二十笔实用成语 215

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二十笔实用成语 215

帖子 royl » 周一 10月 24, 2011 1:03 pm

二十笔实用成语 215

01. clean copy of the document, a
定义: 没错误的文件副本.
例句: I have 5 pages of a document that have been written on in pen, and I don't have an original clean copy of the document. (我有五张书写的文件, 我并没有正确无误的原件副本)

02. clean house, to
定义: 清理屋子; 清理门户; 全面内部改革或更换职员.
例句: The company announced this week via the official blog that it is cleaning house and eliminating a bunch of silly products. (这家公司于本星期经由官方网志宣布它正全面做内部改革和排除许多没意义的产品)

03. clean off, to
定义: 赶走某人; 清除多余或脏污.
例句: The table was still covered with dirty dishes and napkins as the wait staff buzzed about until someone finally stopped to clean the table off for us. (由于服务员忙不过来, 这张桌子仍然放着脏碗盘和餐巾直到有人终于停下来替我们清理这张桌子)

04. clean one's plate, to
定义: 把盘内食物吃完.
例句: Clean your plate; there are kids in Africa that would be happy to have your food. (把你盘内食物吃完; 非洲有许多小孩乐于吃你的食物)

05. clean out of, be
定义: 吃喝光, 用完或卖完.
例句: I inform him we are clean out of regular coffee and ask if he wouldn't mind waiting a few minutes for it. (我告诉他我们普通咖啡已经喝光了, 问他介不介意等几分钟. 注:这里的普通咖啡是带有咖啡因的咖啡, 相对于无咖啡因的咖啡, 也就是decaffeinated coffee)

06. clean out, to
定义: 清洁或整理; 把内部清空; 输光或拿光财物; 逼走, 逼退.
例句: Garages are supposed to be a place to park the car, but most of us end up using them as storage rooms. It's time to clean out and reclaim that space. (车库本来是作为停车用的, 但是大部分的人把它们用来作为储藏室. 该是清空及收回这个空间的时候)

07. clean piece/sheet of paper, a
定义: 没用过的白纸; 一个新的开始.
例句: If you start from a clean sheet of paper you can adopt a very different approach. (如果你重新开始的话, 你可能采取一个完全不同的处理方法)

08. clean slate/sheet, a
定义: 干净无辜行为记录; 一个新的开始, 过去犯法犯错都擦拭干净.
例句: He started off with a clean slate and has never caused any problems for the company. (他重新开始之后再也没有替公司带来问题)

09. clean someone out, to
定义: 赢走或拿光某人的财物.
例句: The thieves cleaned us out. They took everything in our house. (这些贼把我们财物偷光. 他们把屋子里的东西全拿走了)

10. clean someone's clock, to
定义: 压倒性地击败某人, 把某人打得落花流水.
例句: The underclass want him to fight for them and I think they're tired of seeing the Republicans clean his clock. (这些下层阶级希望他替他们抗争, 我认为他们不愿再看到他被共和党打得落花流水)

11. clean sweep, a
定义: 全胜, 每战皆胜; 全面改变.
例句: In addition, several students have achieved a clean sweep across the board, with five or more A or A+ grades. (除此之外, 几个学生已经以五门或更多课程的A或A+的成绩取得全胜)

12. clean up on, to
定义: 赚大钱; 击败, 克服或杀死.
例句: He was one of the few who cleaned up on the stock market and got out prior to 1929's black Friday. ​​(他是少数的几个人之一在一九二九年黑色星期五之前在股市赚了大钱并及时撤离)

13. clean up one's act, to
定义: 端正自己的行为, 态度.
例句: I've missed classes, failed tests. I need to clean up my act. (我曾逃学, 考试不及格. 我需要端正我自己的行为)

14. clean up one's plate, to
定义: 把自己碗盘里的食物吃干净.
例句: You may leave the table after you've cleaned up your plate. (你吃完自己盘内食物才可以离开饭桌. 注: 这里的may是指"许可"; 所以"You may go now."就是"我允许你现在离开.")

15. clean up, to
定义: 清洁或整理; 清洗或梳理自己; 付清, 处理干净; 清除腐败; 击败, 克服或杀死; 投机生意或赌博上赚暴利.
例句: I need a few minutes to clean myself up before dinner. (我需要一点时间在吃晚餐前清洗一下我自己)

16. clean-cut
定义: [形容词]清晰明确的; 轮廓鲜明的; 外表干净清爽的.
例句: We're looking for clean-cut boys to work as waiters. (我们在寻找一些外表干净清爽的男孩来做服务员的工作)

17. cleaned out of the system, be
定义: (垃圾, 废物, 有毒害物)从系统或身体被清除​​掉.
例句: With mortgage related foreclosures pretty much cleaned out of the system, the city has begun a recovery. (由于大部分跟房贷有关的房屋没收问题被清除了, 这座城市已经开始复苏)

18. clear and present danger/threat, a
定义: 迫在眉睫的危险, 明显而立即的危险.
例句: There is little doubt that our growing indebtedness is a clear and present danger to our liberty. (我们不停增加的债务毫无疑问地成为我们生存自由的一个明显而立即的危险)

19. clear as a bell, be (as)
定义: 声音很清晰; 容易听懂的.
例句: Your message is clear as a bell, and I highly respect your factual work. (你的讯息讲得很清楚, 我高度尊重你实事求是的工作)

20. clear as crystal, be (as)
定义: 声音很清晰; 容易听懂的, 清晰易见的.
例句: Coming down from the Ozark Mountains, White River was a broad shallow stream, clear as crystal. (源自于欧扎克高原, 白河是一条宽广不深, 清晰可见底的河流)



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