二十笔实用成语 319

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二十笔实用成语 319

帖子 royl » 周六 3月 17, 2012 3:01 am

二十笔实用成语 319

01. doubting Thomas, a
定义: 疑心重的人, 非要眼见为信之人. (注: 意指别人说的不算数)
例句: I want all doubting Thomases hang on to your own judgment. Don't be conned into believing something because somebody else has advised you to do so. (我要所有的眼见为凭者坚持你自己的判断. 别因为某人要你相信某件事情你就被骗得信以为真)

02. douche bag, a
定义: [不雅俚语]令人厌恶者.
例句: Some entrepreneurs have thanked me for my honest feedback, while others were less receptive, some even calling me a douche bag. (有些敢于冒风险的创业者感谢我的真诚批评, 但也有一些人​​比较不接受我的直率批评, 有些人甚至于骂我是个令人厌恶者)

03. dough
定义: [俚语]钱.
例句: I'm broke, I need some dough. I have about 100 Euros in cash, and that's about it, and maybe some more in the bank, but not much. (我穷得要命, 我需要一些钱. 我身上大概有一百块欧元现金, 就这么多了, 也许还有更多一点钱存在银行, 但也没多少)

04. doughboy, a
定义: 胖子尤其少年胖子; 美国步兵尤其在第一次世界大战的.
例句: This doughboy can bench over 100% of his bodyweight; so I can eat a nice fat steak every night for dinner with some French fries to boot. (这个胖子可以躺平推举超过他全部的体重; 所以我可以每天晚上吃肥美牛排再加上一些炸薯条. 注: 这里的bench是bench-press的缩写)

05. doughhead, a
定义: [俚语]傻瓜, 笨蛋, 不先思考就行动的人.
例句: Don't ever call him a doughhead again. He's my boyfriend. (以后别再叫他傻瓜. 他是我的男朋友)

06. down but not out, be
定义: 被击倒但没认输; 潦倒但没放弃.
例句: We're down but not out, we'll bounce back and show the world we're better than ever. (我们虽然被击倒但没认输, 我们会很快地回复正常并且展示给世人看到我们更胜于从前)

07. down comforter, a
定义: 鹅绒被, 以鹅绒填充的被子.
例句: This morning, the sun was streaming in my windows, I was sufficiently nestled in my down comforter, and I got plenty of sleep. (今天早上, 阳光从窗子照进来, 我满足, 舒适地窝在我的鹅绒被里, 我得到充足的睡眠)
只有一部分鸟类才会有的绒羽可以用来做被子, 枕头或夹克

08. down dude, a
定义: [俚语]酷小子.
例句: He's a rea​​l down dude and people should give him a chance. (他确实是个酷小子, 人们应该给他一个机会)

09. down for the count, be
定义: 晕过去, 沉睡/酣睡, 动弹不得; 被击倒的(站不起来), 完蛋了.
例句: Two minutes after getting into bed, I was down for the count. (才躺下两分钟之后, 我就马上坠入酣睡)

10. down in the doldrums, be
定义: 抑郁难过, 欲振乏力.
例句: We've been down in the doldrums for quite a few years, and hopefully John can help turn things around. (我们已经欲振乏力多年了, 希望约翰能够帮助我们扭转颓势)

11. down in the dumps, be
定义: 气馁, 沮丧, 消沉, 闷闷不乐, 情绪低落.
例句: She has been really down in the dumps since her boyfriend moved away. (自从她男友搬走之后, 她一直相当闷闷不乐)

12. down in the mouth, be
定义: 气馁, 沮丧, 消沉, 闷闷不乐, 情绪低落.
例句: If you'd just lost your job, you'd be down in the mouth, too. (如果你失业的话, 你也会情绪低落)

13. down on one's luck, be
定义: 诸​​多事不顺利, 贫困潦倒, 倒楣不走运.
例句: She's been down on her luck lately, and I bought her a golden retriever puppy to cheer her up. (她最近诸多事不顺利, 我给她买了一只黄金猎犬宝宝让她开开心)

14. down on one's uppers, be
定义: 诸​​多事不顺利; 贫困潦倒, 倒楣不走运.
例句: An old friend from the home town came to me. He was down on his uppers. Fortunately, I found a job for him within three days. (一个从故乡来的老朋友找我. 他贫困潦倒. 幸运的是, 我在三天内帮他找到一份工作)

15. down on, be
定义: 瞧不起, 鄙视, 厌恶.
例句: She is really down on this friend of hers but I don't really know the reason. (她鄙视她这个朋友但我实在不清楚是什么原因)

16. down one's alley/street, be
定义: 适于某人的专长或喜爱, 胜任.
例句: She's going to go work for a textbook publisher. I think it will be right down her alley since she's quite the academic herself. (她将要去一家教科书出版商工作. 由于她本人在教育方面相当内行, 我相信她会胜任这个工作)

17. down pat
定义: 熟谙的, 准备好的.
例句: Jenny had her speech down pat. She had practiced it many times. (珍妮准备好了她的演讲. 她已经练习了许多次)

18. down payment, a
定义: 头期款. (注: 不足的款项以后付清或以贷款付清)
例句: Making a down payment demonstrates that the borrower is able to raise a certain amount of money for long-term investment. (付出头期款显示出这个借款人有能力为了长期投资筹措一定数量的款项)

19. down south
定义: 往南方; 位于南方.
例句: I used to live down south by the beach. I liked that city for its quiet and safety. Everything was clean and upscale. (我过去住在南方的海滩旁边. 由于它的宁静和安全, 我喜欢那个城市.一切都很干净和高雅)

20. down the drain
定义: 浪费掉, 打水漂, 损失掉, 消失掉.
例句: He is just throwing money down the drain when he goes to the horse races. (他去赛马场赌博根本就是在浪费金钱)



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