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帖子 royl » 周日 12月 18, 2011 3:22 pm


Hubris the Humorless
In ancient Greece, Alcibiades was telling Pericles how Athens should be governed. Annoyed by the young man’s tone, Pericles said, “Son, when I was your age, I talked just the way you are talking.”
Alcibiades looked Pericles in the face and replied, “How I should like to have known you when you were at your best.”
Ah, the arrogance of youth. To put the story in context, Pericles is often referred to as “the first citizen of Athens” for his many achievements: his promotion of art and literature, his championing of democracy, and his sponsorship of an ambitious building project that included most of the surviving structures on the Acropolis, including the Parthenon. Alcibiades, on the other hand, was also a statesman and orator.

問題: Hubris the Humorless是什么意思? Hubris不是个名词吗,怎么会这样用呢?
答覆: Hubris 是個名詞 [不可數名詞] formal + literary : a great or foolish amount of pride or confidence 驕傲自大, 自視甚高. Hubris the Humorless在此是指一個沒有幽默感的狂人. 我們從小就看虛構小說人猿泰山Tarzan , 有一部小說的書名是Tarzan the Invincible, 也就是無敵泰山. [名詞+”the”+形容詞]這個用法非常普通, 例如: Catherine the Great(凱薩琳大帝), Ivan the Horrible(恐怖伊凡即伊凡四世), 等等.

另外, 我們要知道”the”+形容詞=整個種類, 階層的人, 例如: the poor(所有的窮人, 窮人階層), the rich(所有的富人, 富人階層), the underprivileged(貧困, 處於劣勢的族群), the great unwashed (下層民眾, 下層社會, 平民百姓)

My all-time Champion of Enthusiasm is a 93-year-old lady I heard about in 2010. She’s Rocky Plus. When the press asked her for her secret to a long and zesty life, she couldn’t stop bubbling about the power of enthusiasm. “Furthermore,” she wound up with a twinkle, “even at my age I still have four boyfriends I spend part of every single day with. I get out of bed each day with Will Power, and after breakfast I go for a stroll with Arthur Ritis. Charley Horse almost always visits me in the afternoon, and I spend the evening with Ben Gay.”

問題: Rocky Plus是什么?
答覆: 這位作者喜歡把語言擬人化, 除了上述的Hubris the Humorless(沒有幽默感的狂人)之外還有Will Power(意志力, 毅力), Arthur Ritis(原本是Arthritis, 風濕性關節炎), Charley Horse(手臂或腿部的僵痛, 痙攣, 抽筋), Ben Gay(肌肉酸痛疼痛舒緩藥品). 不例外地, 作者把這位九十三歲老太太說成Rocky Plus(全身都是病痛), rocky的定義是 full of problems or difficulties; plus的定義是 greater than that specified. 也許為了幽默化語言, 作者把這位對生命充滿熱情(Champion of Enthusiasm)的老太太每天都要面臨的病痛生活幽默化為四個男朋友: Will Power, Arthur Ritis, Charley Horse, Ben Gay.



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