二十笔实用成语 321

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二十笔实用成语 321

帖子 royl » 周五 3月 23, 2012 2:22 am

二十笔实用成语 321

01. downer, a
定义: 令人沮丧的人或事; 抑制剂尤其巴比妥酸盐.
例句: News of the war was a downer. Most of the people dreaded war. (战争的消息是件令人沮丧的事. 大多数的人畏惧战争)

02. downhill all the way
定义: 一路下去都容易; 日益恶化, 一路走下坡.
例句: As I started work as a journalist and it was downhill all the way for my health. (自从我开始我的记者工作之后, 我的健康状况就一路走下坡)

03. down-home, be
定义: [形容词]简单朴实, 纯朴的. (注: 意指美国南方乡间民风)
例句: Maybe she prefers to be more frugal and down home about her kids' clothes to teach them what real life is like. (也许她宁愿要她的儿女在衣服上更节俭, 朴实来教导他们真实生活是什么样子)

04. downplay this crisis, to
定义: 故意不重视, 轻描淡写, 淡化, 大事化小, 低估这个危机.
例句: The media has been downplaying this crisis since it began. Our financial system has been irreparably broken for a long time. (这些新闻媒体从一开始就一直故意淡化这个危机. 我们的财务系统长期以来已经无法挽救地毁损)

05. downright lie, a
定义: 彻底的谎言.
例句: This statement is misleading at best and a downright lie at worst. (这个声明说好听是误导别人, 说不好听则是一个彻底的谎言)

06. downside of ..., the
定义: 不利的一面, 缺点.
例句: The downside of the hybrid is that the batteries have to be replaced often and they are rather expensive. (这个油电混合动力车的缺点是它的电池必须要经常更换, 而且电池也相当昂贵)

07. down-to-earth
定义: 实际的, 明智的, 通情达理的, 朴实的, 简单的, 诚恳的.
例句: The chapters offer excellent, down-to-earth advice and are peppered with quotes from people of all ages. (这几篇文章提供极好, 明智的建议, 到处充斥着各个年龄人们的引证)

08. doze off, to
定义: 打瞌睡.
例句: I just dozed off for a minute and woke up freaking out because I thought I m​​issed my exit. (我才打了一分钟瞌睡就突然惊醒因为我以为我错过了我的出口. 注: 这句话可能是谈到坐地铁的经验)

09. draft dodger, a
定义: 非法逃避征兵者.
例句: These chicken hawks and draft dodgers promoted this war as a great cause, one in which other American young men should expose themselves to injury or death. (这些从没参加过战争的好战份子和逃避兵役者兜售这个战争为伟大使命, 导致其他美国年青人去战场接受死伤)

10. draft pick, the
定义: [运动术语](一年一度)新球员甄选权; 新选的选手.
例句: Jeremy Lin was again passed up by all 30 teams, only to be discovered after facing off against the first overall draft pick John Wall during Summer League games. (林书豪再度被三十个球队拒绝, 不料在夏季联盟比赛跟第一轮甄选球员约翰•华尔在对抗之后才被人发现他的才华)

11. drag and drop, to
定义: [电脑术语]拖放, 以滑鼠/鼠标键从甲处拖曳文字或图案放置于乙处.
例句: You can drag and drop photos from your hard disk into uploader, and then publish them straight to your account. No mess, no fuss. (你可以把照片从你的硬碟拖放入上传器上, 然后再直接发布在你的帐户上. 干净俐落得很)

12. drag down, to
定义: 拖下去, 减少; 拖下水; 心情受到影响.
例句: I'm not going to allow him to drag me down to his level. (我决不会让他把我拖到跟他一般的水平. 注: 意指我才不跟他一般见识)

13. drag into, to
定义: (将人)卷入某个事件, 纠纷或问题, 拖下水.
例句: I'm sorry for dragging you into this. (我很抱歉把你卷入这件纠纷里)

14. drag it out, to
定义: 拖泥带水, 长篇大论.
例句: When James tells a ghost story, he drags it out for an hour. (当杰姆士讲一个鬼故事时, 他长篇大论地说了一个钟头)

15. drag on, to
定义: 拖泥带水, 拖一段长时间.
例句: The speech seemed to drag on and on so finally we decided to leave early. (这个演说拖了一段长时间, 好像没完没了似的, 因此我们终于决定早点离开)

16. drag one's ass/tail, to
定义: [不尊重语]离开; 故意拖延, 拖泥带水, 拖拖拉拉.
例句: It's really late, I'm dragging my ass out of this place. (现在太晚了, 我要离开这里)

17. drag one's feet, to
定义: 故意拖延, 拖拖拉拉, 拖泥带水.
例句: Our company is dragging their feet in making a decision to hire new workers. (我们公司拖泥带水地在做雇用新工人的决定)

18. drag one's heels, to
定义: 故意拖延, 拖拖拉拉, 拖泥带水.
例句: They're dragging their heels. Tell them to work faster. (他们拖拖拉拉地工作. 告诉他们动作快一点)

19. drag out, to
定义: 拖泥带水, 长篇大论, 拖一段长时间.
例句: Stop dragging the story out and get to the point! (别长篇大论地说一大堆, 直接了当说重点!)

20. drag queen, a
定义: 男扮女装者; 男同性恋者.
例句: Tom is a transvestite. They call him "the drag queen of Fag Street." (汤姆是个异性装扮癖者. 他们叫他"同性恋街的男扮女装同性恋者.")



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