二十笔实用成语 124

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二十笔实用成语 124

帖子 royl » 周一 6月 27, 2011 12:05 am

二十笔实用成语 124

01. body armor, the
定义: 防弹衣甲, 全身防护装备.
例句: When wearing soft body armor, getting shot with a .22 caliber bullet resembles getting hit in the chest with a 40-mph baseball. (当穿上了软式防弹衣甲时, 被点二二口径子弹打到就好像被一颗时速四十英哩的棒球打到胸部一样)

02. body bag, the
定义: 运送尸体的塑料袋子.
例句: Americans are tired of this endless war, they are tired of seeing young men coming home in body bags. (美国人厌恶这个没完没了的战争, 他们也不愿意再看到年青人躺在运尸袋里被运回到自己国土)

03. body blow, a
定义: 严重的打击或伤害.
例句: The economy has taken some serious body blows in the past few years. (在过去几年里, 这个经济已经受到严重的打击)

04. body clock, a
定义: 生理时钟.
例句: Timing of medical treatment in coordination with the body clock may significantly increase efficacy and reduce drug toxicity or adverse reactions. (配合生理时钟时机的医疗可以大幅度地增加效能, 减低药物毒性或不利的反应)

05. body double, a
定义: [电影术语]替身.
例句: Body double can be used for cases where special skills are needed—anything from playing the piano, to competitive skiing. (替身可以使用于需要特殊技艺的情况下—从弹奏钢琴到激烈的滑雪的各种情况)

06. body English, a
定义: 肢体随球动作, 球员摆出顺着球势的夸张动作.
例句: We all have tried to influence the roll of a bowling ball, a billiard ball or a pinball by the use of body movements commonly called "Body English." (我们曾经都使用过肢体动作来试图影响保龄球, 台球或弹珠球的滑行, 这些动作普通被称为肢体随球动作)

07. body is still warm, the
定义: (某人刚过逝)尸骨未寒. (注: 常指争夺遗产已经开始了)
例句: I don't know what is sadder, the fact that a hero has died, or the fact that all the scumbags have the nerve to bash him while his body is still warm. (我不知道哪一件事更可悲,事实上一个英雄已经死亡, 还是事实上在他尸骨未寒之时这些卑鄙家伙居然胆敢大肆抨击他)

08. body language, a
定义: 肢体语言.
例句: Your body language tells me that you're tense. Just relax, there's nothing to worry about. (你的肢体语言告诉我你在紧张. 放松一下吧, 没什么可担心的)

09. body odor (BO)
定义: 体味, 体臭, 狐臭. (注: BO是body odor的缩写)
例句: The BO from the man in the elevator was overwhelming. (这个人在电梯里的体臭真是受不了)

10. body politic, a
定义: 政治体, 国家, 一个政治体的全体人民.
例句: The article examines the language politicians use to appeal to the body politic. (这篇文章检验政客们所使用的跟全体人民呼吁的语言)

11. body slam, a
定义: [摔角术语]抱摔, 重摔, 摔角选手举起对手由高往下摔.
例句: Evan body slammed his little brother onto the couch. His mother was not pleased, and sent Evan to his room without dinner. (埃文把他的弟弟重摔在长沙发椅上. 他妈妈很不高兴, 叫埃文回到他自己的房间里待着, 也不准他吃晚饭)

12. bog down, to
定义: 卡住, 使陷入泥淖, 使无法进展.
例句: It's easy to get bogged down in details. (我们很容易受到枝微末节困住而无法进展)

13. bogeyman/boogeyman, a
定义: 吓小孩的鬼怪.
例句: My aunt used to say to my sister and me, "The bogeyman will get you if you're bad." (我姑妈过去常跟我姊姊和我说, "如果你不乖的话, 妖怪会来抓你.")

14. boggle one's mind, to
定义: 令人大为惊奇, 不可思议, 犹豫, 纳闷, 不知所措.
例句: He's been doing this job for 10+ years and says the inefficiencies here boggle his mind. (他已经做这个工作有十多年了, 并说这里的效率低得令他不可思议)

15. bog-standard
定义: 寻常的, 普通的, 平淡无奇的.
例句: It was just a bog-standard Christmas, too much food, too much booze and not enough sleep. (这只是一个寻常的圣诞节, 吃太食物, 喝太多酒, 和睡眠不足)

16. boil down, to
定义: 浓缩, 简化, 总结, 摘要.
例句: A lot of his mistakes boil down to his lack of education. (他许多的错误可以总结为他的教育匮乏)

17. boil over, to
定义: 烧滚溢出锅外; 爆发愤怒, 情绪失控.
例句: Their disagreement finally boiled over into a fight. (他们之间的意见相左终于造成情绪失控导致两人打架)

18. boil up, to
定义: 澎湃沸腾, 加剧(至危险程度)
例句: He could feel the anger boiling up inside him. (他可以感觉到他的愤怒在他内心里澎湃沸腾)

19. boiler room, the
定义: 锅炉室, 高压促销办公室. (注: 意指办公室雇用电话推销员以高压的手法兜售欺骗性的股票, 房地产)
例句: A boiler room usually has an undisclosed relationship with the company being promoted or undisclosed profit from the sale of the house stock they are promoting. (一家高压促销办公室跟被促销的公司有着秘密关系, 或从他们要推销的股票取得不公开的利润)

20. boiling mad, be
定义: 怒气冲天.
例句: She would always wait until she was boiling mad before she would attempt to have the discussion, and would inevitably wind up comparing me to her former boyfriends. (她总是等到她怒气冲天才会想跟我讨论问题, 然后必然会把我跟她以前的男友比较一翻)



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