二十笔实用成语 151

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二十笔实用成语 151

帖子 royl » 周二 8月 02, 2011 11:01 am

二十笔实用成语 151

01. brush off, to
定义: 刷掉, 拂去, 掸掉; 不理不睬, 漠视, 冷落.
例句: I never felt like he was brushing me off or ignoring me. As a patient I knew I simply had to speak up when I had questions or concerns. (我从没感觉到他在冷落我或忽视我. 作为一个病人我知道如果我有问题或有什么想知道的事, 我只要大声地说出来就好)

02. brush shoulders, to
定义: 擦肩而过, 近距离相遇.
例句: I think this is because these people actually live by brushing shoulders with death, be it for kicks or to find their limit. (不论是为了刺激或寻找他们自己的极限, 我认为这是因为这些人实际上活在与死亡擦身而过的生活)

03. brush something under the carpet, to
定义: 隐藏, 不愿意去面对问题或见不得人的丑事.
例句: Suicide statistics is far greater than the statistics for road traffic accidents yet it is being brushed under the carpet every day. ​​(自杀的统计数字远比交通事故死亡数字要高出很多, 但这个数字每天被人隐藏起来)

04. brush something under the rug, to
定义: 隐藏, 不愿意去面对问题或见不得人的丑事.
例句: The evidence was on film and the police couldn't just brush it under the rug. (这个证据被人拍摄下来了, 警方不可能再遮掩真相)

05. brush up on, to
定义: 重新温习许久不用的知识或技术.
例句: If you're going to travel to Peru, you'd better brush up on your Spanish. (如果你要去秘鲁旅游, 你最好先重新温习你的西班牙语)

06. brush up, to
定义: 改进, 加强; 重新温习许久不用的知识或技术..
例句: My Mandarin is very rusty. I need to brush up before I go on my vacation to China. (我的普通话非常生疏. 我需要在去中国渡假之前先温习它)

07. brush with death, a
定义: 玩命, 与死亡擦身而过, 滨临死亡.
例句: After a close brush with death you'll think that life is precious. (经过滨临死亡之后你会认为生命是宝贵的)

08. brush with the law, a
定义: 触法, 轻微犯法行为.
例句: He had a brush with the law when he was young but now he is totally honest. (在他年轻时候, 他曾经触过法但他现在是完全诚实的)

09. brush-off, a
定义: 不理不睬, 漠视, 冷落.
例句: I got the brush-off when I asked her for help. (当我向她求助时候她对我不理不睬)

10. brute force
定义: 极为强劲的, 野蛮或粗暴的力量.
例句: He used brute force to open the door. (他使用蛮力把这扇门推开)

11. brute strength
定义: 极为强劲的, 野蛮或粗暴的力量.
例句: Supporting one's weight above the ground while performing handstands and other maneuvers without shaking requires brute strength. (在表演手撑倒立和其他动作的时候, 支撑自己身体重量在地面上而​​不发抖需要极为强劲的力量)

12. brute, a
定义: 粗暴的人, 野蛮的人.
例句: Let go of me, you brute! (放开我, 你这个野蛮人!)

13. BS, a
定义: 理学士. (注: BS是bachelor of science的缩写); [不雅语]胡说八道. (注: BS是bullshit的缩写)
例句: His explanation is a lot of BS. Don't believe it. (他的解释根本是胡说八道. 别相信它!)

14. BTA
定义: [网路术语]但是话又说回来了. (注: But Then Again的缩写); 九一一攻击之前时间. (注: Before The Attacks的缩写)
例句: There should be more time to do it, BTA I won't hold my breath. (应该还有更多时间去做它, 但是话又说回来, 我并不指望有什么进展)

15. BTTT
定义: [网路术语] 置于或移至网页上方, 顶置, 支持并推上某人的意见. (注: BTTT是bump to the top的缩写)
例句: Usually, If a new reply was posted to a thread then it gets bumped to the top; a thread can also be BTTT by an administrator. (通常, 如果一个新回应被贴在现有串帖之后则它会被移至网页上方; 一串帖子也可以被网管人员顶置. 注: 这里的a thread是指某一发言帖与回应帖的一串帖子)


16. BTW
定义: [网路术语]顺便说一下, 顺便一提. (注: BTW就是by the way缩写)
例句: BTW, I really like your shoes. (顺便一提, 我很喜欢你的鞋子)

定义: [网路术语]准时去那儿并且玩个痛快. (注: BTWBO就是Be There With Bells On的缩写)
例句: I would be there with bells on (BTWBO), but, as I've said before – I'd have to sell one of the children to raise the airfare. (我想去那儿并且玩个痛快, 但是, 就像我说过的– 我必须要卖掉我一个儿女来筹措我的机票钱. 注: 意指我很想去玩但我没钱买机票)

18. bub, a
定义: [俚语]好友, 伙伴, 老友等亲切的称呼.
例句: Come on, bub, you can do it. (振作起来, 伙伴, 你能做到的)

19. bubba, a
定义: 乡巴佬; 美国南方白人劳动者被人视为喜群居的, 以及教育程度低的人.
例句: And you know you're a bubba if you bring your newborn baby boy home in Camaro; seriously, some people do. (还有你知道你是个乡巴佬如果你开你的卡玛洛跑车带你的新生婴儿回家; 说真的, 真有人这样做)


20. bubble and squeak, a
定义: [英国食物]油煎卷心菜, 马铃薯有时加一些肉.
例句: Mine was artfully arranged on a pile of bubble and squeak mash with red wine sauce. (我的做法是精美地把油煎卷心菜, 马铃薯泥放成一堆再淋上红酒酱汁)



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