二十笔实用成语 322

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二十笔实用成语 322

帖子 royl » 周六 3月 24, 2012 11:01 pm

二十笔实用成语 322

01. drag race, a
定义: 街上飙车. (注: 以红灯变绿开始起, 车子在街上拼赛看谁先到目的地)
例句: "Did you see the drag race last night?" "Ya. The Corvette won." ("你昨晚看了街上飙车吗?" "是的. 那部科尔维特赢了.")

02. drag someone down, to
定义: 把某人拖垮; 令某人情绪低落.
例句: Don't let her bad moods drag you down. (别让她的沮丧与不愉快让你情绪低落)

03. drag someone into, to
定义: 把某人硬拖卷入某件纷争, 麻烦, 艰难处境.
例句: The last thing we need is to be dragged into another war. (我们最不需要的就被卷入另一场战争)

04. drag someone over the coals, to
定义: 严厉批评或斥责.
例句: I've dragged her over the coals through no fault of her own. If I were a better man I should've cut her loose long ago. (虽然并不是她的错, 我还是严厉批评了她. 如果我是个更成熟的人, 我早就应该请她走了)

05. drag someone through it, to
定义: 拖某人下水, 让某人遭池鱼之殃, 连累某人; 强迫某人一起经历不愉快之事.
例句: He may have had an understanding with his wife who is now resigning because part of that understanding was that if he got caught he wouldn't drag her through it. (他也许跟他现在正要辞职的妻子取得默契, ​​因为这个默契的一部分是如果他一旦东窗事发他不会连累她)

06. drag someone through the mire/mud, to
定义: 把某人名声搞臭, 要某人名誉扫地, 使某人出丑.
例句: He tried to give me some sort of warning but dropped it in the end because I think he realized that I wouldn't drag him through the mire anyway. (他曾试图给我某种警告但他最后放弃了因为我认为他了解到我反正不会让他出丑)

07. drag someone to ..., to
定义: 强迫某人..., 拖着某人去...
例句: My monkey-loving girlfriend dragged me to see "Rise of the Planet of the Apes" on an opening Friday night with a rowdy audience. (我喜欢猴子的女朋友拖着我跟着一群吵闹的观众去看星期五晚上首映的"猩球崛起"电影)

08. drag someone's name through the mire/mud, to
定义: 把某人名声搞臭, 要某人名誉扫地, 使某人出丑.
例句: Her ex-boyfriend can be counted on to drag her name through the mire every chance he gets. (只要有机会的话, 她的前男友肯定会不惜一切地把她的名声搞臭)

09. drag something down, to
定义: 拉下/拖垮/减低某事或物的数量或品质.
例句: The pension funds of the three car makers are dragging profits down. (这三大汽车厂的退休基金正拖垮他们的利润)

10. drag, a
定义: [俚语]枯燥无聊的人或事; 街道.
例句: Mary's party was a drag. We just sat around and talked. (玛丽的派对枯燥无聊. 我们只是坐在那儿穷聊)

11. dragged kicking and screaming, be
定义: 被别人硬拖走; 被别人强迫; 心不甘情不愿. (注: 意指虽然你全力抗拒, kicking and screaming, 还是被强迫去做某事)
例句: They told him he needed a computer, but he had to be dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st century. (他们告诉他需要一部电脑, 但他还是心不甘情不愿被强迫进入二十一世纪. 注: 意指他仍然想要以旧方式处理工作, 并不想把工作电脑化)

12. dragged through a knothole, be
定义: 疲劳, 疲惫不堪.
例句: After a divorce and a funeral, Annie looked like she'd been dragged through a knothole. (处理完了离婚以及丧事之后, 安妮看上去疲惫不堪)

13. dragnet, a
定义: 警方捕罪犯所设的搜索网; 捕鱼用的海底拖网; 地面上捕小兽的网.
例句: Fifteen women and men were caught in the police dragnet Saturday night and as a result the office of the Mayor was filled to the brim. (十五名男女于星期六晚间落网, 因此市长办公室挤满了人. 注:意指这个小市镇的市长办公室被暂时用来作为羁押人犯的场地)

14. dragon lady, a
定义: 强势跋扈的女人; 神秘迷人的女人.
例句: I'm fed up with my hawk-eyed, dragon lady boss whose eyes never gazed at anything other than me and several other employee's. (我真受不了我的眼光犀利, 强势的女老板, 她的眼光一直盯着我和其他几个员工身上)

15. drain off, to
定义: 把水排干, 空干; 吸走, 侵吞.
例句: When the noodles are cooked, rinse them in cold water couple of times, drain off the water and set them aside. (当面条煮熟了之后, 用冷水冲洗两次, 把水空干, 把它们放一边)

16. drain plug, a
定义: 排水塞子, 放水/油塞子.
例句: Instead of going to an auto mechanic, many owners change their motor oil themselves. An important part of the process is to clean the oil drain plug. (许多车主宁愿自己换机油而不把车子送到修车厂保养. 把机油箱的塞子清乾净是一件重要的工作项目)

17. drain the lizard, to
定义: [俚语]撒尿, 小便(只使用于男人).
例句: Hold on, I'm going to drain the lizard and be back in five minutes. (等一下, 我要去尿尿, 我五分钟内回来)

18. drain the swamp, to
定义: 排去沼泽的水; 清除问题, 危害或混乱.
例句: If I were manager, my first step would be to drain the swamp of our department. (如果我是经理的话, 我首先要做的是清除我们部门的问题)

19. drainpipe trousers, a pair of
定义: 紧身裤.
例句: Even the black leather drainpipe trousers were loose on her extremely slender frame. (即使紧身裤在她极瘦的骨架上还看起来还是松垮垮的)

20. drama queen, a
定义: [不礼貌语]过份情绪化, 反应过度, 小题大做或大惊小怪的人(但多指女人).
例句: Get over it and stop being such a drama queen! (忘掉这件事吧, 别再小题大做!)



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