二十笔实用成语 272

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二十笔实用成语 272

帖子 royl » 周日 1月 01, 2012 2:09 pm

二十笔实用成语 272

01. damn
定义: [不雅惊叹语]表达愤怒, 烦恼, 鄙视, 失望, 疼痛, 等等语气.
例句: Damn! That really hurt! (哎呀! 好痛!)

02. damn it!
定义: [诅咒语]该死的! 表达挫折感, 受干扰不耐烦的情绪.
例句: Damn it! That cigarette smoke is making me sick. (该死的! 那个香烟熏得我想吐)

03. damn me!
定义: [惊叹语]表达惊讶, 懊恼或烦扰. (注: 经常在此之后加上if否定的子句)
例句: You're right. Damn me! How could I be so stupid? (你是对的. 气死我! 我怎么这么笨?)

04. damn near
定义: [不礼貌语]就差一点点, 几乎.
例句: It's hard to make a good and original Christmas movie, but damn near impossible to put a fresh spin on Santa, his elves or the North Pole. (拍一部优质和有创意的圣诞节电影真难, 但是给圣诞老人, 他的小精灵或北极一个清新的诠释几乎是不可能)

05. damn right!
定义: [不雅惊叹语]说的太对!
例句: You're damn right! He is a tax-and-spend liberal. (你说的太对! 他就是一个征税和把钱花光的自由派份子. 注: 也许有人认为liberal是个正面性或中性的称呼, 但对许多美国保守派来说, liberal是个负面或羞辱性的字眼. 英语中有些字眼虽然看起来无辜但其实会伤人, 请慎用)

编者注: 也许有读者会说, 不懂美英的习俗, 政治和文化的人多得去了, 根本没法知道每个字眼背后的涵义. 为了怕说错话得罪人, 那干脆别说英语算了. 编者并不是这个意思, 如果你先表明你不了解他们的习俗, 政治和文化, 他们不会苛责你. 另外, 美英人不喜欢跟不熟识的人谈论敏感(尤其是政治方面)的议题, 如果能避免是上策.

06. damn shame, a
定义: 太不幸, 真可惜, 很遗憾.
例句: It's a damn shame we lost contact with him; he was an awesome and very intelligent guy. (很遗憾我们跟他失去联络, 他是个极为优秀, 有才智的人)

07. damn straight!
定义: [不雅惊叹语]说的太对! (注: 公开宣布同意或支持)
例句: Damn straight! We should all go talk to the principal about this new policy. (说的太对! 我们应该跟校长谈谈这个新政策)

08. damn the luck!
定义: [不雅惊叹语]真倒楣!
例句: When Mary's computer crashed, she said, "Damn the luck!" (当玛丽的电脑突然当机时, 她说, "真倒楣!")

09. damn well
定义: [不雅语]无疑地, 肯定地, 当然地, (执意)就要.
例句: The way I see it, if David was running this forum privately, spending his own money, then he can damn well do as he please. (依我看来, 如果大卫自己出钱, 由他个人管理这个论坛的话, 他当然可以爱怎么做就怎么做)

10. damn with faint praise, to
定义: 明褒暗贬.
例句: The critic damned her with faint praise, and sneered at the audience for having applauded her. (这个评论人对她明褒暗贬, 并嘲笑那些赞许她的观众)

11. Damn you!
定义: [诅咒语]坏透了! 该死! 咒你下地狱! 你这个浑蛋!
例句: Damn you! Get out of my house with your bum friend! (你这个浑蛋! 你跟你的寄生虫朋友离开我的家!)

12. damn/damned fool, a
定义: [愤怒不礼貌语]该死的浑蛋, 蠢货.
例句: We all act a fool sometimes, but a damn fool seems to make it his job. (我们都会偶尔装疯卖傻, 但一个蠢货却把这个当成他的正常工作. 注: 如果一个人天天都在装疯卖傻, 别人会尊重他? 信任他? 或放心赋予他重任吗?)

13. damned if you do, damned if you don't
定义: 做了被骂, 不做也被骂. (注: 意指好人难为, 做与不做都有人反对)
例句: If you offer to help, he refuses; if you don't offer, he complains. You're damned if you do, and damned if you don't. (如果你提供协助, 他拒绝; 如果你不提供, 他抱怨. 你做了被骂, 不做也被骂)

14. damned liar, a
定义: [不礼貌语]混帐的骗子, 可恶的说谎者.
例句: An artist is usually a damned liar but his art, if it be art, will tell you the truth of his day. ​​(一个艺术家通常是个可恶的说谎者, 但是他的艺术品, 如果真是个艺术品, 会告诉你他创作当时的真相)

15. damning evidence, a
定义: 极端不利的证据.
例句: Unless you can present damning evidence that Tom is guilty, I will choose to believe his story over yours. (除非你能够提出汤姆有罪的证据, 否则我会选择相信他的说词)

16. damp squib, a
定义: [英国]希望落空, 失败, 扫兴, 成泡影.
例句: After all that media attention, the whole event turned out to be a bit of a damp squib, with very few people attending. (经过传媒大肆宣传之后, 由于少数人出席, 这整个活动最后成了一个失败笑话)

17. dampen the enthusiasm, to
定义: 扫兴, 挫败了热情或积极性.
例句: Speed​​ bumps and roundabouts really dampen the enthusiasm of speeding motorists. (减速路障和环形交叉确实挫败了超速驾驶人的热情)


18. dampen your spirits, to
定义: 扫兴, 挫败了热情.
例句: Losing one game didn't dampen her spirits. She's full of hope. (输了一场比赛并没挫败了她的热情. 她仍然充满着希望)

19. dance attendance on someone, to
定义: 向某人大献殷勤, 过份热忱奉承侍候.
例句: I can't stand the way she insists on having someone dancing attendance on her the whole time. (我真受不了她坚持别人全程对她热忱侍候的态度)

20. dance of death, the
定义: 死亡之舞(中古时期).
例句: The Middle East dance of death never ends. Everyone thinks that God speaks only to them and God wants us all to die or be slaves of the majority. (中东地区的死亡之舞无休无止延续下去. 每个人都认为神只跟他说话, 神要我们统统死亡或成为大多数人的奴工)



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