二十笔实用成语 147

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二十笔实用成语 147

帖子 royl » 周四 7月 28, 2011 9:57 am

二十笔实用成语 147

01 bring tears to someone's eyes, to
定义: 令某人感动流泪.
例句: Their stories are heartbreaking and bring tears to your eyes. (他们的故事令人悲痛, 让你感动流泪)

02 bring the house down, to
定义: 博得满堂喝采, 博得观众大声的鼓掌(声音响彻云霄).
例句: The stand-up comedian brought the house down with his jokes about the lost dog. (这位单口相声演员的这段走失狗笑话博得满堂喝采)

03 bring the problem to my notice, to
定义: 把问题告知我, 跟我提起这个问题.
例句: It was Susan who brought the problem to my notice. (是苏珊告知我这个问题)

04 bring the ship about, to
定义: 把船调头返航.
例句: We sailed straight out to sea for over an hour, and then brought the ship about to sail back into the port of Galveston. (我们直接航向外海一个多小时, 然后把船调头返航开进盖文斯顿港)

05 bring the whole thing crashing down, to
定义: 造成全面崩溃, 失败, 摧毁, 幻灭.
例句: Remember that one weak link can bring the whole thing crashing down; so we have to secure all connection points. (记住, 一个脆弱的一环可以造成全面失败; 所以我们必须要把每个连接点弄稳妥)

06 Bring them on!
[成语句型]叫他们来吧! 放马过来!

07 bring this on oneself, to
定义: 自做自受, 自找麻烦, 将麻烦引到他自己身上.
例句: Weiner brought this on himself because of his oversized ego and slightly kinky. (由于他的自负和他轻微的性变态行为, 温纳是自找麻烦的)

08 bring to a close, to
定义: 结束, 终止.
例句: We would like to thank you for your speedy actions to bring this matter to a close, your help was very much appreciated. (我们感谢你的快速行动终结了这个状况, 非常感激你的援助)

注: 在此, 我必须要提一个原则, 许多美国写作专家认为我们要尽量地使用主动语气写作—如此让人读起来一目了然. 但有时候甚至连中文作家也常常使用被动语气来显示委婉或不唐突态度. 这两者之间确实令人较难取舍. 这里的"your help was very much appreciated"可不可以写为"we appreciate your help very much"? 当然可以! 我认为写成主动语气更能凸显你感恩的诚意.

09 bring to a conclusion, to
定义: 完成, 结束, 议定, 谈妥.
例句: This sad saga needs to be brought to a conclusion. If Edwards did break the law, then he is going to have to suffer the consequences. (这一连串悲哀事件需要做一个结束. 如果爱德华兹确实犯了法, 则他将必须自负后果)

10 bring to a halt, to
定义: 制止, 使停止.
例句: It is imperative we make every effort to bring it to a halt, at least a temporary halt, until sufficient information is available. (直到我们获得充分的资料之前, 我们有必要全力以赴制止这件事继续下去,起码要它暂时停止)

11 bring to a head, to
定义: 达到一个转捩点, 危急关​​头或必须摊牌地步.
例句: We usually just play along for a while, we ignore them for as long as we can, and we try not to bring it to a head. (我们通常只是敷衍一阵子, 我们想尽办法拖延他们, 而且尽量不使状况达到摊牌地步)

12 bring to account, to
定义: 要求某人解释其过错, 追究责任并予以处分, 绳之以法.
例句: This wicked crime has been strongly condemned by all sections of the local community and people want to help to bring to account the perpetrators of this crime. (这个邪恶的罪行已经受到当地社区各界民众强烈谴责, 人们想要帮助把行凶者绳之以法)

13 bring to an end, to
定义: 结束, 终止.
例句: The setting sun brings the day to a close. (西下的夕阳结束了一天的活动)

14 bring to bear, to
定义: 施加或运用压力或影响力以图改革情况; 以...为手段争取理想结局.
例句: The demonstrators will continue to bring pressure to bear on the government. (这些示威群众将继续对这个政府施加压力)

15 bring to life, to
定义: 带来活力, 使其生意盎然.
例句: Large, colorful illustrations bring to life the classic story of Snow White. (大型, 生动的插图使得经典的白雪公主故事生意盎然)

16 bring to light, to
定义: 揭发, 透露, 让人知道.
例句: Her books brought to light women's contributions to society across the centuries. (她的书籍让人知道纵横几世纪以来女人对社会的贡献)

17 bring to mind someone, to
定义: 让你想到某人.
例句: Something about her face brings to mind my first-grade teacher. (不知为什么她的脸让我想起我一年级导师)

18 bring to mind something, to
定义: 让你想到某事或物.
例句: My daughter said the story brought her relationship with me to mind. (我女儿说这个故事让她想到她跟我之间的关系)

19 bring to one's knees, to
定义: 使某人屈服, 降服或处于顺服的地位, 严重伤害.
例句: The increase in oil prices could bring the economy to its knees. (这个油价高涨会严重伤害经济)

20 bring to terms, to
定义: 强迫别人同意, 屈服.
例句: To summarize, she is cheating without a doubt, and she needs to be brought to terms with what she is doing. (总而言之, 她毫无疑问地对她丈夫/男友不忠贞, 她必须要被迫承认她所做的事情)



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