二十笔实用成语 286

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二十笔实用成语 286

帖子 royl » 周二 1月 17, 2012 3:00 pm

二十笔实用成语 286

01. diddly-shit/diddly-squat
定义: [不雅俚语]几乎等于没有, 微量, 没价值.
例句: For all the work I helped him, he gave me diddly-squat, not even thanks. (我帮他了所有这些忙, 他什么都没有回报, 连一声谢谢都没有)

02. didn't (even) bat an eye/eyelash
定义: 老神在在, 处变不惊, 一点不惊讶, 处之泰然, 眼都没眨一下.
例句: Our Pastor at church said that an anonymous donor wanted to send all of our kids to summer camp, and he didn't even bat an eye at the price. (我们教会的牧师说, 一位匿名的捐助人想要送我们所有的小朋友去夏令营, 对所需要的价钱他连眼都没眨一下)

03. didn't happen by chance
定义: (这事)发生不是偶然的.
例句: Their success didn't happen by chance. It happened as a result of putting in the time and effort day in and day out. (他们的成功不是偶然的. 这个成功是由于长期地每天投入时间和努力所堆砌的成果)

04. didn't have an inkling of ...
定义: 一点都没察觉到/不知道...
例句: When she married her husband David right out of high school, he knew she was adopted, but he didn't have an inkling of what her past really was. (当她高中一毕业就嫁给他先生大卫的时候, 他只知道她是被领养的, 但它他一点都不知道她真实的过去是什么)

05. Didn't I tell you?

06. Didn't know what she would do?

07. didn't quite get there
定义: 还没完全做完/成功/达成任务.
例句: Unfortunately, we didn't quite get there, but everyone was very enthusiastic. (不幸地, 我们还没完全达成任务, 但大家仍然非常兴致勃勃)

08. Didn't you have any sense?

09. die away, to
定义: 渐渐地减弱/消失, 减轻而到静止.
例句: I'm finding it hard to be a gentleman everyday. ​​All the manners that we've been taught have slowly died away. (我发现每天越来越难作为一个​​谦谦礼让的君子. 所有我们学到的礼貌渐渐地消失)

10. die back, to
定义: (论及植物)根部以上死亡, 但根部仍存活.
例句: Although oregano generally dies back in the winter, it will return again in the early spring. (尽管牛至一般在冬天根部以上死亡, 它会在早春存活回来)


11. die before your/one's time, to
定义: 早逝, 夭折.
例句: It's always a shock to hear that someone's died before his time, but Tom's death the other day at 54 was cruelly early. (听到某人早逝总是令人震惊, 但前几天汤姆于五十四岁走了确实太早了)

12. die down, to
定义: 渐渐地减弱, 减轻而到静止.
例句: I waited for the noise to die down before I continued talking to her on the phone. (我等到喧闹的声音静止下来才继续地跟她讲电话)

13. die hard, to
定义: 不易死亡或消失; 死硬不屈服; 坚决不妥协.
例句: A pay raise may lower the incentive for officers to take bribes, but old habits die hard. Civilians must have a way to raise complaints against the police without fear of retaliation. (加薪也许会降低警官受贿的意愿, 但狗改不了吃屎. 民众必须要有一个办法投诉警察而不受报复威胁)

14. die in (your) bed, to
定义: 病死床上; 寿终正寝.
例句: None of the Khmer Rouge have ever been punished for their crimes, Pol Pot ended up dying in his bed in 1998. (红色高棉没有一个人为他们的罪行受到惩罚, 波尔布特最后在一九九八年寿终正寝)

15. die in harness, to
定义: 工作至死, 过劳死, 殉职.
例句: In this time of stressful careers, heart problems often result in sudden death, and it is remarked that "so-and-so died in harness." (在这个工作压力大的时代, 心脏问题经常造成猝死, 然后被人谈论中提及"某某人工作至死.")

16. die in one's sleep, to
定义: 睡觉中往生, 寿终正寝.
例句: When my grandmother died in her sleep at the age of 95, my aunt went in to wake her up and only discovered that she had died. (当我外祖母于九十五岁寿终正寝, 我阿姨去叫醒她时却发现她已经往生了)

17. die is cast, the
定义: 主意已定, 不会更改, 心意已决.
例句: Now that I've announced my resignation, the die is cast. (我既然已经宣布辞职, 我的主意已定, 不会更改)

18. die laughing, to
定义: 笑死, 心满意足之后才死; 长笑不止, 极端有趣地, 笑死人.
例句: His joke was so funny that I almost died laughing. (他的笑话真逗人, 我差一点笑死掉)

19. die like flies, to
定义: 大量迅速死亡.
例句: They died like flies, not because of malnutrition, but because of the filth in which they lived and because of the terribly dissolute life they led. (他们大量迅速死亡不是因为营养不良而是由于他们所住的脏乱环境以及他们放荡颓丧的生活方式)

20. die of ..., to
定义: 因...而致死. (注: 请参考die of cancer, 得癌症死亡)
例句: A woman found dead in an Oakville home Thursday. ​​She died of multiple stab wounds, an autopsy revealed on Friday. ​​(星期四一名女子被发现在她的欧克维尔家中死亡. 星期五的验尸报告显示出,她是因为多处利刃刺伤而致死)



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