二十笔实用成语 282

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二十笔实用成语 282

帖子 royl » 周四 1月 12, 2012 10:56 pm

二十笔实用成语 282

01. deer-in-the-headlights look, a
定义: 僵在那儿的样子, 受到惊吓或震惊的样子.
例句: She glances at my comfortable position and I can tell from her deer-in-the-headlights look I've stumped her. (她瞥视一下我舒适的姿态, 从她僵在那儿的样子, 我可以看出她被我难住了)

02. defensive play, a
定义: 防御型打法; 防卫性的做法/运作.
例句: In effect, the shares represent the ultimate defensive play in a time of market volatility, and economic and political uncertainty. (事实上, 在一个市场波动以及政经不确定的时刻, 这些股票代表终极的防卫性做法)

03. defining moment, the
定义: 关键时刻.
例句: The defining moment in the future of the United States will come on November 6, 2012, when each citizen casts—or fails to cast—a vote for the next president. (美国未来的关键时刻将在二零一二年十一月六日, 当每个公民投票—或不投票—给下一任总统)

04. defy analysis, to
定义: 不可思议, 无法解释.
例句: The painting is a sheer miracle which defies analysis. We don't even know what type of brush or what kind of medium was used in the making of such a passage. (这幅画是一个不可思议的奇迹. 我们甚至不知道用的是什么样的画笔或什么种媒质创造出这样的细节)

05. defy belief/description/explanation, to
定义: 违反常理, 令人难以置信.
例句: These fare rises defy belief. Welsh commuters will wonder why they should have to pay even more to be squashed onto packed trains. (这些车票价格飙升令人难以置信. 威尔斯上下班通勤的人会怀疑他们是否应该必须要付出更多钱被挤进人满为患的车厢里)

06. defy the age, to
定义: 抗老化, 不衰, 不显老.
例句: By having nutritious, healthy diet, and antioxidant food, you can defy the age. (以摄取营养的以及健康饮食, 还有抗氧化食物, 你可以抗老化)

07. defy the distance, to
定义: 对抗远距, 不受远距离的影响或气馁.
例句: Right amount of communication is needed to established emotional connection and share feelings in order to defy the distance between you and your lover. (为了使你和你的爱人之间不受远距离的影响, 适量的交谈来建立情绪交融和感情交流是需要的)

08. deja-vu-all-over-again feeling, a
定义: 似曾相识的感觉.
例句: I had an unsettling deja-vu-all-over-again feeling. What had happened was startling and horrifying but also eerily expectable. (我曾有一个令我不安的似曾相识感觉. 当时所发生的是令人吃惊和恐怖的; 而且怪异的是, 这是在预料中的)

09. deliberate attempt, a
定义: 蓄意的或故意的图谋.
例句: Stan's gossip was a deliberate attempt to sabotage Emily's position with the company. (史丹的流言传播是一个蓄意地破坏爱茉莉对这家公司立场的图谋)

10. Delicious, thanks.
定义: [餐厅用语](客人说)很可口, 谢谢.

11. deliver from, to
定义: 从...中解救出来.
例句: He boasted of being totally delivered from drug abuse. Three months later, however, he was fully back into a life laced with drug abuse. (他吹嘘他彻底地从吸毒中被解救出来. 但是, 三个月之后他又完全回到吸毒的老日子)

12. deliver speeches, to
定义: 发表演讲.
例句: Some of the workers delivered speeches with a heavy heart by expressing their anger for being ignored during the last four years. (有些员工以沉重的心情发表演说, 表达他们在过去四年中被忽略的愤怒)

13. deliver the goods, to
定义: 说到做到, 做到被要求的事, 做到允诺的事, 达到别人所期望的任务; 送交货物.
例句: She delivered the goods and got us a good price on the home we purchased. (她做到了允诺的事, 帮我们所买的屋子找到好价钱)

14. delivered of, be
定义: 生下; 卸货; 写作出, 做出.
例句: He was a powerful man in Washington, delivered himself of his opinions regarding the roadmap and the future of peace in the Middle East. (他在华盛顿是个有权势的人, 对于未来的中东地区和平计划做出了他的意见)

15. delve deeper, to
定义: 深究,​​ 钻研或探索.
例句: We'll have to delve deeper to find out what went wrong. (我们必须深究找出什么地方出了错)

16. delve into, to
定义: 研究, 调查.
例句: I had heard the word before but had never delved into the particulars of what it meant. (我曾听到过这个字眼但从来没有研究过它的特殊意义)

17. demand a safe return of ..., to
定义: 要求平安无恙地送回...
例句: The mother demanded a safe return of her child. (这个母亲要求平安无恙地送回她的小孩)

18. demand higher quality, to
定义: 要求高品质.
例句: Software testing is more important to companies than ever before because customers demand higher quality and want products run faster. (由于客户要求高品质与产品的高速工作, 软件测试对开发公司来说比以前更重要)

19. demo, a
定义: 展览, 展示. (注: demo是demonstration缩写)
例句: The physics teachers at my school did a demo. It was fun while learning. Who would have thought it'd be this way? (我们学校的物理老师做了一个展示. 在学习的同时也很好玩. 谁会想到情形会是这个样子?)

20. demon weed, the
定义: 香烟, 大麻烟.
例句: Spending billions of dollars every year to arrest people for smoking demon weed just doesn't strike me as ridiculous. (每年花费几十亿美元逮捕抽大麻烟的人让我看来简直荒谬)



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