二十笔实用成语 249

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二十笔实用成语 249

帖子 royl » 周日 12月 04, 2011 1:07 am

二十笔实用成语 249

01. cost just a nickel, to
定义: 只要五分钱.
例句: As in past years the hot dogs, soda and ice cream will cost just a nickel. Don't forget to bring your lawn chairs and picnic blankets. (像过去一样, 这些热狗, 汽水和冰淇淋只要五分钱. 别忘了带你们的草坪椅子和野餐毯子一起来)

02. cost of living, the
定义: 生活开销.
例句: Service members stationed in Japan receive a cost of living allowance of between $300 and $700 per month. (驻扎在日本的美国军人每月收到从三百元到七百元之间不等的生活开销津贴)

03. cost someone dear/dearly, to
定义: (因犯错或失误)使某人付出高代价; 花某人不少钱.
例句: The phone hacking scandal has cost him dearly, both in terms of money and reputation. (就金钱和声誉来说, 这个电话窃听丑闻使他付出不少代价)

04. cost something like ten dollars, to
定义: 大致要花十块钱(美金).
例句: They cost something like ten dollars a pair. Ten bucks can buy maybe six chicken breasts so I only own one pair of cool socks. (一双清凉袜大致要花十块钱美金. 十块钱可以买大约六只鸡胸肉, 所以我只拥有一双)

05. cost the earth, to
定义: 花一大笔钱, 花费昂贵.
例句: Your wedding ceremony needn't cost the earth unless you are amazingly well-off and bucks is not an object. (除非你非常富有而且钱不是一个问题, 你的婚礼不需要花一大笔钱)

06. cost-effective, be
定义: [形容词]符合成本效益的, 经济实惠的.
例句: Marketing is necessary for your small business to survive but it doesn't have to be expensive as long as you can find cost-effective marketing strategies. (开发市场对小企业的生存很重要, 但只要你能找到经济实惠的策略, 它并不一定是昂贵的)

07. cottage industry, a
定义: 家庭工业; 小型非正式工业.
例句: In Kandahar, the political and economic nerve center of southern Afghanistan, the regional art of embroidery is becoming a cottage industry. (位于南阿富汗的政治及经济神经中枢的坎大哈市, 这个地区性的刺绣艺术正逐渐形成一个家庭手工业)

08. cotton on to, to
定义: 明白; 喜欢, 产生好感.
例句: He still hasn't cottoned on to the fact that I'm not in the least bit interested in him. (他还没弄明白我对他一点都没兴趣的真相)

09. cotton to, to
定义: 喜欢, 产生好感.
例句: City folks play cards on Sunday, but we don't cotton to that. (城市人们在星期天玩纸牌, 但我们却不喜欢这种消遣)

10. Cotton-picking ...!
定义: [惊叹语]骂人的话表达不满的口气; 加强语气的形容词.
例句: Get your cotton-picking fingers off that bike! Don't touch it! (拿走你的脏手! 别碰我的自行车!)

11. couch doctor, a
定义: [俚语]心理医生, 心理分析医师. (注: 要病人躺在沙发上说话的心理医生)
例句: He was sent to see a couch doctor due to his continued problems at work. (由于他工作上问题层出不穷, 他被送去看心理分析医师)

12. couch potato, a
定义: 沙发上的马铃薯, 整天坐在沙发上看电视的人; 不爱动的懒人.
例句: If I watch four hours of TV every day, am I a couch potato? (如果我每天看电视四个小时, 我算不算是个沙发上的马铃薯?)


13. cough drop, a
定义: 镇咳用的喉糖.
例句: Insiders say benefiting from this trend are nasal products and cough drops as consumers continue to seek out non-medicated treatments, reducing safety risks. (知情人士说, 由于消费者继续寻求不含药剂的治疗来减少安全上顾虑,受益于这种趋势的是清鼻道产品和止咳片)

14. cough up a storm, to
定义: 激烈地咳嗽.
例句: When I get sick, I cough up a storm that's loud and disruptive everyone, so I skip going to classes for that reason. (当我生病的时候, 我会激烈地咳嗽, 声音太响会扰乱大家, 所以我为了这个原因逃课. 注: 这是一个奇怪的逃课理由)

15. cough up, to
定义: 吐出; 交出, 放弃; 花钱; (有点不甘心)付钱; 坦承, 透露; 没抓紧, 松手.
例句: They finally coughed up 13$ for 24 hours of internet access in the hotel room after three days of flaky at best connectivity. (由于这家旅馆这三天的互联网连接的品质断断续续, 他们最后不甘心地付了十三块钱的二十四小时互联网使用费)

16. could be wrong
定义: 可能是错的.
例句: I always assumed it's free, but I could be wrong. (我一直以为它是免费的, 不过我可能是错的)

17. could care less
定义: 没有一点兴趣, 不理不睬, 不甩, 不想知道.
例句: I'm sorry, but I could care less about what you have to say right now. (抱歉, 我现在对你想要说的话没有一点兴趣)

18. could do something with one arm/hand tied behind their back
定义: (把一只手绑在背后)依然可以轻而易举地做某件事或取胜.
例句: I could lick you with one hand tied behind my back. (我可以轻而易举地打败你)

19. could do with
定义: 有助益, 有需要.
例句: I could do with a cold drink. I'm hot and thirsty. (我需要喝一杯冷饮. 我又热又渴)

20. could do without
定义: 一点用都没有, 根本不需要; 宁愿不必去经历, 面对或处理.
例句: I could do without the restaurant chain. The only way I'll set foot in one now is if I'm on a road trip and need a bathroom. (这家连锁餐厅对我一点用都没有. 我去这家连锁餐厅只有一个可能就是, 如果我在路上开车而我需要上厕所)



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