二十笔实用成语 132

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二十笔实用成语 132

帖子 royl » 周三 7月 06, 2011 4:00 am

二十笔实用成语 132

01. Bottoms up!
定义: [惊叹语]干杯! (注: 一饮而尽)
例句: "Bottoms up," said his friend. "It's time to go." ("干杯," 他朋友说. "我该走了.")

02. bottom-up
定义: 由下而上方式的. (注: 一种强调由基本细节建立或多数人参与的组织或管理方式)
例句: Not only is it essential for community involvement in participatory democracy, but bottom-up management in the public service will also contribute towards participatory democracy. (投入社区工作不但对参与性民主是重要的, 而且公共服务的由下而上管理也会促进参与性民主)

03. bounce a check, to
定义: 因开空头支票而跳票或退票.
例句: Thus, if you bounce a check, this action may show up as a negative mark on your ChexSystems' report. (因此, 如果你跳票, 这个行为将会在支票查证系统公司的报告上显示为一个不利的污点)

04. bounce around, to
定义: 提出不同意见, 不停的交替, 粗暴地对待, 互相推诿.
例句: I know this is difficult, but I really need someone to bounce this around with. (我知道这是困难的, 但我实在需要有人跟我提出不同意见)

05. bounce back, to
定义: 弹回; (从挫折中)迅速回升或恢复.
例句: Annie was a sickly girl, but always bounced back from her illness. (安妮是一个孱弱的女孩, 但她总会从她的病痛中迅速恢复过来)

06. bounce off the walls, to
定义: 为某件事兴高采烈或兴奋不已.
例句: I was bouncing off the walls when I found out I was hired for the job; I was literally screeching with excitement when it was made official. (当我发现我找到这个工作时我兴高采烈; 而且当这个消息被正式证实的时候, 我简直兴奋地尖叫)

07. bounce off, to
定义: 提出一个想法给别人以听取别人的意见或反映.
例句: I wanted to bounce some ideas off you before the meeting. (我想要在开会之前听取你们的意见)

08. bounce pass, a
定义: [篮球术语]弹地传球, 滚地传球. (注: 意指如不能空中传球, 只有从地面传球, 但只触地一次)
例句: He produced the night's biggest highlight when he threw a bounce pass to LA Clippers forward Blake Griffin for a breathtaking dunk. (他造成这一晚最精彩高潮当他投出滚地传球给洛杉矶快艇队前锋布雷克葛里芬时, 布雷克做出一个漂亮的灌篮)

09. bounce someone into something, to
定义: 强迫或催促某人做某事.
例句: People in Britain and all over Europe are beginning to realize that they were bounced into supporting a war with Libya by clever media manipulation. (英国和遍及欧洲的人们开始了解到他们受到媒体操纵被强迫支持对利比亚的战争)

10. bouncer, a
定义: 受雇于俱乐部或酒吧的保安人员, 负责约束或驱逐捣乱的顾客; 掉在地上的球.
例句: Pretty soon a bouncer came to me and asked me to step outside. I didn't know what was going on, but as soon as I walked out these cops were all over me. (不久一个保安人员走过来要我到外面去. 我不知道发生了什么事, 但当我一走出去那些警察就把我包围住)

11. bound and determined to, be
定义: 意志坚决的.
例句: I was bound and determined to provide a meal that was scrumptious using what I had on hand. (我坚决要以我手上有的材料准备一份精美的一餐)

12. bound for, be
定义: 前往某地去, 向某处去, 运往某地.
例句: The Titanic departed Southampton, England; made two port calls, one in France and another in Ireland, and was bound for New York. (铁达尼号离开英国南安普顿; 沿途停靠两座港口, 一座在法国和另一座在爱尔兰, 再前往纽约市)

13. bound hand and foot, be
定义: 手脚被捆绑; 受承诺或人情束缚的, 被强制的, 束手缚脚的.
例句: These rules have us bound hand and foot; we can't even discuss the matter. (这些规则让我们束手缚脚, 甚至连这件事情也不准讨论)

14. bound to happen, be
定义: 必会发生的, 肯定会发生的.
例句: There should be no surprise here; it was bound to happen sooner or later. (对于这件事, 应该不会有什么意外; 迟早它肯定会发生的)

15. bound to, be
定义: 确定的, 必然的, 意志坚决的.
例句: Everyone is bound to make mistakes sometimes. (每个人有时候总会犯一些错误)

16. bound up in something, be
定义: 息息相关, 深度涉及或密切牵连某事.
例句: The fates of such projects are always bound up in politics. (这些工程项目的命运总是跟政治有着密切牵连)

17. bound up with something, be
定义: 息息相关, 深度涉及或密切牵连某事.
例句: These societal changes are inextricably bound up with the development of new technologies. (这些社会变迁无法摆脱地跟新科技的发展息息相关)

18. bouquet garni, a
定义: 香料捆, 香料包. (注: 把香料捆或香料包放入锅里与其他食物烹煮, 等煮好就可以把香料丢弃)
例句: Sometimes, the bouquet garni is not bound with string, and its ingredients are filled into a small sachet, a net, or even a tea strainer instead. (有时候, 香料捆并不是用线绑住, 它的原料被也可以放进纱布包, 网里, 或什至于以滤茶网替代)

19. bow and scrape, to
定义: 卑躬屈膝, 恭敬顺从.
例句: Please don't bow and scrape. We are all equal here. (请你别对我恭敬顺从. 在这个地方我们的身份都相等)

20. bow down to, to
定义: 示弱, 屈服, 屈从.
例句: I will bow down to no one. (我绝不向任何人屈服; 我绝不接受任何人指挥)



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