二十笔实用成语 296

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二十笔实用成语 296

帖子 royl » 周六 2月 04, 2012 8:04 pm

二十笔实用成语 296

01. do drugs, to
定义: 吸毒.
例句: I could care less if you do drugs or party like a jackass every night, you should consider that before applying for job and expecting to be taken seriously. (我没兴趣知道你是否吸毒或每晚像个蠢驴一样地狂欢, 你应该在你申请工作和希望被人认真对待之前考虑你的生活方式)

02. Do either of you read?
[成语句型]你们俩哪一个识字? (注: 这句话不是问人​​而是谴责他们两人都不先读一下文件就签字或没看清楚文章就发表不当言论)

03. do everything one could, to
定义: 尽力而为, 全力以赴.
例句: I have done everything one could do to destroy this bike and it is still running like the day I bought it. (我已经尽力而为地破坏这部脚踏车, 但它仍然像我新买它一样地运转)

04. do evil deeds, to
定义: 做邪恶或恶毒事情.
例句: One reason why people do evil deeds: they think they can get away with it. (人们为什么做邪恶事情的一个原因: 他们认为他们不会受到惩罚)

05. do for, to
定义: 供应某人所需要或要求的; 合用, 适用; 带来死亡或毁灭.
例句: I think your old kitchen will do for another year. If you absolutely have to repaint your house, try to get your family and friends to help out. (我认为你的旧厨房还可以再适用一年. 如果你非要再漆你房子的话, 你可以试图请你家人或朋友来帮忙刷油漆)

06. do good, to
定义: 言行正直道德; 行善, 做慈善事业; 有益处, 有作用.
例句: It wouldn't do you any good to upload ten videos every day if they're not providing any valuable content to anyone. (如果你不提供高品质的内容给别人看, 即使你每天上载十件录影视频也没用)

07. do his time in ..., to
定义: 曾(服役)在...驻扎或作战; 在...服刑.
例句: He did his time in Vietnam without firing his weapon once. He was scared to death during his entire tour. (他曾在越南驻扎却从没放过一枪一弹. 在整个越南服役期间, 他吓得要命)

08. Do I h​​ave to?

09. do in, to
定义: 造成击败或摧毁; 杀死; 疲倦, 疲惫; 欺骗.
例句: His inability to attract Southern voters is what finally did him in as a presidential candidate. (他竞选总统失败是因为他无法吸引南方选民的票)

10. do it again, to
定义: 再做一遍; 又犯了错; 又来了; 再次成功, 又做到了.
例句: Well, you've done it again. You've landed yourself in trouble. How many times have I cautioned you? It gets tired after a while, doesn't it? (唉, 你又犯了. 你已经给你带来许多麻烦. 我警告你多少次了? 我说多了都嫌烦了, 你不嫌烦吗?)

11. do it now, to
定义: 现在做, 马上做.
例句: So if you're looking to take advantage of low prices and lock in the incredible rate, you better do it now before its too late. (所以如果你想要拣便宜锁定极好价钱的话, 你最好马上做免得太迟就没机会)

12. do it one's way, to
定义: 听他们的; 照我/你/他/她(们)的方式做.
例句: The great thing is that you don't have to do it her way. There is no right way when it comes to art. (最大的好处是, 你不须要照她的方式做. 谈到艺术创作, 根本没有什么正确的方式)

13. do it over, to
定义: 重做一遍.
例句: I want you to do it over and over until you can do it all the way through without any stopping. (我要你一遍接一遍地重复做直到你能够一口气不停顿地从头做到尾为止)

14. do it right the first time, to
定义: 第一次就做好/成功.
例句: We have to be the best we can be, we only get one shot at the interview; we have to do it right the first time. (我们必须全力以赴, 这个面试我们只有一次机会; 我们必须要第一次就成功)

15. do it the hard way, to
定义: 用难的方法做, 绕远路, 事倍功半.
例句: Don't start a fire with stones. That's doing it the hard way. (别用石头起火. 这会事倍功半)

16. do it up brown, to
定义: 做某事彻底或完满/完美.
例句: Fraud and waste is always part of government operations, but these people really did it up brown, didn't they? (作假和浪费永远是政府营运的一部分, 但是这些人做得真完美, 不是吗? 注:意指这些政府官员的作假和浪费做得天衣无缝)

17. do it you way or the highway, to
定义: 非得要按照你的方法做否则就拉倒. (注: 论及某人专断独裁, 非得按他意思去做)
例句: He tried to buy some stuff off me and then had the nerve to lay down the rules and told me I had to do it his way or the highway. (他想要跟我买些东西, 然后他居然有胆子定下规则, 还告诉我说我非得要按照他的方法做否则就拉倒)

18. do it, to
定义: 发生性行为.
例句: I know they've kissed, but have they actually done it? (我知道他们亲吻了, 但他们是否真的发生性行为?)

19. do justice, to
定义: 做正当正义地行动; 适当或完全地对待/形容/描述; 表现出适当的鉴赏力; 言行符合一个人的身份.
例句: I am afraid that my poor editing skills don't do justice to the quality of your film footage. (我恐怕我的蹩脚剪辑技术没法适当地表达出你电影内容的特色)

20. do lunch, to
定义: 一起吃中饭.
例句: Let's do lunch again soon John! I really enjoyed our conversation. My treat. (约翰, 我们尽快再一起吃中饭! 跟你聊天我感觉非常有趣味. 我请客)



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