二十笔实用成语 318

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二十笔实用成语 318

帖子 royl » 周六 3月 10, 2012 3:30 pm

二十笔实用成语 318

01. double up on, to
定义: 使用双份..., 加倍工作.
例句: Always take it after eating and with a full glass of water and don't double up on doses if you miss one, just continue as normal. (每次在饭后以一满杯水服用它, 如果你忘了服一剂的话, 别服下双份, 只要正常地服用下去就可)

02. double up, to
定义: 加倍; 双重用途; 两人使用单人房; 突然弯腰因痛或大笑.
例句: The passengers had to double up in hotel rooms when the plane was delayed because of the weather. (由于这架飞机因为天候延误, 这些旅客必须要两人使用一间旅馆单人房)

03. double vision
定义: [名词]复视, 看到两个影像.
例句: I recently got new prescription glasses; I'm seeing double vision and words look blurry. I think I'll bring them back; there is something wrong with the lens. (我最近换了一副新眼镜; 我看到两个影像而且看字模糊. 我想我要把它们退回去; 这些镜片有问题)

04. double whammy, a
定义: 祸不单行, 两件坏事一起发生.
例句: A fat tax is a double whammy for the poor—it will do little to prevent obesity in those on lower incomes, and will hurt them financially. (一个征高脂肪食物税对穷人来说是祸不单行—它既无法防止低收入者肥胖而只会在金钱上伤害他们)

05. double-barreled question, a
定义: 两难问题. (注: 意指一个问题触及两个议题却只允许一个答案)
例句: A double-barreled question may lead to inaccuracies. You should think about splitting each of the following questions into two separate questions. (一个两难问题会导致误差. 你应该考虑把下列的问题分成两道个别问题)

06. double-blind study, a
定义: 双盲法研究. (注: 意指在实验中受验者及研究者都不知情的研究)
例句: To investigating the mechanism by which cows' milk might provoke rhinitis, a double-blind study was set up to identify a group of milk sensitive patients. (为了研究牛奶引起鼻炎的经历过程, 一个双盲法研究被安排来识别出一群对牛奶敏感的病人)

07. double-breasted suit, a
定义: 双排扣西装外套.
例句: The double-breasted suit dates back to a time much earlier than the 1980's. It is remembered as a Reagan era suit which one would wear when he meant business. (双排扣西装外套的起源远早于一九八零年代. 它被人们回忆为雷根时代的服装意味着当某人穿此服装时他是要严肃办事)

08. double-charged/billed, be
定义: (同一购买)被收费两次, 双重收费.
例句: I was double charged and when I asked to speak to a manager they told me that no one was available. I gave them my number and no one ever called me back. (我被双重收费, 当我要求跟一个经理理论时, 他们告诉我经理不在. 我留下我的电话号码但从来没人回电话)

09. double-check, to
定义: 复查以确定无误.
例句: This information should be double-checked for accuracy before being confirmed by entry of a 'Y'. (在你打进'是的'这个栏目确认之前, 你应该要复查这则输入资料以确定它是正确的)

10. double-cross, to
定义: 欺骗, 出卖, 背叛.
例句: His ex-wife double-crossed him. She took his money and left him holding the bag for all of the debts. (他的前妻出卖了他. 她带走了他的钱, 让他一个人去偿债)

11. double-dealing, be
定义: [形容词]口是心非的, 表里不一的, 两面三刀的, 口蜜腹剑的.
例句: We need to be cautious about our double-dealing friend. Certain things must be done in time—a stitch in time save nine. (我们要小心提防我们的两面三刀朋友. 必须要及时做好某些准备工作—此乃未雨绸缪也)

12. double-deck
定义: [形容词]两层的. 例如两层三明治, 双层巴士等.
例句: Victoria met us at the hotel and together we took a double-deck bus on a city tour after that. (维多利亚到旅馆跟我们碰面, 然后我们一起搭乘双层巴士游览城市)

13. double-digit
定义: [形容词]两位数字的. 例如两位数字的成长.
例句: Surging demand for natural and organic products has transformed a small market niche into a double-digit growth sector. (天然的以及有机产品的激增需求把一个小型特殊市场转变成为一个两位数字成长的市场领域)

14. double-dipper, a
定义: 同时领政府退休金与政府薪水的人.
例句: This double-dipper candidate has always been a hypocrite on his so-called activism for the tax payer and the people's money. (这个同时领政府退休金与政府薪水的候选人对于他所谓的为纳税人和人民财富看紧荷包的支持行动一直是个说一套做一套的伪君子)

15. double-edged sword, a
定义: 双刃剑; 意指事情具有有正面和负面影响.
例句: Truth is a double-edged sword. It can imprison me or set me free. (真理是一把双刃剑. 它既可以禁锢我, 也可以释放我)

16. double-faced, be
定义: 伪善的, 两面三刀的; 两边都可以使用的.
例句: You can't make fool out of us anymore, your game is over! We are sick of your double-faced leaders who have done nothing except paying lip service. (你不能再愚弄我们了, 你的把戏已经玩完了! 我们对你只会耍嘴皮, 不干实事的伪善领导人已经受够了)

17. double-park, to
定义: 双停车. (注: 停车于已经停了一排的车子的旁边. 双停车在美国除了三州外其他是非法的)
例句: In most cities, you can't double-park when you're loading or unloading stuff from your vehicle to the curb. (在大部分的城市里, 当你要在路边载货或卸货的时候, 你不可以双停车)

18. double-talk, a
定义: [名词]模棱两可的语言; 看起来有诚意义但掺入一些没道理的话.
例句: He gave the audience a lot of double-talk but no one knew what he wanted to say. (他跟这些听众说了一大堆的模棱两可的语言, 但没有人知道他想要说什么)

19. double-team, to
定义: 二打一; 二守一, 两人包夹防守对方的进攻.
例句: He was double-teamed every time they tried it and found himself unable to deliver the ball to the roll man or to a shooter as he has been so potent in doing. (每次他被他们包夹防守时, 他发现他没法像以前一样地有效地把球传给切入禁区者或射篮手)

20. double-yolk egg, a
定义: 双黄蛋.
例句: My mom told me that double yolk egg is a blessing. (我妈曾告诉我, 双黄蛋是一个祝福)



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