二十笔实用成语 261

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二十笔实用成语 261

帖子 royl » 周五 12月 16, 2011 7:18 pm

二十笔实用成语 261

01. cross a bridge before one comes to it, to
定义: 杞人忧天; 问题还没出现就干着急.
例句: Don't worry about crossing that bridge before you come to it. Just deal with it if and when it comes up. (别着急, 问题还没出现. 如果它出现再处理也不迟)

02. cross a bridge when one comes to it, to
定义: (先别着急)遇到问题再处理还不迟.
例句: We shouldn't worry about that problem now. We can cross that bridge when we come to it. (我们现在不必烦恼这个问题. 碰到问题再处理还不迟)

03. cross as a bear/cross as two sticks, be (as)
定义: 暴怒的, 乖戾的, 易怒的, 脾气暴躁的.
例句: I'm usually cool like a cat, but reading this article made me cross as a bear! (我平常相当冷静, 但读了这篇文章让我暴怒!)

04. cross at someone, be
定义: 生某人的气.
例句: I was cross at her. I was sick of her annoying quips and sarcastic words and I was just mad at having to work with her for the next six months. (我生她的气. 我厌倦了她激怒人的俏皮话和刺耳的调侃, 我真是气我未来六个月还必须要跟她一起工作)

05. cross my heart/cross my heart and hope to die.
定义: [发誓语]我发誓, 我所说的话是真的, 我一定会做到.
例句: I'll pay you back on Friday, cross my heart and hope to die. (我星期五会还你钱, 我一定会做到的)

06. cross off, to
定义: 从名单中剔除, 删除.
例句: John eventually revealed to Kate that Tom was crossed off because he was not eligible. (约翰最后跟凯特透露, 汤姆的名字被删除掉是因为他资格不符)

07. cross one's face, to
定义: 脸上一闪而逝地露出某个表情. (注: 请参考A smile crossed his face)
例句: A flicker of surprise crossed his face and then the evil twisted grin returned, "I thought you were not coming." (他脸上一闪而逝露出一丝惊讶表情然后回到他邪恶怪异的笑容, "我以为你不会来了.")

08. cross one's fingers, to
定义: 某人食中指相叉意指希望心想事成, 上苍降下好运; 说谎希望不被揭穿.
例句: I crossed my fingers that I would be able to get the job that I had applied for. (我食中指相叉希望能够得到这个我所申请的工作)


09. cross one's mind, to
定义: 掠过脑际; 有某个念头; 想到, 思考到.
例句: It did cross my mind but since you did not mention it I did not want to complicate the discussion. (我曾想到但既然你没提这件事, 我也不想把这个讨论复杂化)

10. cross oneself, to
定义: 在头胸前以手画十字. (注: 意指求耶稣/上帝保佑)
例句: Simon, a recent immigrant to the US from Ethiopia, looked around the room, quickly crossed himself, and then softly began to tell his story. (赛门, 一个从衣索匹亚来美国的移民, 环顾这个房间,迅速地在头胸前以手画十字, 然后轻声地开始告诉他的故事)

11. cross out, to
定义: 删除.
例句: We can't afford to buy everything on your shopping list, so I've crossed all the unnecessary things out. (我们没钱买你购物单上所有的东西, 所以我删除了所有没必要买的物品)

12. cross over Jordan, to
定义: [俚语]死亡.
例句: Before dad crossed over Jordan, he told us to care for our mother. (在我父亲死亡之前, 他叮咛我们要好好地照顾我们的母亲)

13. cross over to the other side, to
定义: 从这边到另一边; [俚语]死亡.
例句: Some people cross over to the other side and return. (有些人死亡之后又回魂了)

14. cross over, to
定义: 从这边到另一边; 从一个领域或所属团体转换到另一个; 死亡.
例句: The singer crossed over from country to pop. (这个歌手把他的音乐风格从乡村歌曲转换到流行歌曲)

15. cross paths, to
定义: 相遇.
例句: We'll cross paths again, I'm sure. Until then, good luck. (我肯定我们会再相遇. 届时之前, 祝你顺利)

16. cross someone, to
定义: 跟某人唱反调/作对, 背叛某人.
例句: People are afraid to cross Phil because he has a violent temper. (人们不敢跟菲尔唱反调因为他脾气暴戾)

17. cross someone's palm (with silver), to
定义: 先付钱, 预先付款, 贿赂, 给小费.
例句: I'll tell you everything you need to know, but first cross my palm with silver. (我会告诉你所有需要知道的事情, 不过你先得付钱)

18. cross something out, to
定义: 删除.
例句: Please cross that amount out and put in the correct amount. (请你先把那个数字删除掉然后把正确数字放进去)

19. cross swords with someone, to
定义: 与某人争论.
例句: I don't want to cross swords with you over this because I know you just want to help me. (我不想为了这件事情跟你争吵因为我明白你只是想帮助我)

20. cross that bridge when one come to it, to
定义: 等到问题来了再处理. (注: 不要急于烦恼未来问题)
例句: If interest rates begin to drop, I can buy bonds, but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. (如果利率开始调降的话, 我可以买债券, 但我会等到问题来的时候再处理)



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