二十笔实用成语 169

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二十笔实用成语 169

帖子 royl » 周五 8月 26, 2011 2:47 am

二十笔实用成语 169

01. by any stretch of imagination
定义: 绝对不可能地, 再夸张也不能地, 绝对不会发生地.
例句: I don't see how anyone by any stretch of the imagination could fail to understand what my last sentence meant. (我不认为任何人有可能误解我最后一句话的意思. 注: 这里的"任何人有可能"是两个否定语气: how...could, by any stretch of the imagination, 负负得正, 中和而成的)

"how can/could" is used to express doubt that something will happen, is possible, etc. 也就是怀疑某件事有可能会发生.
"by any stretch of imagination" is used to emphasize that something is not true, does not happen, etc. 也就是强调某件事不可能会发生.

02. by any stretch of the word
定义: 牵强附会, 夸大其词, 夸大运用或解释的语言.
例句: Captive raised wolves are not domesticated by any stretch of the word. (再怎么牵强附会, 被圈养的狼只也绝不跟家畜一样地驯良)

03. by chance
定义: 凑巧地, 偶然地, 意外地.
例句: We found the painting entirely by chance. (我们发现这幅画纯粹是个凑巧)

04. by choice
定义: 自愿地, 有意地, 出于选择地.
例句: This concept may be foreign to most males: being single by choice. Women do this, and men should take note. (这个概念也许对男性来说是陌生的: 成为单身是自愿地. 女人们做出这个选择, 男人们应该重视它)

05. by coincidence
定义: 碰巧地, 巧合地, 凑巧地.
例句: We just happened to be in the same place at the same time by coincidence. (我们正好凑巧地在同一时间于同一地点出现)

06. by contraries
定义: 反逻辑地, 违反所期望地.
例句: Many things in our lives go by contraries. (我们人生许多事情的发展是与期望背道而驰的)

07. by contrast
定义: 相比之下, 对比之下.
例句: The downtown Los Angeles library is just gorgeous. By contrast, the downtown San Diego library is dated and uninspiring. (洛杉矶城中区图书馆真是美丽动人. 相比之下, 圣地牙哥的城中区图书馆已经老旧和让人引不起兴趣)

08. by courtesy of
定义: 慷慨地, 礼貌性地提供, 设想, 允许或合作.
例句: Refreshments are provided by courtesy of the management. (点心和饮料是由管理部门所礼貌性地提供的)

09. by cracky
定义: [惊叹语]天啊! 强调对事态惊讶, 赞同或紧急性.
例句: Jim said he'd get the whole house painted this weekend, and by cracky, that's just what he did. (吉姆曾说过他要在这个周末把栋房子油漆一遍, 天啊, 他真做到了)

10. by day
定义: 在白天时. (注: 常用于描述某人白天做某工作, 晚上做另一工作)
例句: She's a beautiful, fashion-obsessed medical student by day and a sex-starved, remorseless serial killer by night. (在白天, 她是个美丽动人, 着迷时髦的医学院学生; 在晚上, 她是个性饥渴,残酷无情的杀人狂)

11. by definition
定义: 定义上, 当然地, 显然地.
例句: A volunteer by definition is not paid. (一个义工显然是不支薪的)

12. by degrees
定义: 逐渐地, 循序渐进地.
例句: The tomatoes changed by degrees from green to red. (这些蕃茄逐渐地从绿变红)

13. by design
定义: 故意地, 处心积虑地.
例句: It wasn't like I did it by design; I didn't have any choice. (我并不是故意要做这件事; 我是不得已的啊)

14. by dint of
定义: 由于.
例句: By dint of her efforts alone, this family is happy and healthy. (由于她的独力打拼, 这个家庭幸福健康)

15. by easy stages
定义: 从容不疾地, 徐徐地.
例句: The talk had drifted from trade to politics, from politics to religion, and so by easy stages to the supernatural. (这个谈话从贸易聊到政治, 从政治聊到信仰, 又徐徐地聊到超自然的事物)

16. by extension
定义: 可推论为, 也意味着, ​​扩大延伸意义. (例如: 假如a=b, b=c以此推论则a=c)
例句: By subsidizing corn, and therefore by extension high fructose corn syrup used as a sweetener in sodas, Congress have tricked us into gaining weight. (由于给予玉米的补贴, 因此也意味着高果糖的玉米糖浆作为汽水的甜味剂, 国会欺骗诱导我们增加体重)

17. by far
定义: 到目前为止; 最..., 远超过..., 无以伦比地. (注: 用于强调最高级的比较)
例句: She is by far the best executive in the company. (她是公司最优秀的主管)

18. by feel
定义: 凭手触摸, 凭感觉或感官.
例句: I didn't want to turn on the bedroom light and wake my wife, so I was navigating by feel. (我不想打开卧室灯把我太太弄醒, 所以我凭触觉摸黑找路)

19. by fits and starts
定义: 停停走走地, 时有时无地, 间歇性地, 冲动地.
例句: By fits and starts the company was finally able to begin business. (停停走走地, 这家公司终于开始营运)

20. by force of arms
定义: 使用武器, 以武力.
例句: Under Mosaic law, lands taken by force of arms are to be returned to the people they were taken from after 50 years. (根据摩西律法, 以武力夺取的土地应该在五十年后归还给被掠夺的人们)



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