二十笔实用成语 320

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二十笔实用成语 320

帖子 royl » 周二 3月 20, 2012 3:20 am

二十笔实用成语 320

01. down the hall
定义: 沿着走廊往下走. (注: hall不一定是大厅, 也常用为hallway, 走廊或两排办公室中央的长廊)
例句: The restroom is down the hall, the third door to the left. (厕所在沿着走廊往下走, 左侧第三个门)

02. Down the hatch!
[成语句型]干杯! 一饮而尽!

03. down the line
定义: [副词]彻底地, 完全地, 毫不保留地; 未来, 以后, 下一步.
例句: There will be many changes at this company down the line but for now your job is safe. (这家公司在未来会有许多的改变但目前你的工作还没问题. 注: 意指你一时还不会失去这个工作)

04. down the pan
定义: 浪费掉, 糟蹋掉, 损失掉, 失败, 遭到放弃.
例句: If the factory closes, that'll be a million pounds' worth of investment down the pan. (如果这家工厂关闭的话, 将会有价值一百万英镑投资的损失)

05. down the pike/road
定义: 未来, 以后, 下一步.
例句: We are not planning on moving within the next ten years but who knows what's down the pike. (虽然我们不打算在未来十年内迁移, 但谁又知道未来将会发生什么事)

06. down the pills, to
定义: 吞服下药片.
例句: I downed the pills and fell back ont​​o my pillow. I was thankful for wife's caring soul. (我服下这些药片, 躺回我的枕头. 我感激我妻子的关怀之情)

07. down the rabbit hole
定义: 闯入未知的, 怪诞的或艰困的情况.
例句: The US foreign policy has now gone down the rabbit hole. It shears off all sensitivity to the consequences of the US government's behavior. (美国的对外政策已经进入怪诞的状况. 它完全不理会别人对美国政府行为后果的感受. 注: 这里的shears off本是切断之意, 我翻译成不理会)

08. down the stretch
定义: (竞赛或事件)最后的关键时刻.
例句: They won some crucial games down the stretch. (他们在本季的最后关键时刻赢得几场决定性的比赛)

09. down the toilet
定义: 浪费掉, 糟蹋掉, 失败, 遭到放弃.
例句: I believe her career went down the toilet because she's put out lousy music. (我相信她的事业之所以失败是因为她所出版的音乐糟透了)

10. down the tube/tubes
定义: 失败, 垮台, 崩溃, 毁灭掉.
例句: The US is going down the tubes fast because after several decades the liberals have succeeded. (由于几十年来自由派的无往不利, 美国才因此这么快地失败)

11. down to
定义: 甚至包括(最小或最不重要的部份); 用至最后一人或一物.
例句: We found a motel, across the street from the ocean, which took Visa since I was down to last few dollars. (我们找到了一家汽车旅馆, 过了街就是大海, 这家旅馆接受Visa信用卡因为我身上只剩下最后几块钱了)

12. down to a tee
定义: 完美地, 准确地, 正确地.
例句: Sharon is wonderful in the play. She has her part down to a tee. (雪伦在这演出表现极佳. 她完美地演出了她的角色)

13. down to the short strokes
定义: 快要完成, 即将结束.
例句: "How's it going? Are you nearly finished?" "We're down to the short strokes – we just have to paint the doors." ("做得怎样? 你是不是快做完了?" "我们快要做完了– 我们只要把这些门刷上油漆就好了.")

14. down to the wire
定义: 到最后一刻, 快要完成, 即将结束.
例句: We went right down to the wire but we were able to finish the job on time. (我们快要完成了但我们能够准时做完这个工作)

15. down under
定义: 澳纽, 澳新, 有关于澳洲, 新西兰.
例句: Next week, I'm going down under for my holidays. (下星期, 我要到去澳纽渡我的假期)

16. Down with racism!
[成语句型]打倒种族主义! (注: 常用于示威抗议时的口号)

17. down with, be
定义: 感染, 生病; 推翻; 除去; 降低或放下; 与某人作好友.
例句: You'll have to excuse me I am half asleep at the moment, I was up all night having to take care of my son he's down with the flu. (请你原谅我, 我现在正处于半睡半醒状态, 为了照顾得了感冒的儿子, 我昨晚一夜没睡)

18. down-and-dirty
定义: 赤裸裸, 直接的; 粗糙的; 不择手段的, 卑鄙的, 来阴的; 下流的, 淫秽的; 劣质的.
例句: I don't especially like this guy, but in this game you better be able to play down-and-dirty, and at this point, he's the one to do it. (我特不喜欢这个家伙, 但在这种竞争上, 你最好能够玩阴的, 此时此刻, 他就是来阴的)

19. down-and-out
定义: 穷困潦倒的; 身体衰弱的, 失去能力的.
例句: He has been down-and-out before but he has always been able to find a job eventually. (他过去曾经穷困潦倒过, 但他最后总是有办法找到一份工作)

20. down-at-heel
定义: 衰败破旧的, 衣衫褴褛的.
例句: The streets were grubby, the place was down-at-heel and we weren't too sure where we should be going. (那里街道肮脏不堪, 那个地方衰败破旧, 我们不确定我们应该去那里)



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