二十笔实用成语 201

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二十笔实用成语 201

帖子 royl » 周六 10月 08, 2011 2:26 pm

二十笔实用成语 201

01. change of heart, a
定义: 改变意见, 态度, 心意; 回心转意.
例句: She had a change of heart and decided to let her child go to the circus. (她回心转意, 决定让她小孩去看马戏团)

02. change of life, a
定义: (女人)停经, 更年期.
例句: For the last ten years she's been blaming all her health problems on the change of life. (过去十年来, 她一直把她所有的健康问题都归咎于更年期)

03. change of pace, a
定义: 换步调, 换节奏; 改变活动; [棒球术语]以投快球的速度投慢球来欺瞒打击手.
例句: People need to get up and move around at lunchtime—they need a change of pace, and a chance to socialize. (人们应该在午休时间站起来活动活动—他们需要改变生活节奏, 找机会参加社交活动)

04. change of plan, a
定义: 改变计划.
例句: There was a change of plan at the last minute. We decided to go to our friendly neighborhood family restaurant for dinner instead. (我们在最后时刻改变计划. 决定还是去我们亲切的邻近家庭餐厅吃晚餐)

05. change of scene/scenery, a
定义: 换个地方, 去别地方.
例句: I'm sick of the cold weather. I need a change of scene. (我真受不了这个寒冷天气. 我需要换个暖和的地方)

06. change of seasons, the
定义: 换季, 季节更换.
例句: The cooler, refreshing air signifies the change of seasons—the shift from summer into fall. (这个飘来的清凉空气意味着季节更换—从夏季转变为秋季)

07. change off, to
定义: 与另一人轮流.
例句: Tom and I changed off so neither of us had to answer the phone all the time. (汤姆和我轮流工作, 所以我们两人不需要整天地接电话)

08. change one's mind, to
定义: 改变主意, 更换计划.
例句: He changed his mind and said that he would not go to the movie tonight. (他改变了主意, 说他今晚不会去看电影)

09. change one's opinion/views, to
定义: 改变看法/意见/观点.
例句: A girl's first romantic heartbreak will definitely change her opinion in love, men, and relationship. (一个女孩的第一次失恋肯定会改变她对爱情, 男人, 和男女关系的看法)

10. change one's story, to
定义: 改变说法.
例句: It is not the first time Sachs has changed his story. The 21-year-old, who faces the death penalty if convicted, initially denied the charges. (这不是第一次萨克司改变他的说法. 这个二十一岁男子, 如果被判有罪的话将面临死刑, 起初还否认这些指控)

11. change one's tune, to
定义: 改变主意, 态度, 言行; 换边或投入对方阵营.
例句: He has begun to change his tune recently and is beginning to agree that we need to do things a little differently. (最近他已经改变主意了, 开始同意我们需要稍微改善我们的工作态度)

12. change over, to
定义: 大幅转换系统或方法.
例句: We've just changed over from electric central heating to gas. (我们最近才更换我们电动中央暖气系统为天然气系统)

13. change sides, to
定义: 改变立场, 加入另一边, 互换立场.
例句: We debated back and forth within our two teams, and we changed sides and did it again. (我们两队之间反覆地辩论, 然后我们互换立场再反覆辩论)

14. change someone's mind, to
定义: 令某人改变主意或决定.
例句: She was adamant in her decision and said there was absolutely nothing I could say or do to change her mind. (她坚持她的决定, 她说不管我说什么都不可能改变她的主意)

15. change tack, to
定义: 换个方式/办法/手段.
例句: Instead of always asking him what he wants, why don't you try a different tack and tell him what you want? (与其总是问他想要什么, 你为什么不换个方式, 告诉他你要什么?)

16. change the face, to
定义: 改变印象, 面貌, 外观.
例句: The recent targeting of an Iranian nuclear power plant by a vicious computer worm hints at how cyber weapons could change the face of future warfare. (最近使用恶毒电脑蠕虫病毒瞄准伊朗核能发电厂为目标的事件启示我们电脑武器将改变未来战争的面貌)

17. change the subject, to
定义: 改换话题, 顾左右而言他.
例句: I was completely flustered and changed the subject as quickly as possible. (我彻底地被弄得不知所措, 尽快地改换话题, 顾左右而言他)

18. change the world, to
定义: 改变世界.
例句: The one who changed the world, began by changing himself. (那些改变世界的人都是先从改变自己开始做起)

19. change up, to
定义: [英国](汽车排档)从低速档换高速档.
例句: This is because the engine is reaching its limits for the gear you are in. When you hear this you should change up. (这是因为这个引擎达到了你这个档速的极限. 当你听到这个引擎发出的噪音时, 你应该换高速档)

20. change your ways, to
定义: 改过自新, 改弦更张, 改邪归正.
例句: If you are a person that always gets into arguments with people, unless you change your ways you're never going to get along with people. (如果你是一个总是跟别人争论的人, 除非你改过自新,你将永远跟别人不和)



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