二十笔实用成语 158

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二十笔实用成语 158

帖子 royl » 周五 8月 12, 2011 10:32 pm

二十笔实用成语 158

01. bunch of crybabies, a
定义: 一群爱哭或爱发牢骚的人, 没出息的人, 为了一点小事就受不了的人.
例句: I work with a bunch of crybabies who complain all the time. (我跟一群没出息的人一起工作, 他们整天发牢骚)

02. bunch of fives, a
定义: [英国]握拳, 拳头.
例句: How would you like a bunch of fives right in the kisser? (你是不是想吃一拳在脸上? 注: 这里的kisser是指嘴部或脸部的俚语)

03. bunch of goons, a
定义: 一群打手, 杀手, 党羽.
例句: CNN was forced to apologies today after a news commentator called the Chinese as a "bunch of goons and thugs." (在一个新闻评论员称呼这群中国人为"一群打手和流氓"之后, 今天CNN被强迫道歉)

04. bunch of malarkey, a
定义: 满嘴胡言乱语, 歪曲事实的话.
例句: "Do you believe what the psychic said about your future?" "No. It's a bunch of malarkey." ("你相不相信算命师所说的有关你的前途?" "我不相信. 完全是鬼扯的.")

05. bunco/bunko, a
定义: 骗局, 诈欺, 行骗.
例句: Grow explained that today's prevailing attitude towards victims of bunco crimes – if they hadn't gotten greedy. (葛罗解释现今人们普遍对诈欺犯罪受害者的态度– 如果他们当初不贪心的话, 他们就不会成为受害者. 注: 为了使意义完全, 最后一段话是我加进去)

06. bundle of energy, a
定义: 充满活力, 精力或能量充沛.
例句: She's a bundle of energy that puts smiles on everyone who lays eyes on her golden brown hair. (她充满活力, 给那些注意到她一头金褐色头发的人们带来欢笑)

07. bundle of nerves, a
定义: 碰到一点小事就紧张, 惊恐的人.
例句: May has so many problems – she's just a bundle of nerves. (梅有许多问题– 她真是个碰到一点小事就惊恐的人)

08. bundle off, to
定义: 打发走, 迅速送走.
例句: He bundled the children off to school. (他匆忙地送小朋友上学)

09. bundle up, to
定义: 多穿衣服(因为外面好冷); 绑成一捆.
例句: We bundled up and went for a walk in the park. (我们穿上厚实的衣服到公园散步)

10. bunged up, be
定义: 被堵塞住.
例句: If your nose is bunged up, you find it difficult to breathe because you have a cold. (如果你有鼻塞, 你呼吸困难的话, 这是因为你得了感冒)

11. bungee cord, a
定义: 弹性绳索. 一种有弹性的能伸缩的橡胶绳索.
例句: Today, bungee cords are most often used to secure objects without tying knots and to absorb shock. (现今, 弹性绳索最经常用来绑住物品而不需要打结, 也能承受震动)

12. bungee jump, to
定义: 高空弹跳. (注: 利用有弹性的绳索一端绑着身体或足踝另一端绑在高处平台或桥上, 通常是数十甚至过百公尺, 然后从高处一跃跳下的活动)
例句: A few people were bungee jumping off the bridge while a crowd of people looked on. (几个人正从桥上高空弹跳下来同时许多人在旁观看)

13. bungling fool, a
定义: [骂人语]无能笨拙之人, 笨手笨脚的蠢人.
例句: The man who pulled off the first three attacks in a well-executed manner turned into a bungling fool by the fourth attempt. (这个人成功地做出前三次娴熟俐落的攻击, 但他第四次攻击时却变成一个笨手笨脚的蠢人)

14. bunk off, to
定义: 无故不上班, 逃学; 提早离开工作或学校.
例句: Parents who allow their children to bunk off school have been given a warning. (容许他们子女逃学的父母已经给予警告)

15. bunk up with someone, to
定义: 借住某人家过夜, 与某人发生性行为.
例句: You'd think I'm out of my mind but I recently bunked up with my parents in the garage while I devoted three years' time building my dream home. (你会以为我疯了, 但最近我在我父母家车库过夜, 同时我投入三年时间建造我的梦想房屋)

16. bunk, a
定义: 鬼扯, 胡说八道.
例句: They claim that computers can think, but that's a lot of bunk! (他们宣称电脑能够思考, 但这是鬼扯!)

17. bunkum, a
定义: 鬼扯, 胡说八道.
例句: Much of "Going Green" is pure bunkum that we use less energy, shrink our carbon footprint, save the Earth. (许多"环保绿化"口号, 说什么我们要减少使用能源, 缩小碳排放, 拯救地球等纯粹是胡说八道)

18. bunk-up, to give someone a
定义: 帮人推一把. (注: 自底向上推以助人爬高)
例句: To his great credit the repairman did not give up and asked me to give him a bunk-up into the tree to retrieve his equipment. (归功于这个修理工人锲而不舍精神, 他要求我推他一把爬上树,取回他的工具)

19. bunny boiler, a
定义: 危险痴心女人. (注: 意指一位危险痴心女人疯狂, 锲而不舍地追求拒绝其爱的假想恋人)
例句: A schoolgirl who engaged in a drug-fuelled affair with a married teacher acted like a bunny boiler and set out to ruin him when he ended the relationship. (一个女生卷入一场由毒品所助长的与已婚教师不伦之恋; 当他中止两人关系时, 她表现像个疯狂痴心女人, 执意要毁灭他)

20. bunny girl, a
定义: 兔女郎, 夜总会穿着性感迷人兔装年轻女服务生.
例句: The bunny girl sports a figure-hugging milk chocolate swim suit, white chocolate bunny ears, chocolate shoes, cuffs and a bow tie. (这个兔女郎穿着一件紧身牛奶巧克力色泳装, 白巧克力色兔耳朵, 巧克力色鞋子, 袖口, 和一条蝴蝶结)






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