二十笔实用成语 324

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二十笔实用成语 324

帖子 royl » 周三 3月 28, 2012 12:11 pm

二十笔实用成语 324

01. draw comparisons, to
定义: 作对照或比较, 作类比分析.
例句: However, it's difficult to draw comparisons because these things weren't issues back when Clinton was POTUS. (但是, 这是难作比较的因为这些事情在克林顿作总统的期间并不是问题. 注: 这里的POTUS是Presidents of the United States, 美国总统的缩写)

02. draw conclusions, to
定义: 得出结论.
例句: Read the following passage and answer the questions. You will need to use the information given to draw conclusions based on what you know. (阅读下面的一段文章再回答这些问题. 你将必须要使用这个被提供的资料,基于你对它的了解来得出结论)

03. draw distinctions, to
定义: 作区分, 突显相异之处.
例句: Laws often draw distinctions between people, and the vast majority of the time those distinctions are proper. (法律经常对人群作出区分, 在绝大部分的情形下, 这些区分是适当的)

04. draw down, to
定义: 用光, 花光, 消耗尽.
例句: That addiction drained his wallet, and drew down his bank account which could have been used to set him up in business. (那个嗜好花光了他手上的金钱, 也消耗尽了他的银行积蓄, 这个积蓄本来可以作为他开店做生意的资本)

05. draw fire, to
定义: 引起/遭到别人的批评; 成为目标, 被人攻击.
例句: State Senator John Andrews is drawing a lot of fire for his bill which would require posting the Ten Commandments in public schools. (州参议员约翰•安德鲁斯由于他规定把十诫张贴在公立学校的法案遭到各方的挞伐批评)

06. draw first blood, to
定义: 先下手为强, 首先攻击, 首先得分或胜利.
例句: Yes, we are in the midst of class warfare but it was the wealthy, championed by Republicans, that drew first blood. (没错, 我们正处于阶级斗争中, 只是这个斗争是由共和党所捍卫的富人首先发起的攻击)

07. draw in one's horns, to
定义: 退缩, 自我克制, 收敛趾高气昂的态度.
例句: For a minute it looked like they were going to start slugging each other, but then they drew in their horns. (一时之间他们似乎准备要拳脚相向, 但随后他们却保持自我克制)

08. draw in the reins, to
定义: 克制; 停止; 屈服.
例句: I am just taking steps to slow down a bit and draw in the reins and not bite off more than I can chew. (我只是采取步骤缓慢下来, 保持自我克制, 避免好高骛远, 不自量力)

09. draw in, to
定义: 集中, 接近; 吸引, 引诱; 素描, 画草图; 带到结束; 季节缩短; 变为更谨慎或节约.
例句: As the day drew in and weather started to turn, I couldn't help thinking that we are in mid August and only a few more weeks until the autumn will come upon us. (当白天将结束之时, 天气开始转变, 我不得不想到我们正处于八月中旬, 再过几个星期秋季就要来临)

10. draw it to my attention, to
定义: 引起我注意/知道这件事情.
例句: I am delighted to hear that news and thank you for drawing it to my attention. (我很高兴听到这个消息, 谢谢你让我知道它)

11. draw lessons from past mistakes, to
定义: 从过去错误中汲取教训.
例句: In retrospect, we can draw lessons from our past mistakes or from the success of other people. (回想过去, 我们可以从过去错误中汲取教训或者从别人的成功里学到经验)

12. draw lots for, to
定义: 抽签/抓阄决定.
例句: To play it fair, we're going to draw lots for it. Okay, everybody. I have your names here and I'm going to draw two names and that's it. It's final. (为了公平起见, 我们来抽签决定它. 好了, 大家. 这里我有你们的名字, 我要抽出两个名字, 就是这样子. 这是最后的决定)

13. draw money out, to
定义: (从银行或自动提款机)提款, 提出现金.
例句: My employer makes it really hard to draw money out of my 401k b​​ut I need it for an attorney, what can I do? (我公司让我们很不方便从401K帐户里提款, 但我需要钱来雇用律师, 我该怎么办?)

14. draw near/nigh, to
定义: 渐渐接近, 临近, 走近.
例句: With the rise of temperature, spring is drawing near, plum blossoms are seen in Donghu Park in Wuhan. (由于气温的升高, 春天渐渐接近, 武汉市东湖公园可以观赏到绽放的梅花)

15. draw off, to
定义: 拿走, 撤销; 移到一旁, 向前移.
例句: He illegally drew off thousands of dollars that had been earmarked for the charity. (他非法地盗走本来指定捐给慈善机关的数千元美元)

16. draw on/upon, to
定义: 接近; 穿戴; 雇用; 充分使用; 吸取, 吸入.
例句: His new book draws on his personal experience as a recovering alcoholic. (他的新书充分地利用他身为一个戒酒成功者的经验)

17. draw out, to
定义: 除去, 抽出; 拉长时间, 拖延时间, 拖拖拉拉地说; 让人畅所欲言.
例句: I thought that speech would never end. The speaker could have said everything important in about five minutes, but he drew the speech out for over an hour! (我以为这个演说永远不会结束. 这位演讲者其实可以把所有重要的讯息五分钟之内说清楚, 但他拖拖拉拉地说了一个多钟头!)

18. draw someone out, to
定义: 让某人畅所欲言.
例句: She was very quiet but we finally were able to draw her out so that she could tell us the whole story. (她原本非常不想说话, 但我们终于能够让她畅所欲言以便她能够告诉我们整个发生的经过)

19. draw someone's fire, to
定义: 引起某人的批评; 成为某人目标, 被人攻击.
例句: You draw their fire while I move behind them. You distract them. (当我移到他们的后面的时候你吸引他们的攻击. 帮我转移他们的注意)

20. draw someone's wrath, to
定义: 引起某人的愤怒.
例句: I lived in constant fear of her although I never drew her wrath. (虽然我从来没有引起她的愤怒, 我却一直活在恐惧她的阴影之下)



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