二十笔实用成语 328

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二十笔实用成语 328

帖子 royl » 周四 4月 05, 2012 6:48 am

二十笔实用成语 328

01. drive into the ground, to
定义: 摧毁, 毁灭; 疲惫不堪; 追究一个话题直到完全的讨论或无话可说为止; 插进土内.
例句: Once I had the car working, I pretty much drove it into the ground. I took it to a garage where a guy showed me that my fluids were basically sludge. (自从我把这部车子修好之后, 我几乎把他摧毁了. 我把它送进一家修车厂, 一个技工给我看车子用的液体基本上变成了泥浆)

02. drive off, to
定义: 驱离, 赶走, 驶离.
例句: The loud siren drove off the intruder, and the security system simultaneously summoned police assistance. (这个响亮的警铃声把入侵者赶走, 在此同时安全系统也招呼警方协助)

03. drive one's ducks to a poor pond, to
定义: 濒临破产, 穷困, 一文不名.
例句: She made a poor choice when she chose a husband. She drove her ducks to a poor pond. (当她选择丈夫时, 她做了一个错误的决定. 她让她自己濒临破产)

04. drive one's pigs to market, to
定义: 鼾声如雷.
例句: He was so busy driving his pigs to market that I could not get to sleep; and it was just as well that I could not, for I was able to reflect what had happened today. ​​(他忙着鼾声如雷让我没法睡眠; 幸好我不能睡, 因为我可以反思今天所发生的事情)

05. drive out, to
定义: 驱离, 赶走; 驶离, 开车出去.
例句: We woke up before sunrise and drove out to where the beach meets the mountains. (我们在日出前起床, 开车到依山傍水的海滩)

06. drive past/by, to
定义: 驱车驶过, 开车经过.
例句: When I drove past his house, he smiled and waved at me, mouthing the words "Thank you." (当我开车经过他的房子, 他高兴地微笑和跟我挥手, 不出声地说出"谢谢你.")

07. drive someone bananas, to
定义: 逼得某人发疯, 恼怒, 抓狂; 令人不胜其扰, 忍无可忍.
例句: Maybe because she didn't know what had happened between the two and it was driving her bananas. (也许因为她并不知道他们两人之间发生了什么事, 这事让她不胜其扰)

08. drive someone batty, to
定义: 逼得某人发疯, 恼怒, 抓狂; 令人不胜其扰, 忍无可忍.
例句: The noise from that motorcycle is driving me batty! (这辆摩托车发出的噪音逼得我发疯!)

09. drive someone bonkers, to
定义: 逼得某人发疯, 恼怒, 抓狂; 令人不胜其扰, 忍无可忍.
例句: Al is 5'9" tall and has an average build—he's just an inch shorter than his younger brother, which drives him bonkers. (艾尔五尺九吋高, 体格普通—他只比他弟弟矮一吋, 但这件事令他恼怒不已)

10. drive someone crazy, to
定义: 逼得某人发疯, 恼怒, 抓狂; 令人不胜其扰, 忍无可忍.
例句: That TV commercial drives me crazy! It's on every channel! (那个电视广告整得我不胜其扰! 它在每个频道都播放!)

11. drive someone mad, to
定义: 逼得某人发疯, 恼怒, 抓狂; 令人不胜其扰, 忍无可忍.
例句: She nearly drove Tom mad by tapping his arm at various intervals and saying, "We must go faster. We're getting late." (她每隔一段路就轻拍汤姆的膀臂并提醒他, "我们要开快一点. 我们要迟到了,"她几乎把汤姆逼得发疯)

12. drive someone nuts, to
定义: 逼得某人发疯, 恼怒, 抓狂; 令人不胜其扰, 忍无可忍.
例句: When we first moved here, I had wind chimes out on our front porch and they drove Jenny nuts with their constant clanging. (当我们刚搬来这里的时候, 我把风铃挂在我们的前院阳台上, 它们不停地发出叮叮当当声音, 把珍妮逼得不胜其扰)

13. drive someone out of their mind, to
定义: 逼得某人发疯, 恼怒, 抓狂; 令人不胜其扰, 忍无可忍.
例句: The children were driving me out of my mind with all of their childish demands. (这些小朋友开出可笑的要求把我整得恼怒不已)

14. drive someone over the edge, to
定义: 逼得某人发疯, 恼怒, 抓狂; 令人不胜其扰, 忍无可忍.
例句: My daughter has to have her way and if she doesn't get it she's going to throw a fit. I love her but sometimes she drives me over the edge. (我女儿非要别人听她的, 如果不从她的所愿, 她就大发脾气. 我虽然爱她, 但有时候她逼得我忍无可忍)

15. drive someone round the bend, to
定义: 逼得某人发疯, 恼怒, 抓狂; 令人不胜其扰, 忍无可忍.
例句: I have a friend coming to stay this weekend. I think this will drive my wife round the bend because she takes her privacy very seriously. (我一个朋友来我家渡周末. 我想这事会让我妻子抓狂因为她很注重她的隐私)

16. drive someone round the twist, to
定义: 逼得某人发疯, 恼怒, 抓狂; 令人不胜其扰, 忍无可忍.
例句: My mom has popcorn stuck in her teeth and its driving her round the twist trying to get the thing out. (我妈妈因为爆米花卡在她的牙齿上, 为了把这东西弄下来整得她抓狂)

17. drive someone to distraction, to
定义: 逼得某人发疯, 恼怒, 抓狂; 令人不胜其扰, 忍无可忍.
例句: There's a constant buzzing noise and it's driving me to distraction. (那里不停地发出嗡嗡噪音, 逼得我发狂)

18. drive someone to drink, to
定义: 逼得某人发疯, 恼怒, 抓狂; 令人不胜其扰, 忍无可忍; 令人借酒浇愁.
例句: The bad economy not only drive people to drink, but also it gives them more time to do it. (这个糟透的经济不仅逼得人们借酒浇愁, 它还给予他们更多的时间借酒浇愁)

19. drive someone up the wall, to
定义: 逼得某人发疯, 恼怒, 抓狂; 令人不胜其扰, 忍无可忍.
例句: I won't babysit at the Joneses. The kids drive me up the wall. (我才不愿意看顾琼斯家的小孩. 这些小孩逼得我不胜其扰)

20. drive the porcelain bus, to
定义: 趴在马桶上呕吐. (注: porcelain bus象征瓷器做的马桶)
例句: I ate some shellfish, got sick and drove the porcelain bus Friday night. I never want to feel that way again. (我星期五晚上吃了一些贝类海鲜弄得我恶心, 接着又趴在马桶上呕吐. 我再也不想受这种痛苦)



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