二十笔实用成语 134

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二十笔实用成语 134

帖子 royl » 周五 7月 08, 2011 8:13 am

二十笔实用成语 134

01. boy oh boy!
定义: [惊叹语]哇! 表示惊喜或兴奋.
例句: Everyone said it would be fun, so I went to the party, and, boy oh boy, was it great! (每个人都说它会很好玩, 因此我去了这个派对, 哇, 它真棒!)

02. boy wonder, a
定义: 神童, 青年才俊, 神奇小子, 奇才.
例句: It was Alexander Wang, the Boy Wonder of New York fashion, who is opening his first flagship store, in M​​anhattan, this week. (是亚历山大王, 纽约时装界的神奇小子, 这个星期在曼哈顿开办他第一家旗舰店)

03. boy!
定义: [惊叹语] 哇! 表示惊喜或兴奋.
例句: Boy, I sure am hungry! (哇, 我真饿了!)

04. boyo
定义: [爱尔兰及威尔斯]男孩. (注: boyo就是boy之意)
例句: He is a good boyo at heart, and we love him dearly as any parent would love their child. (他是个心地善良的男孩, 我们就像任何父母一样地钟爱他)

05. boys in blue, the
定义: 警察, 警员或警官.
例句: Luckily, the boys in blue were not there so that we did not get nailed. (幸好, 这些警察不在那儿, 所以我们没被抓)

06. bozo, a
定义: [不尊重语]蠢货, 笨蛋, 无能之人, 小丑.
例句: Lenny is such a bozo. He always laughs at the wrong time. (蓝尼真是个笨蛋. 他总是笑得时机不对)

07. bra
定义: [口语](女人的)胸罩. (注:bra是brassiere的简写)
例句: The one way to steer clear of such uneasiness is to simply pick up a well fitting bra that can support your bosom sufficiently and give it a curvy contour. (一个可以避免这种尴尬场面的方法是找一套合身的胸罩, 如此就可以有效地衬托你的胸部和显示出曲线美的外形)

08. brace for, to
定义: 做好心理准备, 打起精神准备应付.
例句: The town is bracing for a busy tourist season. (这个城市正做好准备迎接一个忙碌的旅游旺季)

09. brace oneself, to
定义: 做好心理准备, 打起精神准备应付, 有备无患.
例句: Brace yourself. I have some bad news. (你要做好心理准备好. 我有一则坏消息)

10. Brace ourselves for the coming hurricane.

11. brace up, to
定义: 振作起来, 鼓起勇气与决心.
例句: I told John to brace up because things would probably get worse before they got better. (我告诉约翰要振作起来因为情况在转好之前还可能会变坏)

12. bracket creep, a
定义: [口语]税级爬升. (注: 为了抵制通货膨胀而收入增加但是也爬上累进所得税的高一层税率反增加税金负担)
例句: Bracket creep occurs when inflation pushes income into higher tax brackets. The result is no increase in real purchasing power but an increase in income tax. (税级爬升发生在通膨把收入推向较高税级的时候. 这个结果并不是真正购买力的增加, 而是所得税的增加)

13. bragging rights, the
定义: 夸耀的权力. (注: 当一人胜利成功之后赢得的夸耀自己的权力)
例句: I'm feeling bit under the weather, which is unfortunate, mostly because I feel I've lost the bragging rights to my super immune system. (我感觉身体有点不舒服, 真不幸, 这主要是因为我感觉我失去了超级免疫系统的炫耀权力)

14. brain box, a
定义: [英国与澳洲]聪颖的人.
例句: Come on brain box, what's the answer? (拜托, 聪颖的人, 答案是什么?)

15. brain drain, a
定义: 人才外流.
例句: Whatever the case, the US should be worried if, as a result of the global financial meltdown, it will face a brain drain of its own. (无论是什么情况, 美国应当要担心如果, 由于全球性财务崩溃财的结果, 美国将会面临自己人才外流的问题)

16. brain dump, a
定义: 把脑海所想的或记忆的资料仓促地写下来; 仓促的资料转移; 经验转移. (注: 意指要离职的人把所累积的知识经验传授给另一接班人)
例句: You'll have to give me a brain dump on the project before you start your new job at your new employer. (在你去新雇主开始工作之前, 你必须要给我一套资料转移)

17. brain is fried, one's
定义: 脑力疲劳或吸毒伤害脑部.
例句: After writing six exams, my brain was fried – too much studying! (做了六个笔试之后, 我的脑子疲惫不堪 – 读太多书啦!)

18. brain someone, to
定义: 重击某人脑部.
例句: I am 6'5" and nearly brained myself going in the front door – it's tiny. (我身高六英呎五吋, 进入前门时差一点撞坏脑部 – 它太小)

19. brain surgery, a
定义: 脑部手术; 很复杂艰难(极难懂)的事务. (注: 美国人常用否定语气not a brain surgery来告诉别人这件事又不复杂或难理解)
例句: I asked Billy to program the DVR to automatically record WWE every week. He looked at me like I expected him to perform brain surgery. (我要求比利编制这个数字硬盘录像机的程序来每星期自动录制世界摔角娱乐节目. 他瞪着我好像我要他做很复杂事情的样子)


20. brain traffic, a
定义: 思考中, 讯息及思考在脑部活动.
例句: I wish I could turn off my mind when brain traffic is too heavy. (我希望我能够在思考太繁重的时刻把大脑关机)



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