二十笔实用成语 146

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二十笔实用成语 146

帖子 royl » 周二 7月 26, 2011 9:57 am

二十笔实用成语 146

01 bring smiles to our lips, to
定义: 令我们开心, 带来欢笑.
例句: They will continue to bring smiles to our lips, calm us in times of adversity. (他们将会继续带给我们欢笑, 在逆境时候让我们心情平静)

02 bring some new facts to light, to
定义: 公布一些新发现的真相.
例句: The lawyers were able to bring some new facts to light in the trial of the killer. (这些律师能够在这个杀人犯的审理中公布一些新发现的真相)

03 bring someone down a peg, to
定义: 挫败某人的傲气, 杀某人的威风, 令他谦逊下来.
例句: He's one of these super-confident types who really needs to be brought down a peg or two. (他是这些超级自信典型人物之一, 真该要杀杀他的傲气)

04 bring someone down, to
定义: [俚语]令某人消沉, 沮丧或失望.
例句: All this rainy weather is really bringing me down. (这个雨天真教我消沉)

05 bring someone into line, to
定义: 劝使别人同意你.
例句: He was finally able to bring the other members of the committee into line. (他终于能够让其他委员同意他的观点)

06 bring someone to book, to
定义: 要求某人解释其过错; 追究责任并予以处分.
例句: The perpetrators of this atrocity must be brought to book. (一定要追究这个暴行加害者的责任并予以严惩)

07 bring someone to heel, to
定义: 强迫别人服从.
例句: She tried to bring her husband to heel, but he had a mind of his own. (她试图强迫她先生服从她, 但他有他自己的想法)

08 bring someone to mind, to
定义: 让你想到某人.
例句: Funny as it may sound, her recipe for a delicious Sweet Potato Casserole will always bring her to mind. (听起来很好笑, 她可口的盘烤蕃薯泥食谱将永远让我们想到她)

09 bring someone to their knees, to
定义: 击溃击弱某人, 令某人屈服.
例句: It might be the economy that brought them to their knees, but it was their ineptness that put them out of business. (也许是经济让他们遭到挫败, 但是他们的无能才是造成他们生意倒闭的主要原因)

10 bring someone to their senses, to
定义: 劝导某人, 点醒某人, 使某人回复理性, 使某人谦卑下来.
例句: If we abuse our fellow creatures, they would one day turn on us, producing diseases that would eventually bring us to our senses. (如果我们虐杀我们同类别动物, 他们总有一天会伤害我们, 造成疾病最终会让我们清醒. 注: 这里的fellow creatures不是指人类而是指地球上动物)

11 bring someone up short, to
定义: 突然打断或制止某人工作或讲话.
例句: When I began to criticize Jan, mother brought me up short. (当我开始批评珍时, 母亲马上制止我)

12 bring someone up to speed, to
定义: 提供最新资料使某人熟悉并顺利地工作.
例句: I need a sales agent who can bring me up to speed on the Houston market and help me make good decisions about selling my home. (我需要一位销售经纪人提供我休士顿房屋市场的最新资料和帮助我做好出售我房​​屋的明智选择)

13 bring someone up with a start, to
定义: 令人受到惊醒, 惊吓得某人停下来.
例句: Well, that pulled me up with a start as I realized that he was right. (噢, 当我了解到他是对的时候, 我突然惊醒)

14 bring someone/something back to life, to
定义: 救活某人, 令某事起死回生.
例句: The convicted murderer sues state after prison staff brought him back to life when his heart stopped beating. (这个被判罪的谋杀犯在他心跳停止时被监狱人员救活了之后却控告政府. 注: 意指谋杀犯本来不想活下去或受活罪但监狱人员救活了他教他心有不甘)

15 bring something home, to
定义: 使别人完全了解某事.
例句: Her visit to the war memorial brought home to her the suffering the war had caused. (她去战争纪念馆的参观让她深刻了解到战争所造成的创伤和痛苦)

16 bring something on, to
定义: 促成某事快速推展.
例句: I don't know what brought on his anger but you should avoid him until he calms down. (我不知道什么事让他愤怒但我们应该离他远一点直到他冷静下来)

17 bring something to a head, to
定义: 到达紧要关头; 问题或争议已经恶化到必须做出抉择或采取行动的时刻.
例句: It's a relief that things have been brought to a head. The disputes have been going on for months. (让人松口气的是情况已经到达必须做出抉择的时刻. 这个争议已经进行了几个月了)

18 bring something to bear, to
定义: 施加或运用压力或影响力以图改善情况; 以...为手段争取理想结局.
例句: If we hope to resolve these issues, more resources must be brought to bear. (如果我们希望要解决这些问题的话, 我们必须要运用更多的资源)

19 bring something to mind, to
定义: 使你想到某事或物.
例句: Seeing her again brought to mind the happy times we spent together in college. (再次遇见她让我想到我们在大学里所渡过的欢乐时光)

20 bring something to the table, to
定义: 带来有益的..., 提供...新意.
例句: You have to bring definite suggestions to the table. (你必须要提供明确的建议)



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