的两条小腿被冻得发青)

11. blue in the face, be
定义: 直到(因恼怒, 紧张或操劳过度)而精疲力竭, 脸色发青.
例句: You can argue yourself blue in the face but it isn't going to change my opinion. (你可以辩论到你的脸色发青但你不会改变我的想法)

12. blue law, the
定义: 蓝法. (注: 美国早期清教徒所订的严厉的道德及行为法规; 另, 规范星期天的工作, 商业及娱乐的法规)
例句: Blue laws often prohibit an activity only during certain hours and there are usually exceptions to the prohibition of commerce, like grocery and drug stores. (蓝法经常限制某个活动于特定时间之内, 而通常对例如食品杂货和药房等商业则给予例外)

13. blue Monday, a
定义: 令人消沉的星期一. (注: 因为周末的舒缓与轻松结束后马上就面临紧张的一个星期)
例句: But instead of give in to the gloom and depression of it all, I say we fight back against Blue Monday. ​​(但是与其向阴霾和沮丧一切的一切屈服, 我认为我们不如干脆反击令人消沉的星期一)

14. blue moon, a
定义: 蓝月亮, 长久一段时间. (注: 常用来指许久才会发生或罕见的事情; 例如: once in a blue moon)
例句: The term "blue moon" comes from folklore. Different traditions and conventions place the extra "blue" full moon at different times in the year. (这个"蓝月亮"用语源自民间传统. 不同的传统及习俗划分这个异常的"蓝"满月于当年的不同时间)

15. blue one's money, to
定义: [俚语]挥霍, 浪费, 糟蹋金钱.
例句: Spend wisely and don't blue your money on cheap sunglasses. It means what is says, cheap sunglasses are a waste of money. (明智地花钱, 别糟蹋你的钱在廉价劣质的太阳眼镜上. 就像所说的, 廉价劣质的太阳眼镜只会浪费钱)

16. blue with cold
定义: 冻得发青.
例句: The man was shaking and blue with cold, but no one reached out to help him. (这个男子在颤抖, 冻得发青, 但没有人伸出援手帮助他)

17. blue, be
定义: 忧伤, 沮丧.
例句: "Are you blue, Dear?" "Yes. Jack left me." ("亲爱的, 你忧伤吗?" "是的. 杰克离我而去.")

18. blue-blooded, be
定义: 贵族阶层的.
例句: Some clubs are dedicated to various blue-blooded sports, like yachting or cricket. Others are for specific nationalities. (有些俱乐部专门致力贵族阶层的运动, 例如帆船比赛或板球. 其他的则专门开放给一些特定族群)

19. blue-chip prospect, a
定义: 前景极好的运动员, 被某队看好的候选运动员.
例句: Nonetheless, Jones is a rare athlete who, like Green, will need to show a complete skill set before he can become a true blue-chip prospect. (然而, 琼斯是个珍贵的运动员, 就像葛林一​​样, 将必须要表演一个全套技巧组合才能成为一个实际的前景极好的运动员)

20. blue-chip stock, a
定义: 蓝筹股; 高价值, 业绩优良, 交投活跃, 具影响力, 股价走势稳健的股票.
例句: For the third day in a row, the blue-chip stocks were lower when trading ended at the stock exchange. (已经连续第三天了, 蓝筹股在股市交易结束的时候价格下跌)



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