二十笔实用成语 233

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二十笔实用成语 233

帖子 royl » 周一 11月 14, 2011 9:59 am

二十笔实用成语 233

01. come out, to
定义: 发布, 提出; 公诸于世; 公开的宣布自己的意见; 向社会正式发表或在舞台初演; 表现出来; 结果, 变成为; 公开自己是同性恋者.
例句: Until the truth finally came out, the police were focused on the wrong man in the crime, a man who was completely innocent, but had no way to prove it. (在真相最后公布之前, 警方盯错了与这个案件有关的人, 此人是完全无辜的, 只是他无法证明自己是无辜的)

02. come outside, to
定义: 到外面来. (注: 意指到户外)
例句: "Daddy, you really need to come outside and talk to the police." "No, Muffin, not until I'm sure I won't end up in one of those county prisons." ("爹地, 你确实需要出来跟这个警察谈一谈." "不, 宝贝, 除非我确定我不会被关进一个县立监狱, 否则我是不会出来的.")

03. come over all unnecessary, to
定义: 激起热情或性欲.
例句: Calm yourself or you'll have Charlie coming over all unnecessary. (平静下来否则你会激起查理热情)

04. come over, to
定义: 改变立场, 投入另一边阵营; 偶然,​​ 非正式地来访友; 突然地怪异地发作(好像被鬼祟住了).
例句: I don't know what's come over him lately. (我不知道什么事让他最近举止怪异)

05. Come quick!
[成语句型]快来! 快来看!

06. come rain or shine
定义: 风雨无阻, 不管发生什么状况, 决心不变.
例句: Uncle Jerry lives two hundred miles away, but he'll be at my birthday party come rain or shine. (杰瑞舅舅住在两百哩以外, 不过不管发生什么状况他一定会来参加我的庆生会)

07. come right down to it, to
定义: 归根究底, 其​​实就是.
例句: When it comes right down to it, I think first in terms of individual human lives rather than in big pictures. (归根究底地说, 我首先基于人命关天来考量而不是以大局来考量)

08. come running, to
定义: 跑过来.
例句: She came running into the kitchen, panic in her eyes and a towel over her nose, looking for the cause of her discomfit. (她跑进厨房, 眼中带着惊慌, 毛巾盖着鼻孔, 寻找造成她惶恐不安的原因)

09. come someone's way
定义: 给予或发生于某人. (注: 常用于机会或幸运降临某人身上)
例句: She has greatly appreciated all of the messages and kind thoughts that have been coming her way. (她极为感激所有给予她的祝福话语和善意的挂念)

10. come sooner than people think, to
定义: 比人们想像得更早来到.
例句: With its artificial creation of wealth, the point of no return comes sooner than people think, and will eventually face a sharp economic decline. (由于市场虚假的财富制造, 步上不归路的经济比人们想像得更早来到, 最终肯定会避免不了一个急剧的衰退)

11. come the raw prawn, to
定义: [澳洲]把别人当傻瓜; 跟别人装糊涂.
例句: One thing I can say for sure that I will not suffer anyone who comes the raw prawn with me. (有件事我可以确定地说, 我决不容忍别人跟我装糊涂)

12. come through, to
定义: 满意地完成工作; 让人知道你的意思, 与人通讯或通电话; 被同意, 被认可; 被传达到.
例句: After clicking on the Submit button, you will be directed to a page confirming that your application came through and is being processed. (点击了送出的按钮之后, 你将会被带领到一个网页确认你的申请被传进来了而且也正在被处理中)

13. come to a bad end, to
定义: 落得一个痛苦或灾难性的下场/结局.
例句: In truth he would have come to a bad end, but that the young woman saved him at the risk of her own life. (事实上, 他本来会落得一个灾难性结局, 但这个年轻女子在危及她自己生命下拯救了他)

14. come to a bitter end, to
定义: 落得一个痛苦或灾难性的下场/结局.
例句: However, the warm association between Adler and Freud came to a bitter end, with both men hurling caustic remarks toward the other. (不过, 阿德勒和佛洛伊德之间的热络交往落得一个灾难性的下场, 弄得两人互相叫嚣尖酸刻薄的话语)

15. come to a dead stop, to
定义: 突然停止, 进入静止.
例句: If one cog is damaged or nicked, the machine comes to a dead stop. Think about the cogs that drive your firm's marketing. (如果一个齿轮受到损害或缺了口, 这部机器就会突然停止运作. 想想看这些驱动你公司营销的齿轮所带来的重要性)

16. come to a deadlock, to
定义: 陷入僵局.
例句: Seventeen employees have downed their tools after coming to a deadlock with the company's management over wage increases. (与公司管理阶层商讨有关加薪的谈判陷入僵局之后, 十七名员工已经罢工)

17. come to a grinding halt, to
定义: 激烈地, 慢慢地进入静止或动弹不得状况; 完全停止.
例句: If he quits, the project will grind to a halt. They can't do it without him. (如果他辞职不干的话, 这个工作项目将会完全停止. 没有他的参与他们就做不下去)

18. come to a halt, to
定义: 停止, 停下来.
例句: The bus came to a halt just in time to avoid hitting the crossing pedestrian. (这部巴士及时停下来避免了撞击过路的行人)

19. come to a head, to
定义: 面临一个转折点或危机.
例句: Things hadn't been good between them for a while but it all came to a head last week when Phil failed to come home one night. (前一阵子他们两人之间的关系一直不错, 但是上个星期在菲尔一夜不归之后他们的关系面临了危机)

20. come to a screeching halt, to
定义: 紧急停止, 急忙煞车.
例句: The car came to a screeching halt, but it was too late. The driver hopped out and ran around to the front to see if the dog was okay. (这部车突然紧急煞车, 但是太迟了. 这个驾驶人跳出车外, 绕到车前看看这只狗是否要紧)



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