二十笔实用成语 268

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二十笔实用成语 268

帖子 royl » 周二 12月 27, 2011 12:55 am

二十笔实用成语 268

01. cut corners, to
定义: 偷工减料, 省钱省时省力, 抄近路.
例句: While many families are finding ways to cut corners, she said, "People aren't going to take away from their kids." (虽然许多家庭在想办法节衣缩食, 她说, "大人们不会剥夺他们小孩的花费.")

02. cut cost, to
定义: 节省成本.
例句: At a time when the whole world is looking for techniques to conserve water, some farmers take to drip irrigation to cut cost. (在全世界正在寻求节约用水技术的时刻, 有些农民使用滴水灌溉方法来节省成本)

03. cut down on, to
定义: 减少使用某物, 减少食物.
例句: Cutting down on salt and sodium helps you lower high blood pressure. (减少盐和钠的食用能帮助你降低你的高血压)

04. cut down the tall poppies, to
定义: [澳洲]枪打出头鸟, 批评出众者.
例句: We are the one of the few country's in the world where we are jealous of others successes. Why cut down the tall poppies? (我们是少数妒忌别人成功的国家之一. 为什么要批评出众者?)

05. cut down, to
定义: 减量, 减轻, 减产, 减少.
例句: Reducing drag cuts down the amount of energy needed to move an object through water or increases its speed. (减轻阻力可以减少物体消耗在水中穿行所使用的能量或者增加其速度)

06. cut from the same cloth, be
定义: 同一个家庭出身的, 非常相似, 同一块料子做出来的.
例句: Perhaps once Americans realize that Democrats and Republicans are cut from the same cloth, they will understand it's only a divide-and-conquer ploy. (也许一旦美国人了解到民主党和共和党是同一块料子做出来的,他们会相信这只是一个分而治之的技俩)

07. cut ice, to
定义: 有用的, 有效果的.
例句: She made a lot of excuses for her bad behavior, but they don't cut ice with me. (她找出许多她恶劣行为的借口, 但这些借口对我来说是没用的)

08. cut in a short bob, be
定义: 鲍伯短发, (头发)被剪成short bob型. (注: short bob cut则把左右两边的头发剪至下巴左右长度, 前额留长度统一的刘海)
例句: She has her hair cut in a short bob. She wears short dresses and just the general traits of a flapper. (她把她的头发剪成鲍伯短发型. 她穿上短洋装, 正是摩登年轻女郎的普遍特征)


09. cut in, to
定义: 挤进, 插队, 插嘴; 加入; 舞会时插入跟其中一位舞者继续跳舞; 机械自动的连接上或启动机械; 加入数字, 团体, 系列; 接上电路以发动机械; 把某人列入利益分享; 在混合东西时加进别的东西.
例句: We were trying to have a conversation, but she kept cutting in. (我们想要好好地聊聊天, 但她却不停地插嘴进来)

10. cut into, to
定义: 切入; 打断别人谈话; 减少数量(例如利润).
例句: The demand for labor power pushes wages up to the point where they begin to cut into profits. (这个劳动力的需求把工资推高到一个程度它们开始让利润缩水)

11. cut it close/fine, to
定义: 接近极限, 抠得太紧, 急赶时间, 来不及, 给自己留下太少的余地.
例句: At this point, it's cutting it too close to go the usual online shopping route, so physically traveling to the store might be the only choice. (在这个时刻, 像平常一样地上网购物的方法会来不及, 所以亲自去商店买东西也许是唯一的选择)

12. cut it out/cut that out, to
定义: [命令式语]停止, 别再做(令人讨厌的行为).
例句: When the kids began throwing dirt, we told them to cut it out. (当这些小朋友开始互相扔泥巴的时候, 我们要他们停止)

13. cut it, to
定义: 工作令人满意; 通过检验; 经得起考验.
例句: Yet I know it wouldn't be any better, and it still wouldn't cut it, even with the benefit of hindsight. (即使得益于事后的见解, 我仍然知道这个情况不会得到改善, 它不会经得起考验)

14. cut like a knife, to
定义: 尖端如刀割, 痛苦如刀割. (注: 意指对感情的伤害如刀割)
例句: We often don't realize that our words can cut like a knife and hurt people badly. (经常我们确实了解我们的话语尖端如刀割, 可以深深地伤人感情)

15. cut loose, to
定义: [俚语]分离, 离开, 放弃, 断绝关系; 言行不拘束, 逍遥自在.
例句: Now that Italian bonds are getting crushed and contagion is clearly spreading to the core, Greece will have to be cut loose sooner or later. (既然义大利债券已经被摧毁, 财经疾病已经显然感染到核心. 希腊迟早都会被放弃)

16. cut no ice, to
定义: 没用, 没有影响或效果.
例句: Mere denials cut no ice. It is incumbent upon the politician to produce the proof necessary to clear himself of the accusation. (光是否认是没用的. 这个政客有责任要拿出必要的证据来澄清对他的指控)

17. cut of one's jib, the
定义: 一个人的态度举止.
例句: There was something funny in the cut of his jib. He seemed too happy for someone who had been mortally wounded. (他的态度举止有些奇怪. 他似乎对受到重伤的人特别高兴)

18. cut of the action, a
定义: 分得一杯羹, 从活动中分得的一份利润, 好处.
例句: Greece is rumored to be running fully 40% of their economy untaxed, this is without giving the banksters a cut of the action. (谣传希腊正在进行足足地百分之四十的经济被免征税, 这代表开银行的匪徒分不到一杯羹)

19. cut off one's nose to spite one's face, to
定义: 损人不利己, 本想伤人却也伤到自己; 拿自己出气.
例句: He is cutting off his nose to spite his face. Taking revenge on his neighbor will only cause more problems for himself. (他正在做损人不利己的事. 报复他的邻居只会给他自己带来更多的麻烦)

20. cut off, to
定义: 突然结束; 禁止通过, 切断通路; 关掉, 制止; 打断, 插嘴; 停止, 终结; 分隔, 孤立; 剥夺继承权; 停止操作; 切断通讯或电话; 停止供应.
例句: Don't cut me off when I'm talking. (我在说话的时候别打断我)



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