二十笔实用成语 326

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二十笔实用成语 326

帖子 royl » 周日 4月 01, 2012 11:27 pm

二十笔实用成语 326

01. Dream on!
[成语句型]继续做梦吧! 这事情根本不会发生的!

02. dream out, to
定义: 发明, 设计, 捏造, 图谋.
例句: In all honesty, I dreamt this out within a week or so. Just thought the idea was interesting. (说实在的, 我在大约一个星期内设计出这套东西. 我只是觉得这个主意有意思)

03. dream team, the
定义: 梦幻的队伍/组合, 理想的队伍/组合.
例句: Barbecue and sport make a dream team for many Australians, with 43% saying barbecue is the best food for watching sports, according to an independent study. (对许多澳洲人来说, 烤肉和运动是个理想的组合; 根据一项独立调查, 百分之四十三的人说烤肉是观看运动时的最佳食物)

04. dream up, to
定义: 发明, 发展, 捏造, 图谋.
例句: Being the big supporters of the arts, they have dreamed up a plan to turn those blank walls into a photography gallery. (身为艺术的狂热支持者, 他们发展出一套计划把这些空白的墙变成一排展示照片的画廊)

05. dredge up, to
定义: 挖掘, 疏浚; 重提不愉快事情, 旧事重提.
例句: Why are you dredging up something from so long ago? It has already been decided. What on earth is your interest? (你干嘛还重提多年前的往事? 它已经被决定下来了. 真不知道你还想怎样?)

06. drenched to the skin, be
定义: 全身湿透.
例句: Within minutes, I was drenched to the skin. After what seemed a wet eternity, during which people in cars passed me, I eventually found my car. (就在几分钟之内, 我全身湿透. 在好像永久湿淋淋之后, 在那个期间开车的人们一一驶过我身边, 我终于找到我的车子)

07. dress clothes, the
定义: 正式外出服装. (注: 意指比便装更正式的服装)
例句: Why don't you change your dress clothes before you repair the car? (你为什么不先换掉你的外出服装再修这部车?)

08. dress code, the
定义: 服装规定, 着装标准.
例句: I don't know the dress codes for tonight's dinner but I would think jackets and ties are allowed, and T-shirts, shorts, sneakers or flip-flops are not allowed. (我不知道今晚宴会的服装规​​定但我认为西装和领带是可以接受的, 而T恤, 短裤, 运动鞋, 拖鞋是不会被接受的)

09. dress down, to
定义: 严厉斥责; 穿着非正式的衣服尤其配合活动或地域.
例句: I got dressed down for having a messy bedroom again. See, my problem is that I just can't keep it neat. (我因为卧室脏乱又被斥责. 听我说, 我的问题是我根本没法维持它整洁)

10. dress rehearsal, the
定义: 戏装彩排.
例句: All actors must come to the dress rehearsal – our last practice. (所有的演员都必须要来参加戏装彩排– 我们最后一次排戏)

11. dress the cut/wound, to
定义: 清洗, 上药, 包扎伤口.
例句: I dressed the cut with sterile gauze. My son didn't even cry. (我拿无菌纱布来包扎这个伤口. 我儿子居然没喊疼)

12. dress the part, to
定义: 适当地着装. (注: 意指穿着符合身份或场合的服装)
例句: Talk to Susan, she will show you how to dress the part and brush up on your job hunting skills without spending a lot. (你该跟苏珊谈谈, 她会告诉你如何在不花大钱的情况下适当地着装以及温习你的找工作技巧)

13. dress to kill, to
定义: 穿着高贵, 新潮, 迷死人的盛装.
例句: The wives are dressing to kill for their second mates when their primary mates are at sea. My advice to the primary mates, enjoy yourselves in those far away ports. (当她们丈夫在海上工作时, 这些妻子们正穿着盛装去寻找其他男人. 我给这些丈夫的劝告是, 在遥远的港口尽情享受你的人生吧)

14. dress up, to
定义: 穿着正式的或精致的服装或礼服; 穿着戏服或特种服饰; 佩戴或伪装使自己更有趣或引人.
例句: He decided to dress up for dinner at the restaurant. (他决定要穿着正式礼服到这家餐厅赴晚宴)

15. dressed (up) to the nines, be
定义: 穿着时髦盛装.
例句: Here I am in jeans. Everybody else is dressed to the nines. (我现在穿着牛仔裤. 而其他人却穿着时髦)

16. dressed in black/red/white, be
定义: 身穿黑/红/白色的服装, 身穿黑/红/白色的衣裤或衣裙.
例句: Most men find women dressed in red more sexually attractive and will spend more money on a date with her. (大多数的男人发现穿红色服装的女人更具性魅力并且舍得花更多的钱跟她约会)

17. drift apart, to
定义: 飘移; 疏远, 渐行渐远.
例句: We used to be great friends, but we've gradually drifted apart over the years. (我们过去曾经是好朋友, 但我们这些年来却渐行渐远)

18. drift off, to
定义: 打瞌睡, 睡着了.
例句: Holly never fails to remind me about the time I drifted off while she was pouring out her heart to me. (荷莉从不放弃任何机会提醒我有关当初她在跟我倾诉心声的时候我居然睡着了)

19. drift toward ..., to
定义: 漂流向...; 移向, 渐渐接近.
例句: Medicare is drifting toward disaster. As we age, medical expenses grow. It will implode in 2019 when the Medicare Trust Fund is projected to become insolvent. (联邦老年医疗保健正移向灾难. 当我们老化之时医疗花费也跟着增加. 当医疗保健信托基金被预测于2019年破产, 它也将崩溃)

20. drink (to) someone's health, to
定义: 为某人的健康干杯.
例句: "We drank to his health." "I'll drink to that!" ("我们来为他健康干杯." "我深表同意!")



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