二十笔实用成语 123

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二十笔实用成语 123

帖子 royl » 周六 6月 25, 2011 7:32 pm

二十笔实用成语 123

01. blue-collar worker, a
定义: 蓝领阶级, 劳工, 劳动者.
例句: The blue-collar workers planned a demonstration to protest the exaggerated high salaries of the company president and vice-president. (这些蓝领劳工们计划要举办一个游行示威来抗议公司总裁和副总裁超乎寻常高的薪水)

02. blue-eyed boy, a
定义: 宠儿, 被人喜爱的人, 被上级赏识的人.
例句: He gets to go to all the horrible places for the firm, but not to New York—that trip is kept for the blue-eyed boy. (他被公司派到所有的令人厌恶的地方, 但就是不派他去纽约—因为去纽约出差是保留给被上级赏识的人)

03. blue-plate special, a
定义: 蓝盘特价套餐. (注: 分格大盘上装一肉和两或三菜加上面包及饮料的客饭, 只算一个价钱)
例句: As of 2007 there are still a few restaurants and diners that offer blue-plate specials under that name, but it is a vanishing tradition. (到二零零七年为止仍有少数餐厅以这个名称提供蓝盘特价套餐, 但这是个逐渐消失的传统)

04. blue-sky
定义: 理想性极高, 没价值的, 不切实际的, 没意义的.
例句: The author shows what testable physics is, what philosophy's domain is, and what blue-sky nonsense is. (这个作者说明什么是可测试的物理, 什么是哲学的领域, 和什么是没意义的鬼话)

05. bluff and bluster, be full of
定义: 虚张声势的, 吓唬胁迫的.
例句: They have no problem sending others to die and do their dirty work; they talk tough, and are full of bluff and bluster. (他们乐于派人去送死和替他们做龌龊的事; 他们口出狂言而且虚张声势)

06. bluff it out, to
定义: 虚张声势来诈欺蒙混别人来逃避困难或窘境.
例句: Will you bluff it out when you're wrong, or will you apologize? (当你是错的时候, 你会不会虚张声势来蒙混过关, 还是你会道歉?)

07. blunt the pain, to
定义: 缓和, 减轻痛苦.
例句: Strong drugs like Oxycontin and Amitriptyline helped blunt the pain but they also altered her typically cheerful personality. (效力强大的药像奥斯康定和阿密曲妥林能帮助减轻痛苦, 但它们也会改变她一贯的愉快个性)

08. blurt out, to
定义: 激动的​​脱口而出.
例句: One frustrated CFO accidentally blurted out to a few employees they were "lucky to have a job." (一个受挫折的财务总监不小心脱口而出地告诉一些员工, 他们"有工作已经算幸运的.")

09. blushing violet, a
定义: 害羞内向的人.
例句: I am by no means a blushing violet. I am self-sufficient but I like to share my goals and accomplishments with friends and appreciate those who have my back. (我并不是一个害羞内向的人. 我自给自足但我喜欢跟朋友分享我的目标和成就, 也感激那些保护我的人)

10. board up, to
定义: 钉上木板封住. (注: 常用在没人住的弃屋被屋主以木板将门窗封闭不让闲人闯入; 也有用于台风来前将屋子或店面以木板覆盖门窗以减少风灾损失)
例句: Being prepared to board up your home will save you valuable time should a dangerous storm approach the coast. (如果一个危险的风暴将要登陆时, 准备好把你房子的门窗以木板封住会省下你宝贵的时间)

11. boarding pass, a
定义: 登机证或登机牌. (注: boarding是登机, 登船, 登车之意)
例句: You can check in from your home or office and print your own boarding pass or we'll have your boarding pass faxed to you when you don't have access to a printer. (你可以在你家里或办公室办理登机手续, 打印你自己的登机证或者我们会把登机证传真给你如果你没有印表机的话)

12. boardinghouse reach, a
定义: 越桌取食的失态吃饭行为: 站起来越过同桌吃饭的人去拿食物而不请别人将食物传递过来.
例句: Tom developed his boardinghouse reach in the oil fields. (汤姆在油田工作时养成越桌取食的失态行为)

13. bob up, to
定义: 出现, 冒出; 突然地出现.
例句: The embarrassing question bobbed up again. (这个令人难堪的问题又突然冒出来)

14. bobby socks, a pair of
定义: 女孩, 女人穿的略高于脚踝的短袜.
例句: Ladies bobby socks are just so darned cute! (女人短袜就是漂亮可爱!)


15. bobby, a
定义: [英国俚语]警官, 警察.
例句: Soon as much as Rose tried to explain, tried to calm her hysterical mother, Jackie's distraught screams had someone calling the police and a bobby showed up at the door. (就在萝丝试图要解释和安抚她异常激动母亲时, 洁姬的发狂嘶叫让某人打电话叫警察, 随后一个警察出现在门口)

16. bobby-soxer, a
定义: 青春少女, 未成年的年青女孩.
例句: Kirk Douglas says his appearance at the Academy Awards last month brought him so much attention that he "felt like a bobby-soxer." (上个月, 寇克道格拉斯在出席金像奖时说, 这个典礼带给他这么多的关注, 他"感觉像一个兴奋的青春少女一样.")

17. Bob's your uncle.
定义: [英国俚语]这样就好了; 就是这么简单; 一切没问题.
例句: Just complete the form, pay the fee, and Bob's your uncle! (只要填写这张表格, 付费, 这样就好了)

18. bode ill for, to
定义: 不看好, 情势不妙, 预示出凶兆.
例句: This means the money either will be printed or borrowed, both of which bode ill for the American economy. (这意味着这些钱将被印出来或被借来, 两者都预示出美国经济的凶兆)

19. bode well for, to
定义: 看好, 有好预兆.
例句: The news doesn't bode well for us. (这则消息对我们来说不是个好预兆)

20. bodice ripper, the
定义: [俚语]色情加爱情小说. (注: 剧情经常讲到过去历史, 涉及挑逗剧情中女英雄)
例句: Her daughter is addicted to bodice rippers lately, so I am mostly reading to find out what is making her so full of drama. (她女儿最近迷上了色情加爱情小说, 所以我主要是读读这些小说来找寻什么东西让她充满戏剧性)



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