二十笔实用成语 166

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二十笔实用成语 166

帖子 royl » 周二 8月 23, 2011 3:12 am

二十笔实用成语 166

01. button it!
定义: [不尊重语]闭嘴! 别讲话!
例句: I'll bet I know what I'm talking about more than you do, why don't you button it for a change. (我肯定比你还内行, 这次该轮到你闭上你的嘴. 注:请注意我第二段话翻译, 这里的why don't you并不是询问而是被激怒后的反应, for a change也不是换个方式而是: 这次该该轮到你)

02. button man, a
定义: 黑社会或黑帮的小喽啰.
例句: Sometimes a murder is accidental, sometimes it is planned; to leave nothing behind, a button man has to do the cleaning. (有时候, 一宗谋杀是偶发的, 有时候它是预谋的; 为了不留下证据, 一个黑帮小喽啰必须要做清理证据的工作)

03. button one's lip/lips, to
定义: 闭口不语, 保密, 守口如瓶.
例句: Button your lips about the speeding ticket. Don't tell dad. (你要替我拿到超速罚单守口如瓶. 千万别告诉老爸)

04. button something up, to
定义: 关紧, 封紧, 结束或完成某事, 圆满完成某事.
例句: Management seems happy to bargain early, hoping to button up a deal long before any threat of a work stoppage. (管理阶层似乎乐于早点展开劳资谈判, 希望在任何停工的威胁出现之前圆满取得一个协议)

05. button up the back of her dress, to
定义: 把她的衣服从后面扣好.
例句: Jane stood in front of the dressing table in her bedroom, a dreamy smile on her face, as Molly helped her button up the back of her dress. (当茉莉帮她把她的衣服从后面扣好的时候, 珍站在卧室的梳妆台前, 脸上露出如梦的笑容)

06. button up to the chin, to
定义: 把外套的纽扣一直扣到下巴; 刻板形象的人.
例句: Basically, don't wear a short skirt, and wear a nice top that doesn't show too much. I'm not saying you should button up to the chin, but try and look nice. (基本上, 别穿短裙, 穿一件像样的不裸露上衣. 我并不是说你一定要把纽扣一直扣到下巴, 但你要设法看起来体面)

07. button up, to
定义: [俚语]扣紧, 关紧, 封紧, 闭口不语.
例句: Be sure to button up your coat before you go outside. (你别忘了在出去之前把大衣扣紧)

08. button-down collar, a
定义: 以纽扣扣紧衣领.
例句: A "button-down" shirt refers to a shirt with an American "button-down" collar introduced by Brooks Brothers in 1896. (一件"纽扣扣紧衣领"的衬衫是指布鲁克兄弟在1896年所推出的美式以纽扣扣紧衣领的衬衫)


09. buttoned-down, be
定义: 穿着及言行保守传统的.
例句: The buttoned-down, bespectacled man with lofty rhetoric and slight stiffness in public sometimes give him the aura of a schoolteacher. (这个在公众前言词傲慢, 动作略为僵硬, 穿着保守, 戴眼镜的男子有时候让人感觉他像一个教师)

10. buttoned-up, be
定义: 冷漠的, 沉默的, 有所保留的.
例句: But then again, in this day of public mistrust, the buttoned-up executive may be the last thing that corporations need. (但是话又说回来了, 在这个公众不信任的时刻, 这个冷漠主管也许是大公司最想避免的人物)

11. buttonhole someone, to
定义: 强留某人谈话​​.
例句: After the meeting, Al buttonholed me and asked me to vote Reform. (在会议结束后, 艾尔把我强留下来, 要求我投票给改革党)

12. butt-ugly, be
定义: 很丑的, 令人生厌的.
例句: My sister wanted me to go an a date with one of her friends. At first I was interested, but I changed my mind when I saw her picture. She was butt-ugly. (我妹妹要我跟她的一位朋友约会. 起初我还有兴趣, 但当我看到她的照片我就改变主意了. 她真丑)

13. buy a pig in a poke, to
定义: 未见实物而乱买, 容易吃亏上当.
例句: You can buy the used cell phone if you want but it will be like buying a pig in a poke. (如果你想要的话, 你可以买这只旧手机, 但是这就像未见实物而乱买一样)

14. buy a pup, to
定义: 购物上当或受骗, 花大钱买回不值钱的废物.
例句: Looks like you bought a pup. ​​I had had two Opel Omegas before this. All had been great. (看样子你买了不值钱的废物. 在开这部车之前我曾经拥有过两部奥普欧米加车子. 它们都不错)

15. buy a round, to
定义: 请酒吧每人一杯酒.
例句: When Gina was born, I bought a round for the team. Every player had a drink to honor our baby. (当吉娜出生后, 我请队上每人一杯酒. 每个球员都敬我们婴儿酒)

16. buy in something, to
定义: [英国]大量购入某物, 过多进货.
例句: Be sure to buy in a lot of tinned food in case we're snowed up. (别忘了购买大量的罐头食品以防万一我们被大雪困住)

17. buy into a flawed strategy, to
定义: 相信并支持有瑕疵的策略.
例句: Fewer and fewer people are buying into this flawed strategy and the failed war in Afghanistan. (越来越少的人们还会相信并支持这个有瑕疵的策略以及在阿富汗的失败战争)

18. buy into someone's story, to
定义: 相信并支持某人的说辞.
例句: I'm not buying into your story, troll. I know mainstream Muslims respect Christians as the "People of The Book." (我才不相信你这套, 你这个网路捣蛋份子. 我知道主流回教徒尊重基督徒为"圣经族群.")

19. buy into the belief/notion, to
定义: 相信, 误信, 受到误导.
例句: The book teaches kids not to buy into the notion that money brings happiness. (这本书教导小孩不受到金钱可以购买快乐的误导)

20. buy into, to
定义: 相信并支持某人的说辞.
例句: He will buy into our plan if the money goes to needy children. (如果这笔钱被捐赠给穷困儿童的话, 他会支持我们的计划)



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