二十笔实用成语 163

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二十笔实用成语 163

帖子 royl » 周五 8月 19, 2011 1:18 am

二十笔实用成语 163

01. business trip, a
定义: 商务旅游, 出差.
例句: He says he has to take a business trip, even though his company's travel budget has been slashed. (他说他不得不出差尽管他的公司已经删除了公务旅行经费)

02. businesslike manner, a
定义: 公事公办的态度; 严肃, 礼貌, 务实的态度.
例句: Dressing in a businesslike manner will help you make a good impression at your interview, or even when you are dropping off a resume or application. (以办公事态度穿着服装会帮助你在面试中或甚至在你递交履历表或申请表时带来良好印象)

03. busman's holiday, a
定义: 照常办公的假日.
例句: Going to the beach is too much of a busman's holiday for him – he's a lifeguard! (去海滩对他简直跟一个照常办公的假日一样 – 因为他是个救生员!)

04. bust (some) suds, to
定义: 喝啤酒; 洗碗.
例句: I don't want to spend the rest of my life busting suds. (我不愿意下半辈子都在洗碗)

05. bust a move, to
定义: [俚语]离开(一个地方); 跳舞; 挑逗; 勾引.
例句: I'm sick of this bar—let's bust a move over to my house. (我厌倦了这个酒店—我们离开这里到我家吧)

06. bust a/one's gut, to
定义: 爆笑, 快要笑破肚皮; 努力辛勤工作.
例句: I busted a gut to get there the last time, and I was the first one there. (上次我拼命地赶到那儿, 我还是第一个到达)

07. bust digits, to
定义: [俚语]取得某人的电话号码(尤其异性的号码).
例句: I need a date for tomorrow night, I'm going to try to bust some digits tonight. (明晚我需要一个女伴, 今晚我要想办法找到一个电话号码)

08. bust one's ass, to
定义: [不雅语]投入大量努力; 吃苦受累; 受伤.
例句: He busted his ass to get to where he is today—CEOs don't just happen overnight. (他吃苦受累到达今天的地步—执行总裁不是一夜之间就垂手可得)

09. bust one's balls, to
定义: [不雅语]投入大量努力; 吃苦受累; 受伤.
例句: I was working on the play for months and I busted my balls trying to make a worthy show. (我几个月来努力写这个剧本, 我投入大量努力就是为了使这出表演值得观赏)

10. bust one's butt, to
定义: 投入大量努力; 吃苦受累; 受伤.
例句: She busts her butt to earn a good wage, and he spends it. (她吃苦受累赚得一份丰厚薪资, 他却把它花光)

11. bust one's chops, to
定义: 投入大量努力; 吃苦受累; 受伤.
例句: I've been busting my chops to get this report out by end of day. ​​(我一直拼命地做好这份报告并尽快在今天结束之前交出)

12. bust one's conk, to
定义: [俚语]努力辛勤地工作; 兴高采烈; 怒气冲冲.
例句: You don't have to bust your conk so you can put food on the table because you're rich. You don't know what we have to go through to make a living. (因为你有钱所以你不须要辛勤工作才能养家活口. 你不知道我们有多辛苦才能维持生计)

13. bust one's tail, to
定义: 投入大量努力; 吃苦受累; 受伤.
例句: All you have to do is bust your tail to earn sixty bucks and you're home free. (你所须要做的是努力赚六十块钱, 你就没事了)

14. bust out, to
定义: [俚语]逃狱; 离开; 拿出.
例句: We busted out of class, we had to get away from those fools. We learned more from a three-minute film than we ever learned in school. (我们逃离这堂课, 我们不得不离开这群傻瓜. 我们从一个三分钟电影所学到的比我们在学校所学的还要多)

15. bust someone's ass, to
定义: [不雅语]痛打某人; 击败某人; 斥责或羞辱某人; 唠叨或批评某人.
例句: I've let it go as a courtesy to you, but if he gets in my face again, I'm going to bust his ass. (我不计较这件事是对你礼让, 如果他再在我面前咄咄逼人的话, 我会痛打他一顿)

16. bust someone's balls, to
定义: [不雅语]催某人工作; 击败某人; 斥责或羞辱某人; 唠叨或批评某人; 跟某人开玩笑.
例句: No need to break my balls. I'll do it! (别催我. 我自己会做的!)

17. bust someone's butt, to
定义: 催某人工作; 击败某人; 斥责或羞辱某人; 唠叨或批评某人; 跟某人开玩笑.
例句: I really do agree that it's stupid to bust someone's butt over recreational drug use that doesn't interfere with job. (我真心同意, 斥责某人使用不妨碍工作的消遣性药物是愚蠢的)

18. bust someone's chops, to
定义: 斥责或羞辱别人; 令某人失望; 击败某人; 唠叨或批评某人; 要某人完全依照合约办事; 跟某人开玩笑.
例句: Don't bust my chops over one or two thousand dollars. (别为了一两千块钱唠叨我)

19. bust up, to
定义: 结束关系, 造成关系破裂(例如婚姻).
例句: His gambling problem busted up their marriage. (他的赌博问题造成他们婚姻关系破裂)

20. busted flush, a
定义: 最终失败, 功亏一篑, 失败者, 本来极有潜力的人或事最后以失败告终. (注: 源自扑克牌之手持四张同花牌但最后一张不是则功亏一篑)
例句: The recent IMF analysis pretty convincingly demonstrates that the US is as fiscally bankrupt as a busted flush. (最近的国际货币基金会的分析十分具有说服力地显示出美国像一个最终失败者一样地财务破产)



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