二十笔实用成语 304

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二十笔实用成语 304

帖子 royl » 周四 2月 16, 2012 5:49 am

二十笔实用成语 304

01. dogface, a
定义: [俚语]士兵尤其是步兵, 狗脸.
例句: We are called dogfaces. We lived in "pup tents" and foxholes. We were treated like dogs in training. We had dog tags for identification. (我们被人叫狗脸. 我们住在"三角帐篷/小狗帐篷"和散兵坑里. 我们在训练时被当成狗一样. 我们用狗牌作识别证)


02. dog-faced liar, a
定义: 可恶的说谎者.
例句: He is a dog faced liar. He had to be told twice about the employment of illegal aliens at his home and he has supported amnesty. (他是个可恶的说谎者. 他必须要被别人提醒两次有关他家里雇用非法移民, 他也一直支持非法移民大赦)

03. dogged by, be
定义: 长期受到...困扰, 折磨或伤害.
例句: His career has been dogged by controversy. (他的生涯一直长期受到争议的困扰)

04. doggie bag/doggy bag, a
定义: 剩菜袋子. (注: 意指可带回家的装餐馆剩菜袋子)
例句: If we can't eat all the lobsters, ask for a doggy bag and we'll take them home. We can have them for lunch tomorrow. (如果我们龙虾吃不完的话, 跟餐厅要一个剩菜袋子把它们带回家. 我们明天把它们当午餐吃)

05. doggone ...!
定义: [惊叹语]受刺激而愤怒的诅咒: 他妈的! 可恶的!
例句: I can't find the doggone scissors again! This house must have swallowed them! (我又找不到这把可恶的剪刀! 这个房子一定把它们吞下去! 注: 请注意scissors剪刀和glasses眼镜要当成复数使用)

06. dog-paddle, to
定义: [动词](游泳)狗爬式.
例句: I managed to shout, pawing jellyfish aside, dog-paddling frantically, wondering if sharks frequented Oyster Bay. (我设法大声喊叫, 把水母推开, 疯狂地狗爬式游泳, 正在琢磨是否鲨鱼常常游进奥伊斯特湾里来)

07. dog's bollocks, the
定义: [英国粗俗语]顶级的, 卓越的人或物.
例句: Your wife's cooking is the dog's bollocks when it comes to Tex-Mex cuisine. (说到德州风味墨西哥菜肴的时候, 你太太的烹饪是顶级的手艺)

典型的德州风味墨西哥菜肴, Fajita, 面饼包墨西哥烤肉

08. dog's breakfast/dinner, a
定义: [英国]乱做一通; 混乱的场面; 大杂烩.
例句: This book is a dog's breakfast. It contains a bit of everything. (这本书简直是个大杂烩. 它里面什么东西都有)

09. dog's life, a
定义: 单调无趣, 不愉快的生活.
例句: I've got to go to the supermarket, pick my son up from the school, and get our supper ready by 6pm – it's a dog's life! (我必须要去超市买菜, 接我儿子下学, 必须要在六点前把我们晚餐准备好–真是个单调无趣的日子!)

10. dog's/pup's chance, a
定义: 微乎其微的机会; 毫无希望.
例句: You can produce the finest photograph ever taken and it will not stand a dog's chance of winning if it breaks the rules or is entered in the wrong category. (如果你违规或报名参加了错误比赛项目的话, 即使你拍下你这一生最美好的照片也毫无希望赢得比赛)

11. dog-tired
定义: [形容词]极疲惫的, 累得要命.
例句: I worked the graveyard shift last night. I was dog tired when I got off. (我昨夜上大夜班. 当我下班的时候, 我累得要命)

12. dog-whistle politics, the
定义: 狗哨子政治, 密码语言政治. (注: 在竞选活动上使用密码语言使大众听起来是一个意思但对某些特定团体是另一个意义)
例句: They called the President the "food stamp president." This is the dog-whistle politics that the Republican Party has used to lure the white working class over to their party. (他们叫这个总统"食物券总统." 这是个共和党玩的密码语言政治用来吸引白人工人阶级加入他们政党)


13. D'oh!
定义: [惊叹语] 唉呀! 我这个笨蛋! (注: 意指突然发现自己做了错事, 骂自己笨而发出惊叹)
例句: Two plus two is five. D'oh! I mean four! (二加二等于五. 唉呀, 我这个笨蛋! 我是说四!)

14. doing OK, be
定义: 混得不错, 情况良好, (论生病)恢复得不错.
例句: Thanks for asking. He is doing OK. Our doctors place him on a regimen of medications, and nutritional treatment. (谢谢你的问候. 他的情况良好. 我们的医生安排他一些药物治疗和营养理疗)

15. doing the job that someone else should be doing
定义: (某人)做一个本来是别人应该做的工作.
例句: This job annoys me; I can't do what I'm good at. I'm doing the job that someone else should be doing. (这个工作整得我心烦; 我没法发挥我的专长. 我现在做的是一个本来别人应该做的工作)

16. doing what one can to, be
定义: 尽力而为, 尽一切力量.
例句: I'm doing what I can to survive the financial Armageddon with the little money that I have. (以我所剩下的这点钱, 我正尽我一切力量在这个财务末日危机中求生存)

17. dolce vita, la
定义: [义大利]奢华放纵日子, 惬意的日子.
例句: Strolling down Corydon Avenue, past walls of bright ceramic tiles, and slurping on my favorite Italian ice cream, it's hard not to feel like I'm living la dolce vita. (在克里东大街散步, 走过闪亮的磁砖墙, 啜食着我最喜欢的义大利冰淇淋, 很难不让人觉得我过着惬意的日子)


18. dole out, to
定义: 分发, 发放, 给予.
例句: We seem to dole out the blame people on the dole for being lazy, not wanting to get a job and spending all of their money on booze. (我们似乎责怪拿政府救济金的人懒惰, 不肯找工作, 以及把他们所有的钱都花在买醉上)

19. doll up, to
定义: 穿着打扮得时髦, 明艳; 点缀装饰使其更引人注目.
例句: Jenny clearly isn't afraid of flaunting her body, and she looks good here, especially since she clearly hasn't dolled herself up in particular. (珍妮显然不在乎展示她的身材, 尤其在她显然没有特殊地化妆打扮的时候, 她确实看起来很美)

20. dollars for/to doughnuts, to bet
定义: 肯定会发生的.
例句: I would bet you dollars to doughnuts that this "company" doesn't exist. (我敢肯定地说这个所谓的"公司"根本不存在)



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