二十笔实用成语 274

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二十笔实用成语 274

帖子 royl » 周三 1月 04, 2012 10:38 am

二十笔实用成语 274

01. dark view of the future, have a
定义: 对未来怀着悲观或忧虑的看法.
例句: I still have a dark view of the future, and believe our republic is already lost, but there is no reason that we should just go quietly into the night. (我仍然对未来怀着悲观的看法, 并且相信我们的共和国已经注定失败, 但我们没有理由就这样子默默地束手认命)

02. darken a church door, to
定义: 上教堂​​或教会.
例句: He never darkens a church door except to attend funerals. (除了参加丧礼之外, 他从不上教堂)

03. darken someone's door, to
定义: 出现某人家门口.
例句: Yesterday, my adoptive mother tosses me out of the house with instructions never to darken her door again. (昨天, 我的养母把​​我赶出家门并且告诫我不准再出现在她的门口)

04. darkest hour, one's
定义: 最多灾多难的一刻, 人生最忧患坎坷的一刻.
例句: In her darkest hour, she was never alone. All her family stood around her, provided her comfort, and cheered her spirits. (在她人生最坎坷的一刻, 她并不孤独. 她所有的家人都围绕在她身边, 给予她安慰和精神鼓励)

05. Darn it!
定义: [惊叹语]表达不满, 失望, 厌恶之意.
例句: Darn it! I locked my keys in the car! (气死我! 我把我的钥匙锁在车里面!)

06. Darn my luck!
定义: [惊叹语]衰! 今天真倒楣!
例句: My bread is in the oven and the power goes off. Darn my luck! (我的面包还在烤箱里烤的时候突然碰到停电. 真倒楣!)

07. Darn right!
定义: [惊叹语]对! 你说的对! 当然!
例句: "Do you believe in ghosts?" "Darn right I do! I just saw one!" ("你相不相信鬼的存在?" "我当然相信! 我刚刚才看到一个!")

08. Darn!
定义: [惊叹语]表达不满, 失望, 厌恶之意.
例句: Darn! We missed him again! (真倒楣! 我们又没赶上他!)

定义: 美国国防高级研究计划局. (注: DARPA是Defense Advanced Research Projects agency的缩写)
例句: DARPA was instrumental not only in the creation of today's Internet, but also in the use of the "@" symbol in emails. (美国国防高级研究计划局不但在促成了创建现今的互联网而且在电子邮件地址中的"@"符号的使用上起了重大作用)

10. dash it (all)!
定义: [惊叹语]糟糕! 该死! (注: 使用在愤怒, 挫折感, 等等语气上)
例句: Dash it all! I've forgotten to call my wife back! (糟糕! 我忘了回我太太电话!)

11. dash off a note, to
定义: 仓促地写下及发出短信/条子.
例句: She dashed off a note to her husband saying she would not be home for supper. (她仓促地写下一张条子给她先生说她今晚不回家吃饭)

12. dash off, to
定义: 仓促地写或描绘; 匆忙地离开.
例句: I dashed off a letter to him and he called me the following morning to let me know he was done with it. (我仓促地写了一封信给他, 他第二天早上打电话通知我他已经把它做好了)

13. dash someone's hopes, to
定义: 摧毁了某人的计划; 使某人失望或理想破灭.
例句: When a knee injury dashed his hopes of competitive wrestling, he turned to acting. (由于一个受伤的膝部使他成为具有竞争力摔跤选手的希望破灭, 他改行从事演艺工作)

14. data mining, the
定义: 资料挖掘又译为数据挖掘. (注: 从数据中提取出隐含的特别的, 过去未知的, 潜在有价值的信息)
例句: Amazon.com uses data mining to determine what kind of books a user might like. (亚马逊公司使用数据挖掘搜集资料来决定一个用户会喜爱哪一种书籍)

15. data vs. datum
定义: [易混淆字或片语]有些拉丁文或希腊文衍生字的复数最后一字是a, 例如, criteria及media. 有些名词的复数并不是其单数后加s, es或ies; data的单数是datum, criteria的单数是criterion, media的单数是medium.

16. date an antique, to
定义: 决定一个骨董的年龄.
例句: With so many copies and reproductions being made, in most cases only a professional will know how to date an antique bed. (由于许多复制品被制造出来, 在大部分的情形下只有专业人员才能知道如何决定一个骨董床的年龄)

17. date back, to
定义: 回溯至以前一个时间或时期.
例句: The oldest pair of ice skates known date back to about 3000 BC found at the bottom of a lake in Switzerland. (最早所知的一双溜冰鞋回溯至公元前三千年, 它们是在瑞士的一个湖底所寻获的)

18. date from, to
定义: 回溯至以前一个时间, 从某一个日期开始.
例句: Brewing dates from the beginning of civilization in ancient Egypt and alcoholic beverages were very important at that time. (酒类酿造回溯至古埃及的文明起源, 酒精饮料在那时候是非常重要)

19. date of birth, the
定义: 出生年月日, 出生日期.
例句: To change a name on record, to correct a date of birth or to fix a Social Security Number, you must submit supporting documentation. (如要更换名字, 改正出生年月日或修改社会安全号码, 你必须要提出证明文件)

20. date rape, the
定义: 约会强暴/强奸, 在约会时被性强暴或性攻击.
例句: Drug-facilitated date rape is the use of drugs to assist the attacker in a rape. The drug can be any substance that is physical or mind altering. (药物引发的约会强暴乃是在一强奸案上使用药剂来协助强暴者. 这个药剂可以是任何改变身体或理智的迷幻药物)



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